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441 · Aug 2017
Iam alone
Alone in this world,
Alone that no one hears me
When I cry,the cry over the
pain,the pain that is within
my soul,the soul that is broken,
the soul that cannot be healed,
alone that the is a hole in my
heart,the hole that need to be
replaced in order for me to receive
healing,alone that the is a cloud of
darkness that seems to surround my
life, alone that I can't see the light that
use to brightens my life, alone that I even lost hope in my life, alone that the darkness has clouded my direction ,alone that I don't have friends to comfort me,alone that I feel rejection every where I go,alone that I feel the loneliness inside my soul,alone that the existence of those who surround me cannot be felt,alone that the happiness has turn into sadness, alone that the tears of excitement has turn into tears of sorrow, alone that someone can set me free from the  chains that seems to tight my life, alone that I feel trapped inside the horrible dream ,alone that I'm left with  scars of brokon heart that cannot be removed
311 · Sep 2017
A broken heart
I have  a broken heart that no
one can finger out ,a broken heart
that is torn into a thousands of pieces,
a broken heart that is like a pazzle that is hard to be finger out, a broken
heart that is torn beyond repair, a broken heart  that cannot be a whole
  again  , a broken heart that cannot be healed , how many times will break something that is already broken, indeed my heart is torn into thousands of pieces ,what is left is just a pieces that is keeping me going  ,why you keep breaking something that is about to be healed ,every time when I try to pic what is still left in me so that my heart can be a whole  again, you keep breaking me ,can't you see that I'm already broken, when will I receive my own healing because my heart seems to shards down little by little how painful it is,can anyone set me free from the pain that is taunting my life, from the pain that seems to follow me where ever I go,please set me free because I can't take it anymore.
# emotional neglection # broken heart # lonely #disappointment
266 · Oct 2017
Allow me
Allow me to **** myself
       so that I may not be a
       disappointment to my
       family ,allow me to ****
       myself because I'm sensing
       failer around the corner ,allow
       me to **** myself because I'm
       tired defined as a failer ,allow
       me to **** myself so that my
       soul will rest ,allow me to ****
       myself because I am that old
       car that is no longer useful to
       it's owner ,allow me to **** myself
       I can't feel the sense of belonging,
        allow me to **** myself because
        I'm that old tree that's no longer
        bear it's fruits,
       allow me to **** myself because the
       feeling of happiness no longer
       exist in my world  ,allow me to
       **** myself because I have turned
       into a rejection , allow me to ****
       myself because I'm already
       rejected by those who claim to
       love me,allow me to **** myself
       because I feel so empty inside
       my soul
            INDEED ALLOW ME
# loneliness,# depression # worthless # sorrow
265 · Jan 2018
My world
My world has drown
Me with tears ,sorrows
Anger,rejection ,fears
But you came in and
Strengthen me like
Hell ,you remove the
Burden that was in my
Soul and left me with
Nothing but peace,
You have save me from
My night mares ,your
Love have brought
Nothing but a spark
Of joy in my face,you
Have healed the scar's
That no body was able
To heal ,you brought
True joy and excitement
Love you meant the lot
In my life ,what a sad
Thing that we are no
More couples ,indeed
What a sad thing it is
#Sadness , # excitements ,#pain # healing,
# peace
207 · Mar 2018
I  am what I am,
I define myself as
Happiness because
Truly I am a joy
Creater ,I am a
A blessing to those
Who seems to loose
Hope in life ,I am
A soul of this world,
I bring nothing but
The best in order
Because I am a chosen
Vessel of the God ,I am
A healer I heal every soul
That is broken ,I am a
Solution to those who
Seems to lack knowledge
Base on their faith and I
Define myself as prayer,
because prayer is my
Weapon to my battle
Indeed I am what iam

Myself as a
# Joy , # excitement  ,# healing
197 · Feb 2018
Am I not women
Enough for you to
Leave me like that,
As if we meant nothing
To each other what a
Painful world for ,love
Can break you or build
What did it do to you ,indeed
I wonder!!!
181 · Feb 2018
I am my own slave,
I bring the worse
Things in myself
Which is unhappiness,
I am my own enemy,
I wonder why I keep
On touchering myself,
I will bring the worse
Things in my life ,I keep
On breaking myself rather
Than to build myself  ,I
Keep on drinking slow poison
As if I won't final die ,in the
Actually fact I am slowly dying
Without that poison  so sometimes
I feel as if I am worthless to
Myself ,I feel like the whole
World is against me ,but I
Wonder if is the a hope in this
Horrible world ,life has shown
Me nothing but a flam ,I don't
Even know myself anymore,
Have you ever comes to that point
Where life would nook you down
In such a way you forget who you
Are ,you forgot even  your abilities
Wow what a strange world it is,a
World of failure and I world of
Sorrows, sometimes life will
Drown you so deep that you
Don't feel like existing anymore,
How bad life can be sometimes,
I wonder and think long enough
Is the hope for me out there yes
Indeed I wonder

— The End —