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277 · Sep 2017
New World
Andy Lyle Sep 2017
There was another planet out there
In a Galaxy far away
Where everything was dying
As its sun had gone astray

The Elder of the planet
Knew very well of their plight
That very soon no day would come
They would have only night

He picked the best out from his tribe
Placed them all in a craft
Shooting them off into Space
He hoped his race would last

And here is where it landed
All those light years ago
They formed the Human Race right here
On this planet Earth below

The Elders prayers were answered
Because Adam and Eve had found
A land that they could live on
With lots of food around

They prayed to their heavenly father
For having the insight
To send them from their planet
Where there was only night
209 · Sep 2017
Andy Lyle Sep 2017
My eyes were overwhelmed
By the beauty of her face
How her hair shone in its bob cut
Not a strand was out of place

And when I walked beside her
I felt privileged to be there
I’d have walked a thousand miles
My time with her to share

Yet when she looked into the mirror
A different picture met her eyes
She could see just fat and ugly
And what she called thunder thighs

If I lived another lifetime
Trying to convince her of her mistake
It would have made no difference
She would still be in the lake

Don’t let your mind deceive you
Or others who would tease
You are how you were meant to be
And you have no one to appease
194 · Sep 2017
Maybe Tomorrow
Andy Lyle Sep 2017
The Sun had left the horizon
Far behind when I awoke
To face another pointless day
Being destitute and broke

Got up off my friends sofa
Went and made a cup of tea
Had a look through an old paper
Just to find a place for me

Saw a few that might be ok
But I could never pay the rent
Without job and accommodation
I’ll end up living in a tent

Maybe I could have tried harder
In the classroom years ago
I did not think I’d end up here
How the hell was I to know

I even served my country
But that does not mean a thing
Only when I need some shelter
I can some old mates ring

I don’t want to be a burden
And it fills me up with shame
That I have to seek their help
When they are not to blame

I keep looking on the bright side
At least I still have legs to walk
Unlike some other poor soldiers
Who are too shell shocked to talk

Maybe tomorrow I can beat the Sun
And wait patiently to see her rise
To fill my life with her warm embrace
And her ever changing endless skies
184 · Sep 2017
Yellow Ochre Sun
Andy Lyle Sep 2017
Yellow ochre sun
In Vermilion sky
What a lovely canvas
Pleasing to the eye

Cirrus clouds change
From grey to red
As wild birds fly
To their tree top bed

Red now changes
Back to darkened grey
As ebony night
Is on its way

There’s an eerie light
From the silver moon
We quicken our pace
To get home soon

Brown bats flitting
Around on the wing
Tawny owl chasing
Every moving thing

Yellow crickets chirping
In the long green grass
Moon disappears
As the grey clouds pass

So soon the darkness
Gives way to morning light
As dawn approaches fast
What a beautiful sight

Tangerine sun
In Magenta sky ….
181 · Sep 2017
River of Love
Andy Lyle Sep 2017
My love for you is like a river
As bubbling stream it had it’s start
Slowly building up momentum
Tugging gently at my heart

Down the hill of life it rumbled
Over rock through gully deep
No obstacle on earth could stop it
No one on earth me from you keep

Now it is a raging torrent
Passion roaring through my veins
Over waterfalls it tumbles
Ever onward strength it gains

Then it comes down to the valley
Slower now but still so strong
Flowing slowly through life’s pastures
Running still and deep and long

Widens gently as it reaches
All the way down to the sea
Where the wind picks up the moisture
To feed sweetheart my love for thee
164 · Sep 2017
Andy Lyle Sep 2017
Nothing gives me greater pleasure
Than having you close by my side
No one else can take your place dear
In my arms at eventide

Days they pass by oh so quickly
Fleeting moments soon are passed
My greatest pleasure comes to me dear
When I’m home with you at last

I wish the days would go more slowly
The extra hour maybe two
To make the days a little longer
So I could spend more time with you

— The End —