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Matrona Jun 2017
In our breath
Closer than our couch
With electricity
Outside too
But remember not so far
So we want to cover up.
Near and intimate
Knowing every thought
Not a stalker!
Haha! Not!
Closer still
Sensing every sense
Smells our skin
Soft and calloused there
I'm denying.
Matrona Jun 2017
Blood artery flows
Jagged rocks on bare feet
And wide open blue skies
A path, well-worn, brown dirt lined with high grass,
A daisy bouquet offered
a motherless faun
Left looking now it rains
Refuses shelter
Frightened defenseless yet defending
With cries that won't hurt me
Follow me? - I'm not mother
Enter my home?
I'm motherless too.
Matrona Jun 2017
Catches your eye

On the sly

Wants to know why

You eat pie.

"Why you eat pie?"
Matrona Jun 2017
See the shapes with edges that make no sense in
a droll
green painting

Girl sing sing a song
Don't be loud and don't be strong

Let's frame this one with a gilded-golden frame

Stretch the canvas until the angles become soft

and lovely
and commercially purchasable

And let's hang it on our wall
because people don't have icons

they have words
hammered plaster
in bathrooms

No let's place the green ******* the wall

And wait for her to talk with us.
Matrona Jun 2017
When I know that I can string
that bead next to that bead

and it will appear as art

and you can't say any differently

Because well postmodernism and post-postmodernism

And well, because this is how I experience my heart

So **** an egg.

This is ART.
Matrona Jun 2017
I paid the rent for an 18 year old living with us

And oh my the rending was great

But there has been no rendering of the account

Because my mom couldn't comprehend that I had been rent

In two.

Years passed until one day as I was driving home from an account

I imagined my own son, at 18, splitting a four year old asunder

Who deserves my love?  The renter or the rent?

That moment I marked his account:  "PAID IN FULL"

and only then I could render an account and finally comprehend

The story's end.
Matrona Jun 2017
Thank you for remembrance of waves of breath moving the tops of fragrant evergreens,
Thank you for humidity rising from green green grass dragging
My limbs down into
Thank you for the song of mother birds correcting correcting correcting their children who reply
With one note as all children do.
Thank you for walking with me today.
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