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- Dec 2019
I can't see the forest through the trees anymore
It's all just thicket to me now

No ocean to see behind the waves
No sea behind swells and squalls

I’ve become lost in the details
Of a life I find tolerable at best

One day I decided I knew
I couldn’t be happy with the overall

So I sifted the sands of details
To find some silver lining, a reprieve

And now I find myself lost in the failure
Of details that make up the failure of all

Now there’s no forest for me to see
It’s all just blurred to thicket for me
- Dec 2019
I hope you're doing well
I'm drunk and thinking of you
At four in the morning

But if I were to be honest
I was thinking of you sober
Back around noon, too.
- Dec 2019
The memory of you is radiant,
Bright and beautiful, like your fur.
But if I focus on it,
I can feel a slight burn,
Like the blisters on my palms
From the wood of the shovel
I dug your grave with.
- Nov 2019
After everything you’ve done
I don’t hate you

I wish you a long and beautiful life
Where every dream comes true

I hope you start a family
And find love again

I hope you find a career
That makes you smile again

I hope you have a wonderful life
Just don’t let it intersect with mine
- Nov 2019
I woke up to sirens again
- Nov 2019
It’s cold today.
The birds are silent.
The bugs are gone.
Everyone is indoors.

It’s quiet.
- Nov 2019
There was nothing that brought me more joy
Than the sound of your voice
The sight of your face

And now the mere thought of you is sickening
Your name in my mouth tastes of bile
Thoughts of you have rotted

I won’t say I don’t miss you
Although, I don’t miss you now
I only miss who you were

Whatever the cause, the ring that I wore for years
Feels heavier now, nearly clumsy
It fits me poorly these days

But I put on the bracelet you gave me
I wore it for four years before
But now it fits as a rusted shackle would
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