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38 · Jan 2020
3 on a match
Brandt Hott Jan 2020
If hatred is your passion, and harm replaces your harmony

Then truly I cannot wait any longer for the spark of hope that you have already suppressed,

Only if you might ask, then perhaps someone or somebody might offer you a light.

If that light might be offered, and I know it always will be offered,

at least have the courtesy,

to not blow it out.
34 · Jan 2020
Only if
Brandt Hott Jan 2020
If all the love in the world could heal the broken hearts
to once again give new life to what despair had lost
and insults turned to praises, violence turned to compassion
without longer worrying what does it cost

If all the the dreams that didn't come true could at least
serve to inspire us to keep dreaming
and continue to ****** us in this mystical romance

If all the hatred somehow withered into a bad understanding
that with a little effort we could somehow start to mend the damage
and find a way to truly say, it wasn't our intention
we are just learning along the way

Then maybe we could pick up the pieces of what's been shattered
and assemble them into a living art of our own expression
that could actually make someone smile
and be glad they are breathing the breathe of the living
and not the forgotten

Then maybe once again we could learn
that even love has a bad day
but that should never had been a reason
to have thrown it all away.
31 · Jan 2020
Brandt Hott Jan 2020
on the road in this journey of mine
often times I simply lost my mind
running in front of what is behind
trying to unravel the mystery of why

Somehow I wanted to find the soul
of the living that I didn't know
to uncover on this winding road
a path that wasn't known before

Maybe I lost the map of my ways
in the remorse of latter days
and stumbled upon my own dismay
of what I thought I should had made

In reflection of what has come to now
I realize that it wasn't really the how
rather that I had no need to doubt
that to live is not to be without
27 · Jan 2020
Brandt Hott Jan 2020
Stumbling and tripping over the same
for which no one is the more to blame
it wasn't perfection that made the day
it was the chance to learn from our mistakes

over and over again we repeat this song
sometimes we sing soft sometimes we sing strong
always looking for the place where we can belong
hoping ever hoping that harmony will carry us along

The rules of the game were not meant to dismay
they are in place to help us along the way
to learn to love, to share, and lose our hate
heaven waits for us to learn perfection from our mistakes

then as one, each different, but harmoniously united
we shall solve this riddle of what holds us divided
the idea that creation would judge its own reflection
is an idea that divination can give back to creation

The radiance of hope in our eyes as we strive          
to find someone that loves us and doesn't ask why
is what makes us all so inspiring, amazing,

    so beautifully divine
26 · Jan 2020
Brandt Hott Jan 2020
When the hand that we love, makes us dust, we think how to not to do the unjust.
If reason they had, it was never shown. Not even a heart, not even a bone. We were treated like nothing, but here we still are. And we are still waiting for are cookie jar. Not poisoned brownies from mamma, just a hello I love you and I'm glad that you are.
25 · Apr 2020
A fool that drools
Brandt Hott Apr 2020
Living the life of a fool that drools
Because what isn’t lustful isn’t news
But when we all look to the distant
We see, what we lust and truly mean

Give the life a breathe of God
And then first learn to love and lost
From there one can decide to take
Their fate for the mistakes they’d
Might had made

We aren’t so different and so unkind
To our very kind that kept us in mind
We are creation, and the best we could
Is not forget what we hadn´t should

Live the moment for what it’s not
Never live for what you thought
22 · Jan 2020
go wanting
Brandt Hott Jan 2020
when you breathe the respiration of the passion that you once inhaled
it somehow reminds you that you still are on the trail
the scent, the surroundings, as the heart entails
to tell the story of something more than just a tale

if there wasn't more, or if it got lost in the concept
of who we are, who we will be or who he wasn't
we can still accept the final "he who doesn't"
because to do to not, is more perfect than to not be absent.

In the presence of who had wanted, still wanted, and still go wanting
21 · Jan 2020
Brandt Hott Jan 2020
We are never homeless. A home is not 4 walls.

A home is not a locked door or a door that you can lock and unlock.

A home is not a place to hide, nor to cover yourself from the elements.

The home one creates, is a place, deep within their heart.

A place where everyone is welcome,

Welcome to be, to create, to realize, to learn

No one is homeless, no man, no woman, no creature, no insect, on this planet, in this world is homeless.

We all belong to who we are, and what we are.

The only homeless in this world are the people who do not listen to their heart.
19 · Jan 2020
Our Song
Brandt Hott Jan 2020
Every breathe I take
Every heart I break
Every time I mistake
Let it all be in the plan
to become more than I am
and to not be late

For the time is always the ticking chance
to redo what one could not had undone at last
to have had

   the experience to improve
   the heartbreak to cry
   the music to inspire
   the reason to carry on
   the vision to belong
   the passion to thrive

As we are all children who have never grown
let us all then become more than old souls
let us bring a new vision to whats already known
so that we can for once begin to truly unfold

to blossom for all and give light
to the darkness that made our blight
in all of our struggles to survive
to not only think of being alive

but also to give rhyme to our plight
and calmly give day into night

knowing that within this history we also belong

and no one can ever, stop our song...

— The End —