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1.1k · Nov 2017
Deana M Nov 2017
I don't want to tell sad stories
the world has enough
oddly soft focused, florescent beacons
as far as the eye can see
all the other stories
sharp edged brilliant
lost in the bright fog
of lost heart, lost love, lost life
so I try to grasp the harder thing
hold the smaller
harder moments
that don't make you bleed
932 · Nov 2017
Behind closed eyes
Deana M Nov 2017
behind closed eyes
I still your face
my hand reaches for nothing
and I feel you press a kiss
to my palm
eyes close tighter
so my hand can reach again
And feel your beating heart
542 · Nov 2017
Silver Sea
Deana M Nov 2017
I flew
on the wind of an uttered name
and fell to earth
gripping strands of hair
caught before I hit the ground
I floated
on a silver sea of years
that sings all the songs I know
making me forget the words
humming the tune
I dove
beneath a surface calm as glass
hiding burning currents
pulling me down to the sand
that made the surface crystal clear
I rested
on the bottom
holding your hand
390 · Oct 2017
Deana M Oct 2017
those you hold
that warm skin beneath your hand
is an easy anchor to hold
the fast heartbeat of now
and a sure smile
the light shines around that figure
onto you and only exists
because you see it
you smell the birth of a day
every breath chooses how to feel
they're your rocks
and they weigh what you let them
340 · Nov 2017
The words
Deana M Nov 2017
When you needed them
they we're always there
the few, the many, the endless many
uncaring of use
just wanting to be used
so now you curse them
still they wait
wanting to be used
332 · Nov 2017
Would you breathe
Deana M Nov 2017
would you breathe
the flame sits upon your palm
would you breathe
inhaling fire
exhaling regret
falling to ash
hold your breath
then breathe with me
323 · Nov 2017
Deana M Nov 2017
spread out under open skies
stars and thready clouds
the only witness
to how we end this day
did you choose to spin the stars
into circles of light
or lay
and let them turn themselves
as I turn to you
298 · Nov 2017
this dreamscape
Deana M Nov 2017
Take my hand
while we walk this dreamscape
this nightscape
trading minutes for something
near extraordinary
more costly than time
an infinite moment
with no rhyme
272 · Dec 2017
I slept
Deana M Dec 2017
I slept
a deeper sleep
dreamed a silvered dream
of long soft couches
under blankets
where we giggle like children
And forget what we fear
272 · Nov 2017
Deana M Nov 2017
the only solace
is knowing
that scar
that image
in your mind
has a twin
in them
252 · Nov 2017
Deana M Nov 2017
I thought to mesh an incongruity
pull two edges together
before I realized
I'm not the puzzle

I am the air between the pieces
251 · Nov 2017
Visible moments
Deana M Nov 2017
in deep and screeching tones
a table full of cards
hands passing at the speed of light
I smile
and absorb the visible moment
of a happy life
moments you should always take
being so many
but so quick to take flight
248 · Dec 2017
Deana M Dec 2017
whispers across the pillow
and pages turning
whispers on skin
and paper tearing
mumbling under your breath
and books closing
223 · Oct 2017
Deana M Oct 2017
all the angles
feeding the whirlwind
spinning the leaves at your feet
you walk thru very slowly
knowing you are the whirlwind
spinning a life
still incomplete
195 · Oct 2017
Deana M Oct 2017
carved down to it's basic shape
the extraneous fell away
it became private art on public display
we stand frozen in the gallery
puzzling over all the designs
no longer able to see the frame

— The End —