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73 · Jul 2017
Mind Travel
Peter Kiggin Jul 2017
Mind travel

Are you willing to travel further than the end of your seat?
Then let us begin our journey into the unknown parts of your mind that words can repeat
I give to you a pebble to make it real for when you wake it will be in your hand to make this journey complete
You are on a hillside in a place where you have never been before but familiarity is in the mind to meet
You see long flowing grass and butterflies of all colours reflecting a rainbow in your blue eyes and a field of strawberries you can eat
Realise that this place is for you and forever you can come here to walk peacefully without the worries of normality of dullness and defeat
A windmill so large its sails are as big as a street
A robin red breast sits on your shoulder while you eat bread together on a bench whilst watching a monkey play the drums to a beat
Subtle colours become so bright your eyes are compelled to take them in as if to first greet
Is this the real life I want instead of living in a dimension meant for scholars who happily walk a road made of tar and concrete?
I can walk on rubber sausages in my slippers over mountains and collect some bananas from South America and go to the corner shop for some custard and sweets
I have shown you the door now all you need to do is relax on a white billowy cloud and rest your feet
Look and open your hand and you can still see the pebble but you must believe in your mind what is right and always listen to your heart because your soul is flying fleet
69 · Jul 2017
Flowers on the beach
Peter Kiggin Jul 2017
Flowers on the Beach

Flowers growing on the beach
Some flowers are peachy pears
Some are long and slim and sleek
I swear I love every colour there
Especially with long blonde hair
The waves are gently lapping at their feet
One two three they are in my every heartbeat
I can't take my eyes off the curves that meet
The shoes they wear are crippling me just watching makes me weep
I rub some sun oil on because I don't think I can take this heat
Flowers growing on the beach
Just lead me there .................yeah .............yeah...........yeah
67 · Jul 2017
Peter Kiggin Jul 2017

Feathers on crows back are black and sleek
He wears a proud long billed black beak
When he goes hunting far and wide and deep
You know the squawk that someone else is ever weak
The colour of the leaves are green and brown and red to me to seep
My mind is out there trying to reach the animal that was caught but no one can never ever speak
I watch the birds on tops of trees to see their prey they have to eat but isn't it horrid to be preyed upon when one moment you're alive then suddenly you are gone and my eyes can see to weep.
64 · Aug 2017
No one Knows
Peter Kiggin Aug 2017
no one knows

as darkness descends my sorrow shows

a broken heart forever froze

a sadness that never goes

an emptiness where love once glowed

a deep awareness of lost souls

a desert endless with no tomorrows

a shadow where a man once followed

a condescending word or look swallowed

as society does not care or share nor borrows

a few words inside my mind that always wallows

as light ascends there is no sorrow

as darkness only reminds me of the past and why in a light beauty of colour always and forever knows.
Peter Kiggin Aug 2017
Scarecrow dancing in the moonlight.

Made of wood and cleaves of hay,
he stands alone whilst birds circle around each day.

On a cross he is tied and bound,
an old hat he wears with holes in, all ***** and brown.

A sack cloth for a jacket, all grey and damp like the ground,
hands made from coat hangers all wiry and pointy like the corn that surrounds.

A head made from an old popped football and scuffed,
the eyes made of coal and a smile painted on like a woman you can't trust.

But deep inside is a magical thing,
that's asleep in the day time but comes alive when the sun goes in.

A man in a tuxedo with a smile so bright,
who sings opera in the moonlight.

A scarecrow no more,
but a magical thing,
that's beautiful, magnificent, he dances and sings,
but no one can ever see him you see,
it's just between him, you and me.
60 · Jul 2017
Peter Kiggin Jul 2017

A silhouette holds my hand
When a whale is trapped on land
A cemetery for an old broken man
A church candle lit on a lamp stand
She tore my heart out;
She tore my heart out.
60 · Jul 2017
Pink River
Peter Kiggin Jul 2017
Pink river

Pink petal with a single raindrop put upon
A tear from your cheek runs down inside from
Feeling the rain soaks me to become passion torn
A flood then becomes a river in which life can form
Not in me as my heart and mind are like windmills forever turning yet purpose long ago gone
Try to understand I am a man with a rite to write his love songs

— The End —