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Bobby Copeland Jan 2020
What seems important?  Now is not
The time nor here the place of sand--
Annealed, reconstituted thought--
Neck high, yet claiming one free hand,
Spent youth a mandala released
In ardent love songs and defeats,
Old sorrows that have scant decreased,
Poured out in lines with bagua beats.
Your frame and mine, the scarred remains,
Fragmented, somehow holding on,
Against the new, the older pains,
The resevoir turned now to stone.
Shanti, shanti, shanti my love,
Do not look back, don't glare above.
Bobby Copeland Aug 2020
It's quiet on the street tonight,
With staying in suggested now.
This city pavement's silent vow--
A gravel boneyard road late night--
Collects my mind and rattles it.
With little left to interfere
For those of us who've made it here,
Inside and out the counterfeit
Cross stages of this brutal script.
No angels left to take the call?
Tonight my friend learned how to fall,
And targeted perhaps the crypt.
Eighteen years of common hours--
Counted up on asphalt flowers.
Bobby Copeland May 2019
She's got a new coat, rabbit fur,
She found marked down in mid July
In a strip mall consignment store.
She's wearing it at work tonight.
A new layer, first to come off
As she dances in bright, hot lights.
Washingtons, Lincolns and Jackson
Collect on a string drunks tug on.

At home she's got a girl and boy,
Who wait with grandma while she works,
Expecting she'll arrive with toys,
And bar food served with plastic forks.
It's Friday night, no school tomorrow.
She packs them in and starts the car.
Bobby Copeland Feb 2019
Am I the last man thinking words
Can overcome your hesitance,
May circumvent your maiden steel,
Too polished by your fingernails?
I'll drop your walls like Jericho,
If syllables can keep the beat,
And slide their music into you.
I'll wake your rhythm, legs askew.

Your skepticism's understood;
Good men are rare, a lot's been said,
So you go disappointment prone,
Distrusting things that you've been told,
Inhaling lines and downing wine,
Forgetting us, sublime--supine.
Bobby Copeland Jul 2022
Sammy can't afford the pills
so he's learned to cook
with just a spoon
& some shaky friends
Bobby Copeland Nov 2021
So I picked up this gig trying
To enlighten the universe
And it's bad pay and long hours,
Benefits more intrinsic than
Bankable, but it needs doing
And just like my uncle Virgil,
When he retired from the Castle
On the Cumberland--the state pen
Where he'd worked since he was thirty--
Told me, there's not many vicious
Killers, not even among the
Lifers, just things that went bad wrong
And could have been to me or you--
Something you need to remember.
Bobby Copeland Sep 2022
the little flaws in reckoning
have set the mortal coil adrift
and leaving not that much to sing
while listening fifteen times tonight,
the slanted needle in Betsy
Reed, Richard still remembering
& triple G with dreams to see,
cashed in with too much sobering
for even gypsies sharing leaves
and not to sentence anyone
to nailed up fixtures holding thieves
alongside someone else's son,
where tears and blood are fountaining--
perhaps there is some more to bring.
Bobby Copeland Oct 2018
I can leave it half full now, the ice tray,
Can drop socks & underwear anywhere,
Don't need to report my own wherabouts,
Just sometimes, like now, to figure them out.
Are you at home? is a loaded question.
Not exactly is a lonely answer.
Bobby Copeland Sep 2022
could this be all you need to see
my misdirected feet turned late
in reassessment of the need
that someone banging on the gate
must have for human consequence
for breath that moves the dust again
the spirit no less hesitant
beneath this inconsistent skin
long parched by lack of festive nights
rough sanded by the loss of time
that somehow wasn't added right
with all results disqualified
we should be keeping this discrete
well knowing it must not repeat
Bobby Copeland Jan 2021
This passage will not steer you sane
Or mend the dread insomnia
Won't dull the existential pain

Or promise heaven hears you call
A comforter no just these streets
Whose long acquaintance seeing all

The butts tossed down the crooked beats
That question every soul tonight
Who takes a step and then repeats

The essence of some second sight
Of mortal blood that cleans the stain
Of what is measured wrong or right

With blue ink borrowed you remain
As white frost settles in the lane
Bobby Copeland Sep 2021
My losses don't add up to much,
The way that I remember them--
Money, a girlfriend who could ****
Like the devil, fight like a mink,
Still does with another old man.
The abyss lies most before me
And I'm eyeing it like a sailor
Who's seen storms before but not this.
Bobby Copeland Oct 2018
Sometimes the song comes late at night,
A lazy time surrounded by
The light, when paper's never there
Except an envelope or three
Collecting dust and penalties,
In need of stamps, in need of checks
And when eventually I send,
With interest principally enclosed,
These notes to Citibank I know
They won't be read, the warning says
Do not enclose, and yet I think
This can't be correspondence, no?
Bobby Copeland Jul 2021
My heart delights in your embrace,
Your cover for the multitude--
Insistence on a sacred place,
Where souls resurge in gratitude,
Accepting my outrageous mind
As easily as picture shows
That light the night as they unwind,
Amid the settling of crows.
Bobby Copeland Jul 2021
Tonight no doubt you see through this,
You might say an attempt
Ongoing at seduction,
As popular as
A lost art
Can ever
Your flesh inspires a raft of words;
Beseeching poetry,
Phone calls and texts--
No one writes letters anymore.
Bobby Copeland Jun 2019
I've been through Webster's book and none of this
Is good enough to understand your love,
Which held me close against the wide abyss--
Not cast below or rising up above,
Mortality the cost of tasting bliss,
Eternal mourning of a peace-blue dove.
Your touch is more than I and I deserve;
Your soul is where the goddess finds her nerve.
Bobby Copeland May 2021
These letters bid you come again,
Not just in dreams but in my arms.
Let pleasure find its best way in,
Set off the devil's own alarms.
I'll play the fool, an old one now,
Who yet believes your batting eyes
Outspeak the misdirected vow
That soon enough proved bad disguise.
Long living takes a need,  give leave
I offer my sincere repeats--
My pen and ink, my sacristy,
Another round of wrinkled sheets.
Unless your heart bends otherwise,
Our foolish pleasures soon seem wise.
Bobby Copeland Sep 2018
How something you didn't know you needed
Can come to be the thing you need the most,
A way to breathe beneath the waves until
Someone like me or you, unlikely friend,
Absorbs the pain, the sweet perfume, instead
Of telling you you're on your own. You've had
Enough watered down love, I know it well,
And yet a stronger shot could prove the cure.

This is not air, just music in a word.
I won't call it anything it isn't.
I've has my share of lovers hating love.
You come again and I'm the helpless man
Who gives you things that vanish in the air,
Thick now with my relentless submissions.
Bobby Copeland Jul 2022
If I could pray for something more
Each blessed day, it would be just
To always have the strength, endure
The arrows and the missing trust,
True potion from the mixing bowl
Of mine & yours and everyone's
Belief in any altered soul
That saves the nation's slaughtered sons
And daughters,  but that's not the world
We're here to see, and so this night,
As good as any, I lay curled
Inside the quickly passing light,
And praise the god who holds my hand,
She's always better than I am...
Bobby Copeland Oct 2019
I once knew a girl from Kentucky,
Whose husband would not let her f**k me.
He landed in jail,
And could not make bail.
Now all of my friends call me lucky.
Bobby Copeland Jun 2020
This old contraption left behind,
Instructions lost or put away
In places not remembered now--
Our leaders having shuffled faith
Or folded it conveniently
Inside America's new cross
That ratchets dreamers off stage right-Still works.  A dab of lubricant
And here we go, chain links advanced,
Cranks jamming thumbs of volunteers.
Let's take it to the county seat
In broad daylight, democracy
In need of several days good work.
Old monuments don't move themselves.
Bobby Copeland May 2021
Imagine the look
The look on the old man's face
As the shepherd
It's a girl
And the wise men
Handing out perfume
We knew it would be so
Bobby Copeland Feb 2020
You feel like you've escaped and then
It's back, that feeling that you've failed
At everything that matters when
The world and you have separate sailed.
Man overboard, call strike the mast.
Unwax your ears and hear the song;
Those sirens that you won't sail past.
Collapse your angel wings, go long.
Reclaim scorched ground in sanity,
Dismiss the cursed curriculum.
Host sacrilegious deity,
Liscentous offerings to come.
Axe whittle down your enemy;
Poseidon take a whiff on me.
Interesting kismet.  When I save Man Overboard to HePo, I get the confirmation
Man Overboard saved successfully.
Bobby Copeland May 2019
A path established long ago
Invites us boys to follow down,
Set up a new encampment here,
On this brown bank of Caster's creek,
And brown our bodies head to toe,
Pretend to be the other's girls,
In tents we've pitched as evening falls,
And constellations fill the sky.

Two brothers and the rest of us
Find arrowheads and smoke grapevines
The morning after we've entwined,
Throw sticks and rocks like savages--
A Saturday to be alive,
Unlike the sons on Asian hills.
Bobby Copeland Sep 2021
Memory, sweet Lorraine, has us
On her tongue straight up, your salty
Lips commanding the pleather couch
As Marie tasted, like yourself,
Delights between your churchly vows,
Bacchus teaching us, twice born, how
Gods know love is made, immortal
Dance from dusk till dawn, forgetting

She had fought with Dan and you had
Visitation scheduled with your
Prisoned man, forgetting all I
Ever knew of what we were and
Why we should be elsewhere soon.
Come, I'd like more exploration.
Bobby Copeland Dec 2018
I understand it better now,
The fall, how you missed the first step,
From there tumbling to the stone floor
And lying there till your brother
Came to find you when I had not
Been able to reach you by phone
And you had not shown up to eat
Your mother's Thanksgiving day meal.
No angel there to break your fall,
Past the curved grain scythe you had nailed
To the wall among the other
Antiques and bric-a-brac found here
And there at yard sales and antique
Malls.  You were a scavenger, lost
Among the women and children
Who might have made a family
And yet did not connect somehow.
I recognized your pain, knowing
How you tried the medications,
Manic at times, though never quite
Level and never good enough
To replace the Russian water,
Cigarettes and desperation.
I carried you out, with our friends,
Mummified like a believer.
You've come back in dreams and handed
Me pieces of your muddy flesh
And broken bones and said make words.
Bobby Copeland Aug 2020
For lack of better words, we say
Poems, prayers and incantations;
Numbers give us expectations.
Studying about that good old way,
Sunday afternoon river shore
Immersion is a passion play--
John casting for his Salome--
Few can remember anymore.
Of course we sang Shall We Gather?
Though not too well, acapella,
Afterwards risked salmonella,
As we broke the bread together.
I chased girls in my Sunday clothes,
And with the boys it came to blows.
Bobby Copeland Jan 2021
should i in love expose my heart
as you decline to recognize
this stiff endurance is an art
such long consideration lies
in measures laid out on the sheets
in melancholic midnight trysts
in black and white in crooked beats
in my misgivings mortal lists
be in this day a flowering
of all that's sown before the sun
a wager on the coming spring
where coverings are all undone
what slithers through your southern lips
it's own hard way finds heaven's slips
Bobby Copeland Apr 2021
Inside this wilderness I wait,
Temptation having ample time
To waste suggesting miracles
That my misguided mind should want--
Delight consumes my will, my thoughts
No longer innocent at hint
Of your return, your lips that part
Expectantly, so long ignored.
Your errant latitude so long
Endured, I  promise nothing more
As evidence than things you know
Already to be true, your steps
Adjusting to the dark where I
Have stumbled lacking even words.
Bobby Copeland Jul 2022
I'll take more here, forego rewards
Backsided as incentive,
Sell out for music, books, T.V.,
Companionship, true love, good humor,
Sufficient food & Shelter.

Death grants humility and I
Could not be prouder of my love,
Whose legs have given way but by
Some christ like reckoning above
My understanding gives me life
While I attempt some lesser songs
That might or might not cover if
The judgement speaks of my worst wrongs,
Which counting up could take some time
(Which lately comes in short supply)
And reconstructions of the crime,
When I have no more taste for I,
And should be settled in for sleep.
The dreams I've promised, she will keep.
Bobby Copeland Apr 2023
she wanted more, then wanted less,
a finely tuned ambivalence--
great love songs written in her name,
crisp folded, flown inside the flame.
my inclination to persist
outweighed the wisdom to resist,
come hell, deep water and the past
(rearview the only looking glass)
still walking past the angels' steps,
a fool in nose deep long-legged depths,
uncertain of the punishment
for such a carnal,  tasty stunt.
she'll read this bittersweet as sin,
complaining at what's never been
Bobby Copeland Aug 2021
The pleasure of a well turned phrase
Does not approach your touch, your taste,
My tongue's adventure in your lips,
Smooth motion of your pulsing hips.
If words could ply their way inside,
I'd give up my infernal pride
And scream your name--a madman's way--
To ask if you have more to say.
Bobby Copeland Sep 2017
It must have been hard to wake from a dream
Where he could do anything, even more
Than anyone alive, to realize then
That he could not move half his body still,
To wait to be transferred by his small wife
From bed to porcelain *** to lift chair-
Unimaginable loss of freedom
In a house he built from lumber he sawed
From timber he cut from a woods he owned.

I grew up there, by that same woods, deep and
Dark in the early morning light, snaking
Logs between still standing  oaks, looking up
For widowmakers, dead limbs that slaughter
Loggers, and over my shoulder for snags
That rear tractors or snap chains that become
Metal whips--so many dangers in that
Woods, yet I  felt safe, as his son, because
He had the confidence I wish I knew.
Bobby Copeland Sep 2019
Fall mornings, he believes, will show
The way back, stretched from afternoon
Above midday, an hour now
And then another, three more soon,
Arrested from the night and laid
Upon his plate with nothing more
Than coffee, toast and marmalade.
Resisting what he used to score.
The afternoon could use a source,
Some meditative carousel
To mitigate the old remorse
Of what has not worked out too well,
And what will come, familiar fright,
His long acquaintance with the night.
Bobby Copeland Mar 2022
if any man has loved a woman more
than i love you he must be heaven's seed,
as i expect a soul does not endure
without connection. what it is i need--
and i am much in need--your heart supplies,
unto the depths of fear while holding fast
to my uncertain, passionate disguise
as someone recognizable at last.
permit me one more privacy tonight,
that i may outweigh heaven and its sun,
give something to the darkness more than light,
and shout until the living has been done,
a sacrilegious lover and a fool,
whose throne has all the makings of a stool.
Bobby Copeland Aug 2022
She's not close tethered to the truth,
Considering the bone-filled cage
That closes quickly after youth,
Without the service of a sage.
So offer me the opening,
Your mind, your heart,  your lips below,
And join the ****** in mortal sin
That makes the lower regions glow.
Hard knowing when the noose is slack
Who'd slice it at their peril or
Who cuts and runs,  who's got your back
When things are too much to endure.
Allow me when you need to live,
To offer all I have to give.
Bobby Copeland Jun 2019
Pompeo says just relocate,
Don't fret about the climate change,
The ice and fires that rearrange--
At any rate it's much too late.

Pompeii saw fire come raining down,
The melted earth run through the streets.
But we have new technologies--
They've parked the rockets outside town.
Bobby Copeland Mar 2021
She raised good vegetables,
Named the barn cat Bluebell,
But never let it come inside,
Swept her husband's shoulders clean
Of sawdust every weekday evening,
And Saturdays at noon.

He always called her mubber,
With obvious delight
That she had been persuaded
To choose him eventually
To father my father,
When times were lean.

She passed out chewing gum at church
To restless children,
Planted flowers and discouraged weeds,
And showed my father's only son
The way to stitch a toy horse--
Blue scrap cloth, foot-pedaled machine.

Smell of woodsmoke winter evenings
Makes me smile through tears,
As Peterson's piano
Knocks out C Jam Blues,
And that old horse
Sits sideways on the mantle.

March saw yellow flowers grow
And I transplanted them
Beneath the pines that lined the drive,
Amid advice they might not grow,
Which would have been the case,
Had she not watered them.

When someone leaves, their feet go first,
And she was there to see him go
Beside those flowers inbetween
Knotty pines and stacked firewood,
To lie in wait, outside of time,
Outside of spoken words.

The melting snow, the most in years,
Gives way now to those flowers,
Or the children of those flowers.
Bobby Copeland Apr 2021
Set here, between the sky & earth
We filled each other's greatest need,
To change this small world casually
To Canaan's land or tacitly
Some semblance of the living word,
A narrow path of flesh and fruit,
Foundation of the universe,
Disguised as just a music show.
The need to move the air tonight,
With screams and pleasant fingerings,
Marks made on pages as the mind
Wants more, wants sin and salvation,
A comfortable bed and a chance
To understand a simple day.
Bobby Copeland Sep 2020
supposing there's a group house or
mansions, cabins, possibly tents
I'm sure my dad would pass those up
for timber and a good toolbox
a Husqvarna° power saw
what we called chainsaws and a Skil°
saw, also known as power saw
down here where dinner's had at noon
myself in syncopating spurts,
small deaths & dancing verbs likewise
would choose to build some sheltering
of flesh transcribed, raw hewn with tools
inadequate to make a stand,
but you know what i mean again
Bobby Copeland Jan 2020
I've learned this language better now,
Can hear each letter's tone of voice,
Who let me know I've sinned somehow,
Still leaving them without a choice,
Despite their subatomic strength,
That should be paired with more than mine,
And then expounded on at length,
As some apocalyptic sign,
When really I am less impressed,
Would trade them for another slate.
Not saying this tonight in jest,
They're insufficient, as of late.
Yet live with them and give them due--
Some nights they cast a lovely hue.
Bobby Copeland Oct 2018
Backs leaned against the wall,
Legs akimbo on the concrete walk,
It's colder near the ground--
Any weatherman can tell you that--
And yet you can't stand all night,
And the shelter doesn't like the way you look.
Bobby Copeland Aug 2020
We understood each other well,
And both of us found pleasure's song
In languages we hadn't heard,
Slow dancing as the light grew dim,
Such effort spent denying death
The time of day.
Bobby Copeland Aug 2021
The night's compassion for sinners,
Even in a small town like this,
Colors the evening red and blue.
My own distraction from death's stare
Is a woman who has seen him
Take her brother and now below
The surface of this reservoir
Allows my **** the pleasuring
Of toes and arches as we seem
To keep our distance, just bathers
In the Blood River where Christians
Come morning will baptize their dead.
Bobby Copeland Jul 2020
Could I sleep tonight in your dreams
I would live again that cold night
We made love on the leather couch
At your friend Karl's stone house outside
The city limits past the farm
With the field of llamas and the
Windmills cranking ecstatically
In those stolen hours when brides
Before their second marriages
Give someone much less practical
A ride to be remembered long
After the cans behind the car
Have rusted or been flattened by
The side of the road that leaves town.
Bobby Copeland Aug 2021
I'd like this night shift better
If words were worth your time,
Or I had more command of them--
Enough to move your eyebrows,
Call all your lovers liars,
Convince you I'm your touching stone.
Bobby Copeland Aug 2020
Uncertain as the view tonight,
Before your eyes have had the chance
To focus on the innocence
Of children with a human right
To play outside and then be fed,
And not expect the sky to fall--
Not be shoved up against a wall--
To dream in a familiar bed.
Bobby Copeland Nov 2020
She always needed cigarets.
I'd put on shoes and start the truck,
Allow the heater time to warm,
Then she'd get in, barefoot and drunk.
I didn't care what argument
They'd had, just that she'd come again.
Some nights we only talked, or watched
Some cheesy movie, rom coms or
One night I put in Annie Hall,
Because she'd never seen it and
We made love.  She  missed the  lobster scene,
So I  switched it back once I could
Move and she stayed till morning, not
Sure if she could go back again.
Bobby Copeland Aug 2020
In a small apartment, close enough
To the tracks he can hear the whistle
Twice a day, as the train--
One locomotive, boxcars, tankers,
And a dull red caboose--
Approaches the deadening.
Sometimes it wakes him
Enough he rolls over or goes to take a ****.
It's hard to sleep in the daytime anyway.
Nights he's stocking shelves--boosted
A little, when he has a dime--
Not a bad gig, except for the pay.
Bobby Copeland Mar 2019
This late winter snow,
Upon the yellow jonquils,
Forecasts your return.
Bobby Copeland Jun 2020
We've been through Telemann and Talking Heads this morning,
Tubes and Zoso all archived and streaming--
Last year's peaches.
This afternoon I'm reading
Eliot, and after that some Ellison,
I miss the small town circus
Of the evening; sawdust, tents
And cheesy acts that sold
The tickets,
A high wire act escaped from
Someone's senior prom,
Sad clown who's done his act
Since Richard Nixon's second term.
Not the greatest show on earth but good
For a night out with the kids,
Who might rather be at a Kiss concert.
They've not come to this small town,
But Bob Dylan did
And everyone, almost, was
Disappointed when he didn't do
His greatest hits.
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