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Sep 2017 · 123
Mellow Heart
Em Ray Har Sep 2017
I live in these words with confidence.
I am, eternally golden.
I am, abundance.
I am, despised by few.
I am, the solution.
I am, defined as unique.
I am, all that I am.
My efforts authenticate with the paitent.
With an immortally present muse my latest and greatest manifesto will not be ignored.
The best is yet to come.
Yet they picture me stagnant, displeased by the way I see.
Having time to be me is looked at as precious commodity.
Theres nothing left to say; inside screaming please just look this way. Hoping that you had a good day.
Sun setting remembering that sweet smelling bouquet.
Amused by the way things change. Wondering why folks think I'm the one whose being strange.
How much love do you think you could spare for me?
Just a young heart purposely fit for another who can cherish the.
Sep 2017 · 130
Em Ray Har Sep 2017
Nature itself is hypocritical.
Were alive yet dying.
Dont be so ******* yourself.
Never be selfish with your experience. Dont think for a second that you are the only one who is looking at themselves thru the window of a train. Someone across the globe is listening to the same song as you for a different reason.
We all cry and we all laugh.
How else do you expect nature to survive?
Sep 2017 · 123
Message in The Bottle
Em Ray Har Sep 2017
I think its rather comical; the growing civil unrest of White America.
If you know me you know I call it like I see it, that's it.
I don't hate anyone. To be honest that includes the crooks.
Yet how I'm seeing it now is sort of like a hypertensive reflex that has been stuffed and sealed deep inside, like a message in a bottle.
We the people on the outside of White America; we thought the message might have found its way to a desolate sand bar in the middle of the Bermuda.
Lost and forgotten.
Yet it appears that is not the case.
Parts of White America have gotten the message; great!
Now they want to organize and retaliate, great!
All I have to say is know why you out there in them streets.
Don't just link up for the Instagram photo op.
If your thrill seeking, just jump out of a plane its quicker.
Just know that while your rasing hell out there on Wall St, it’s just burning a bigger hole down on MLK BLVD.

-Em Har
Sep 2017 · 124
View My Mind
Em Ray Har Sep 2017
If only you could see my thoughts.
My words paint a picture, I hope you see the motion within the text.
In my head, are engraved visions of the past.
The smiles. The laughter. The anger. The regret.
Their all there, with me always.
I do my best not to dwell, for I know more memorable moments are to come.
I just want you to know what I’ve seen.
My life on display.
The colors. The people. The darkness. The violence.
Its made me who I am.
I have to take time, to just smile and be proud.
If you could watch my mind on a screen, would you pay attention?
That's a very small price to pay, compared to the scars I’ve collected.
The cinematic display would be award worthy.
The ideas. The insights. The love. The lovers. Here with me always.
At this moment, I'm happily adding you to a whole new scene.
Come sit, lets watch the screen.

-Em Har
Sep 2017 · 113
The Tuning Fork
Em Ray Har Sep 2017
Its common practice to deaden the vibration.
Even though its what were all looking for anyway.
Stumbling an wrestling in the dark.
Plastic rain coats are 99.9% safe, but what would life be like if you never felt the rain?
Not being overly confident when I say they call me quick draw.
Not only because I'm a Texas boy.
Just know I'm aware of the dangers.
Flesh is addictive.
Thankfully I’ve been through withdrawals before.
When your sensitivity is heighten; there I am to take you to another level.
While providing another safe yet rough landing.
You walked the Earth every day unknowingly searching for the key to your vibrational lock.
Now here we are; eye contact is important.
Show me that signature smile.
The ****** of the moment is embedded into your subconscious forever.
I sent you on your way, restlessly longing to revive the feeling.
There you are, home alone without my unique stimulation; what are you reaching for?
Glass or plastic?
Intensity levels are through the roof of your bedroom.
Enjoy yourself, I know you miss me.
Just know together our pitch resonates endlessly.
Well if only you knew.

-Em Har

— The End —