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trevor vret Aug 2017
change these scars
let them fade away
glue them shut with
your everlasting gaze

heal my heart
wash the pain away
comfort me with
your embrace
lock your eyes
on my face
send my deamons
away with your grace

touch my soul
enter my whole
complete my sins

breathe on to me
breathe on to me
breathe on to me
breathe on to me
trevor vret Aug 2017
laying down in this hellish, warm, barron, land.
I crave not eat nor drink.
nor crave I shade.
ne'r more I crave than to
sink my teeth into the soul of you

soul guided by glistening stars
laugh to open jail cell bars
devil's paints to hide your face
shrouded you are, always shrouded

wash Thein ink off.
show me this face you hide.
shrouded by happyness you have denied,
glance up, teary eyes, cry ne'r more.
for with your devil's I'll clean score.

hush sweet sinner, lay your head,
down in this barren, warm, hellish land of dead.
wipe your cheeks on my chest,
I'll carve your visage onto my crest

lend me your hand, for an instant yet,
for me to thank you, dousing my endless regret .
washing years of torment away, a dark soul I begot,
fear not sweet face.

thou hath my soul.

trevor vret Aug 2017
sitting, talking, flying, dreaming .
holding onto times of fleeing .
memories of hate and lost and love
make never more sense than this above.

sharing with you has made me free,
realising that I am not only me.
this will be my decree, lifelong I am with thee.

nevermind the sense of word.
lifelong is what I have heard,
in my world and in my heart,
distance and malice will us not part.

always, more, our roads will cross,
ten year cycles never once lost,
this full start I beg no end,
for my life this will always mend.

round and round have we all gone,
less and more we have been left,
running around in rings, inside no end,
escaping when we felt discontent .

keep your path strong and true,
try your best to stay your hue.
colour your path as you feel true.

never lose in yourself it you have found.
stay true to North and seek the ground.
look at the wonders it has begot,

stay strong, stay true and goodness will always find you
trevor vret Aug 2017
drunken Rafe.
sitting alone, listening, wondering.
sitting, crying, praying.
inside slowly consuming my own dry mind.

dry from hate.
dry from wondering.
dry, my soul, endless alone.

crying inside.
crying never outside.
sitting crying evermore.

dark is my soul,
dark is my eyes,
dilated, open, alive

alive as mist,
covering, shrouding,
decaying, slowly inside,
rapidly as a thunderstorm spreads.

thundering as drums,
distant war drums.
painted faces.
hiding, rough, scared.

ready to bleed, ready to fall, the sound
of your voice asking me to  bleed, to die,
to live.

life is all I know,
life is all I want,
life fulfilled by the idea of you.
you are life!

******* at who you are,
loving the same entity,
all of who you are.

dying inside, slowly, decaying.
rotting, crawling as it gnaws at my flesh,
inside out.
inside is what you have, of me

to my own personal dismay,
all of me,
trying not to fall

not to fall into you.
not to fall for this.
not to fall...just...not to fall...
not to fall to my own mind

my mind consumed,
my mind confused,
my mind to halter the physical...


nothing has been more so,
difficult to stay sensible,
to stay sane.

sanity, indifference, a struggle...
inside my own self...

stop this!!

stop wondering,
stop trying,
stop crying,
stop... just live...

live your ******* life.
live as if death has no grasp,
******* live,
it can not touch me...
I am not afraid...

I am not afraid of
i am afraid of myself...******* it up...
not love...not lust...just this...
this is it,
this is life...

just ******* pick me up, just ******* love me,
I am this tortured, loveless soul...
my soul conceived after the action...

conceived, my thoughts, so many,
fathomless, black hole deep...
gone...missing, wanting... weighs , wanting...
so very much wanting... I don't have what you,
want me...
without, thought and regret,
don't regret me...
don't regret this,
eventhough I have no ******* clue.

just...lift me up, save me from my mind's shackles ...
break my chains, cut my hands off if need be.

slit my wrists rather than living like this,
not with steel, my mind cuts my flesh,
my mind cuts my soul.
my mind breaks me daily.
my mind consumes my empathy...

I envy you... I crave you,
I know my mind, I know my heart, I know my soul,
I can't persue this...
calling me out on this,
making me self-conscious ,
making me weary ,
making me fret.
can you see...

goosebumps crawling through my nerves,
fighting for my inner piece,
bleeding from cuts, not cuts you make, cuts I make, subliminal, hiding, not showing...

I hate... this...
I'm lying... I don't...
this completes me.
it completely fills me...

I don't hate you... I love you...
I love all of you...
every single word flowing from your lips, I love.
I love hating , feeling, showing, revealing,

revelation is what I have been waiting for.
to me, my soul,
my inconsistent, craving, slowly dying soul,
you set on fire...

burn every last inch,
burn every fiber,
burn it all to ashes, burn it all down.
stack it heaven high, burn it to the depths of hell...
all seven hells...

pride, hubris

free me from this hell,
free me from my soul,
free me from my pride,
free me,
free me please...

please I cry, I beg, don't make me grovel.
don't make me cry for you...
don't make me feel for you.
don't make me feel for you.
i can't handle it...

me... inside me... there is a storm...
a hurricane an earthquake, a metor shower...
falling, around me like broken spots of wanted rain.

dry, cracking, burning, shaving off of my skin,
sand, dry sand, burning, dessert heated up dry red sand... you are my marlin...
my uncatchable catch...

I have had it... I felt it... held it in my palms,
sweat dripping from my brow, content with what I had... what I felt, what I feel, what I know...

I know nothing... I know **** all...
I know me... not yet...but I do... as I need to,
as I feel to... as I lead myself to believe myself through this storm...

I hate all of this... all of my alone time, it kills, it slaughters my mind, I hate being alone, I love it so much... I **** myself, I enjoy killing myself with lonelyness, lonelyness completes me... you already are my lonely place... the corner I hide in... the place I search for when I want to be by myself...

I crave to be alone, you need not be close... just there, close by... an arms reach away from me... it carries me... it keeps me sane, alone enough to be content,

deprived of my conscience,
deprived of my sanity...
my sanity unreviewed even by myself...
my sanity playing on my lifes harp,
playing notes, octaves, pauses, right handed G - keys playing from A to me

playing notes just for me...

drunk, intoxicated, flying, I find myself, for me,

drunken, I find myself...

I have me!...

I found my soul, my heart, my life, I have found everything, everything I have searched for, everything I have longed for, every unfound milligram I have found,

trevor vret Aug 2017
I found my soul, my heart, my life, I have found everything, everything I have searched for, everything I have longed for, every unfound milligram I have found,

revealing me to all of you, both of you, opened my crying heart, freeing my soul, having me walk a road I never knew, I needed this, all of it, to completely find myself, to tear open old, physically healed scars, to show people I love, who my soul dances with, to show my secret, what I have hid for so long, from myself, from everyone.

me, i have found contentment, here, tonight, with you, both of you, evermore I hope to remember this, always, remember this seemingly dark overcast night, revealed, naked, bare...

it freed.
it broke.
it cut.
layed completely open.
on the ground I layed this, at your feet,
then accepting me for who I am.

a drunken mess standing, now in cold, bare with me in now whats told.

I love you for freeing me, for standing by, idly waiting for your turn to comfort another lost soul as you graciously give all you have, not expecting any in return,

thank you for finding me in my drunken state, allowing me to get close, allowing me to feel your souls' embrace.

how you showed me you, made me free to show myself too...
no matter, what previously read,
no matter the hatefull things I have said.
no matter what hurt I have caused with my words.
no matter how I made you feel.

just know, to me you are real.
just as I'd always be to you.
no matter what "this" is,

it gave me you, my hearts hiding place,
the jail cell where I feel safe,

no matter what "this" is,

you have saved me...

more than you would ever know.

I am greatful.

greatful for you, for "this"

I am greatful that this life gave me you

both of you.

thank you.
trevor vret Aug 2017
dark aura catches light
light to guide your fingers
on my reply

tongue held back
chained, bound
speak your mind

laughing is what you bring
like the wings that deliver,
death to what existed
to that what was once

known what was lost
now found
the mind you crave
In it your slave
bound, held tight

clench my words
hear my tongue
feel your soul melt
into an endless abyss

stare into my mind
feel my thoughts
share my intent
share my words

keep it on you
keep it in you
speak no word of this wrote
eternity locked in your eyes

— The End —