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759 · Feb 2018
get your shit together
Maggie Feb 2018
Something has gone awry inside me
Like the taste of milk right before it goes off
Still works but not quite right and not for long
I dream of drinking till stupor
A blur
Of swaying rhythmically in a crowd- lost in a lonely wave of other lifeless souls
Pretending to be living life
Perhaps that is life
But all we seem to be doing is escaping
Because escaping is easy
What is hard is routine
Of roots
Of follow throughs
Not falling out
Of learning instead of leaning
Of moving forward
Moving on from those whove dragged us down
Even if down is where it's easy to hide
To complain
That life isn't right
When we are doing nothing to solve the wrong
What's wrong with wallowing in self pity?
It's no self disservice if sorrow is the end goal
But if you get to pick which way to point your pointless life
Why pair yourself with sadness when you can chose an other wife
443 · Aug 2017
A preface to passion
Maggie Aug 2017
There's a startling beauty
in the way we make art
from gentle forehead kisses and soft licks on a *******
to the honey that drips from my lips when you come
but before you arrive
trace the sand dune that is my collarbone
and follow the ridge to the tips of my fingers
over goosebumps like rain droplets
on a clean smooth window pane
in turn i'll run my fingers through your hair
tree bark rough from sea salt and sand
pulling your lips towards mine
**** ******* my plump bottom petal
and bite till you taste the iron in my blood
mark your territory with galaxies on my neck
and let your choking grip form Saturn rings
that I'll label my preface to passion.
409 · Sep 2017
Maggie Sep 2017
Stretched out like starfish in oceans of meadows
with fractal goggles for eyes
we followed the footsteps of the breeze in the grass
below bismuth bugs in nacre skies

our minds began bobbing between
the confetti of chattering crowds
sheltered by the shade of the breathing pea green trees
and cyan sky spilling marshmallow clouds

slips of thought escape our lips
but trapped are we in a body
as mouth, nose, ears, eyes and fingertips
make their best guess at reality

perhaps there are more truths than sides in a circle
an infinite edge
for what is true if i can only sense?
is the tangerine sun really red?
or simply a translation of a wavelength?
does hot and cold exist?
is a dish really sweet or sour?
soft because our fingers can’t feel the bumps?
or odourless because we’re ill and dour?

We fall into ourselves but stop and smile
because life is a surreal serendipitous surprise
so we bathe in the floating music
behind closed kaleidoscopic eyes
378 · Aug 2018
Enter apathy
Maggie Aug 2018
I am a blank
A space between words
That airless void
Of wingless birds

I am a vacant gaze
married to a vapid poise
Threadbare sighs
Eclipsing noise

Expiring dust as
I meander through a mesh of white washed walls
Empty corridors
And ashen floors

I am a limbo
A platitude of muted grey
A limp film of rust
flattening the fray

I am a milk-and-water puddle
Of sunken skin
I can’t care for a world
Which I’m no longer in
332 · Sep 2017
Threads of a greater whole
Maggie Sep 2017
And i realised that our lives are asymptotic ribbons
slips in time and space
interlacing with others wisps of fabric
to form a silk cable trailing off into the dark afterglow of present and past
humanity is this cable
for we are our ancestors as much as our progeny are us
and the deceased are never dead
for they are the roots of our rope
the craftsmen of our circumstance
our past is our present
and the future is now
time, but a pinpoint on an infinite coil,
is not gone or coming

it just is.
314 · Aug 2017
cycle of a dandelion
Maggie Aug 2017
A resplendent dandelion
that tenacious gales and gardeners could not uproot
crowned with a wreath of lion's teeth
both smooth and sharp
guardians of my quintessence
flitted away and fell out
as I ate
and ate
and ate
and threw up
on food and drugs and love
to fill a restless void I'd felt since birth
a yearning
to feel in extremes
but I lost my teeth
and became a gummy grandmother
a fragile translucent globe
a clicking anaemic clock
acupunctured with eyelashes
yes the gales rip through me
but it's the whispers that melt me away
everywhere and all the time
yet I still try to float and fly far
in fear of landing in a farm
296 · Aug 2017
Setting season
Maggie Aug 2017
I wish my unborn child the melody
of an autumn birth cerebrally sung
for autumn is a blood bath
a maroon pool of sylvan lung

an epitaph to summer's saturnalia
the season starts by grieving
the languid lechery and opiates
that caused our rapid rebukes to reasoning

in fear of fading frivolity 
we flare violent vermillion
our final frantic firework falls against the setting sun
revealing the silhouettes of our wooded skeleton

and although the fleeting, flattering emerald leaves
are the food of summer fun
It's our roots and branches that endure
the lonesome wintertide numb

fall is a reminder
my birthday gift to you
that since no animal is evergreen
find what deciduous existence means to you

so please lose yourself in summer my son
don't let those moist nights waste
but when the autumn comes my love
ensure your trunk remains
287 · Aug 2017
bye bye
Maggie Aug 2017
Between whispers of silk bedsheets
we whispered our souls
sharing what we loved, what we feared and what we thought
you became a beacon
a guide to a paradigm i lacked and sought
that was until
my ears caught the whispers seeping through the cracks in my walls
a swelling mist of sighs saturated with scorn

I was surprised to find you troubled by my fabric
not being white plastered plastic
I thought you knew women to be built by the earth
a burgeon from grit
blossoming at birth
perhaps you've forgotten your status as guest in my home
an imperfect vessel but raw from the skin to the bone
so thank you for your stay and what you've taught
now inhale your pitiful plaints
and make your way to the door
267 · Jul 2017
When I dip
Maggie Jul 2017
The cloud crept in last night
with it came my hollow silhouette
a transient ball of black tumbling into a net stretched across the velvet dusk
but in lieu of bouncing back
the net doesn't catch me
instead it warps into the ether
an all consuming well
my core
scattered with silver peppered stars
but they crumble through my fingers
into whisps of ashen dust
255 · Sep 2017
Stay away
Maggie Sep 2017
You are the sun in a bottle
And I a bug
banging, bereaved, against your impenetrable capsule
But don't break the glass
Because I'll burn
bright into silence
239 · Oct 2017
minds are teacups
Maggie Oct 2017
I am a lotus lily
treading water in teacups of mercury
I live amidst the ripples
in the waves that swell and crumple
into folds of thought and fear
I float-blissful-atop the crests
for the highs are high
but the lows are chasms
and before crumbling
the whitecaps spit toxic tears
that dribble down my petals
I try to keep cleaning
keep healing
lulled into a loop of survival
because my storms will only flatline when I’m dead.
Maggie Aug 2017
I fell out of love after one short ****
smears of crimson lust
exhaled across a bed panel of muted ebony
crumbled to cinders under the mechanical mantra
of *** for the sake of ***
a clinical coreography

don't you need
the fire when we ****
the chaos and urgency
of lawless wildfire smoldering the insipid
of howling fire trucks plunging down the purple etchings carved by our nails along the seams of our skin
i do
I subsist on the intensity of our denouements
our breathless deliriums
that we choked tonight with spent minds

you told me you were a rose so
bleed scarlet
bleed scarlet lechery
and repaint our carnal canvass red
197 · Aug 2017
mind has a mind of its own
Maggie Aug 2017
you have been the keys to my shackles
and the guard at the gate

the wind in my sails
and the storm testing fate

you're the water in my lungs
but the flavour in my food

I must learn to accept you, since I am you
I am my fiercely fluctuating mood

— The End —