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Robert Heller Sep 2017
Alas, when this life finds us
Broken down upon the road,
Seek no quarter, no dying mercy,
Or pity in shame to hold.

For the adventure began in morning,
Goes on into the night,
We can lie quiet beside the byway
Or stand up in the middle and fight!

Though the light at the end of the tunnel
Is such a sweet and haunting grace,
The glory is not in the finish,
Rather in how well we run the race.

True beauty is not unblemished,
Nor pristine without a scar.
True beauty is living the best life
Exactly where we are!

So fight, fight the good fight,
Accept no reprimand,
Give all to the battle before you,
Stand up, stand up, and stand!

Robert Heller Sep 2017
Twas just a thing like Eden
That slipped from off your face,
White lilies short in season,
God's best and fallen grace.
Birdsongs greet the morning
Then quickly take to flight,
There's pain in late becomings
Through the dim and fading light.
Tis short though, the price to open
The weight of Heaven's door,
To mend what time has broken
Returning home to love once more!

— The End —