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213 · Aug 2017
Little Fido
Little fido an angel
He gives much love
He is no trouble
One day I will fly with Fido
Our darling Fido xoxoxo
200 · Nov 2019
How Lord could it be?
Jesus died to give us life
Up He rose as pure delight!

Jesus we love you and what you have done
For all humankind so they would come

How Lord was it to be?
That you would die for me

I give you thanks i give you praise
That one day the dead in Christ are raised
Or it be straight to the clouds
Oh dear unbelievers won't you come around!

Because the blessed Savior died for you too
No matter what you have done this is true!!!
The grace (blessing and favor) of the Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) be with all the saints Amen ( so let it be) Revelation 22-21 Amp
189 · Nov 2018
Dear Jesus
Dear Jesus send us your love and power
Send us your angels for you will come at any hour!

Lift us from despair again
Let your Holy Spirit rein

Take the child that's broken and not free
Set the child upon your knee

When the day gets tough tiresome and deep
IN the night give us sound sleep

IN the morning when we wake
Let us look to you and make

A song of praise and love to you
Let us stand in peace is true

And when the stars do fall
Will we know you at all?

179 · Apr 2018
So betrayed
I  woke this morning and felt so hurt

It is justice that I thirst

The pain and memories keep coming back

Why in court he got of the fact

The voices in my head of this dreadful day

Oh how I am still betrayed

My heart is heavy but my mind somewhat clear

At least now I can shed a tear

But I wish I could wave a magic wand

To take away the memory and pain and have it gone

The shame and torment would leave me alone

I'd be free in my home

Music would be a closer friend

And peace and love I could give again

Michelle Lee Carter

— The End —