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Aug 2017 · 173
Now I am familiar
Andrew Duggan Aug 2017
Now I am familiar
Making sense of my surroundings

My life is like this

I drink because of this

I can’t sleep because of this

But this is too simple
Cause and effect
No longer engaged with my life

Each moment
A cloud of absence

Now I want to meet the morning sun
Another day of bringing in the moment

At least I won't recall the names and faces of these sad occasions.
Andrew Duggan Aug 2017
Can you save me from the man I tend to be?
The spirit of the Thälmann Battalion is in my soul
Reading the radical poets
And having conversations with myself.

Can you save me from the man I tend to be?
I listen to Billy Bragg and dream of  a ‘New England’
Dennis Skinner is a hero.
All that is left of the English radical dissenting left.

Can you save me from the man I tend to be?
Fear provokes anxiety and silence.
Never can I do without thinking.
Or creating intuitive minds

Can you save me from the man I tend to be?
Seeing consent manufactured day-by-day
Conversations with Noam Chomsky
On violations of authority.

Do I need saving from the man I tend to be?’
Jul 2017 · 366
Andrew Duggan Jul 2017
Today I went to the top of the world.
And met two monks
Empty of everything except themselves.
The sky a seamless part of it.
With pleasant walks, food and talk at will.
Our only dreams of words forgotten.

And there in the margins
An interval between wars
I saw a black bird
As black as those that bled in a Shanxi
Darkness evolved into perfection
Mountains within mountains,
Something like a maze.

"Go back to the dark and grimy alleys of Manchester" the monks told me.

And now, in my returning dream, I see tides of people falling through the siege.
I am currently in Xiahe in Gansu Province, China. I climbed a mountain and wrote this.
Jul 2017 · 210
Dogs of Dunhuang
Andrew Duggan Jul 2017
They told me rain is rare in Dunhuang
and that sleeping dogs lie.

But today it rained.
And the dogs yearn for carnal pleasure in cheap hourly rooms.

The coffee bars are empty now and the dogs like me, indulge in living and could not care less what life was for.

It all begins with love, but not love tied to a tree.

I told  the dogs that it is easy to find reasons to satisfy your libido, they said nothing matters after.

So now I write down seductive, inconsequential words. And the dogs are free to find a blank space.
Traveling in Gansu Province, China. I saw a dog tied to a tree in Dunhuang, a desert town
Jul 2017 · 170
Andrew Duggan Jul 2017
It is 20:17 in Dunhuang, at least CCTV 13 says so.
I met a girl called 'Mathilda'

She offered me some Chicken soup.
And we talked about Jean Reno.

I asked her " Is it possible that a plant can be a friend?"
She smiled and told me that '"The killer is not so cold"
Currently traveling in Gansu Province in China. Came across a cafe themed with paintings from the film 'Leon'.
Jul 2017 · 131
The Death of Spain.
Andrew Duggan Jul 2017
Today I went for coffee at M.Gateau's
'Yesterday Once More' was on the radio
Children running around in pink shirts,
twins I think.
Few elements of distrust.

I met a woman who knew about Karen Carpenter
Filled with fear at every bite she took
A deceitful relationship.

I met a man who said stars will fall from heaven
He told me he dreamt of missed connections
And misheard echoes of the past.

I met an old solider who said he had fought at Jarama
And tried to teach the children that he was not untrue.
I asked him about the death of Spain.

In another place - a place different from this
It would be easy to shut my eyes to war.

But then who would care for the children who have forgotten their dolls? And the poor who travel by night under the gaze of the great bear?

It is my choice to open my eyes and see the reflections in the mirror. The cursed indifference of all those who do nothing whilst  parents worry about their children dancing strange steps.

Now I show my fist until the pain has passed into time's earth.
And the lonely man can dance without rhythm.
Jul 2017 · 177
All About Me
Andrew Duggan Jul 2017
Today, our first “All About Me” writing class begins.
What do I write about?
Too political
Too sporting
Too much poetry
Too much AC/DC
Too much love at first sight.

I wanted to write about truth.

But too many people in this place have sworn to me that they are made of truth.

Now I feel in myself that I represent falsehoods.

So I asked the professor a question
“Can I write about the truth?”
He told me that the path from error to truth
is difficult.  

I wondered about the friendly shadows
And how long it will take for messages of faith
to be sent back

I knew what to write about.
Jul 2017 · 373
Andrew Duggan's Dream
Andrew Duggan Jul 2017
Last night I dreamt that I had a conversation with Stephen
Hawking, at least I think it was a dream?

I asked him about the history of time in Taiyuan
He said that “The earth is brittle and the scent of the past heavy”

I wanted to know about black holes.

But he kept talking about people who hold out their hands to nothing at all. And how narrow space was in this place.

So we went for a walk by the Fen.
And talked about the death of an English country on a Chinese road.

This seemed huge.

I felt the warmth of the winter sun and saw people that could not rise.

He asked me “Why did I come to teach here if I had worries about the weather?’

I woke up and wondered if we had communicated at a higher level?
Jul 2017 · 294
Prison Walls
Andrew Duggan Jul 2017
The past is a glacier that grips the mountain wall
And history is formed in our hands.
The bars in this prison do not concern me
I look out from the window and what do I see.
Invisible tears for all the years lost in a frozen sea.
Words in turmoil dance in my mind.
The darkness of El Hecho
And the hopes of Long Kesh
Now I am unable to touch.
El  Hecho’ was a concentration camp that was created by Francisco Franco on July 20 1936 during the Spanish Civil War. It was located in the castle of El Hecho in Ceuta in Spain. ‘ Long Kesh’ (known colloquially as the Maze Prison, The Maze, the H Blocks) was was a prison in Northern Ireland that was used to house paramilitary prisoners during the Troubles from mid-1971 to mid-2000.
Jul 2017 · 312
A Poets Life.
Andrew Duggan Jul 2017
Plato would banish me and says I make lies.
Auden insists that poetry makes nothing happen.
But I know there's something better down the road.

So today I asked the statues.
I was disappointed.
They said they find more respect in solitude and asked to be left alone.

On my way out one of them turned and said that too many know only of love through silence.

I told her I knew of love from kisses and human kindness.

A poet knows this
Jun 2017 · 186
For a Friend
Andrew Duggan Jun 2017
I have a Chinese friend that needs to go into hospital today.

She smiles everyday and hides her December gleam in the cold Taiyuan mornings.

But I know she is worried.

Now she needs to catch the courage in her eyes.

So last night I prayed for her.

And told her that one in never alone in a fight.

There is always a light that never goes out.
She has a shadow on her left breast. So I wrote this for her.
Jun 2017 · 199
A conversation in Xu's Cafe
Andrew Duggan Jun 2017
Ms Tong, a friend, was helping me today.
Few would.
I said to her " the only way out is through"
Robert Frost said this.
She smiled
" The painful slog through is necessary to come to the end"
She said this.
Xu's is a place I drink coffee in. Ms Tong is a teacher that was helping me with some student marks.
Andrew Duggan Jun 2017
Listening to  LCD Soundsystem.
and marking your work is not easy for me.

Their music resonates with your words.

The hypnotic sounds in 'All my Friends'.

Now I know you can think on a quite night

Transported to a place in which I am all wrapped
Not tight
Just a place
It is where it starts.
I was sat marking some essays on critical thinking. Written by Chinese students, listening to LCD Soundstsyem.
Jun 2017 · 226
Andrew Duggan Jun 2017
Soon I will come to the end of my journey
and another statue will disappear.
But you see you cannot **** the sculptor
Only hire the black priest to wash away your sins.

Your unkind words mean nothing to me
Life runs through your fingers like white sand
and many unborn days disturb your mindfulness.
The black priest cannot help you.

I sing to the same stars in Taiyuan
that I once sang to in Albacete with the Brigada Abraham Lincoln.
Then the Spanish people grieved for our going.
You only grieve for the shade of the evening
And the silence of the Fen river.
Jun 2017 · 167
Old Man
Andrew Duggan Jun 2017
Old men drinking  black water
Dogs of Taiyuan loosing hope

I saw a young woman,
27 already and loving another kind

A battered book under her arm
They can't see beyond today

The child looked at the Hulusi
An honest look, the laughter, the love

I gave her the cake
A fragment of what I felt

Mars Audiac Quintet in the background
Sean O'Hagen playing ping-pong

'A stamp of war then peel back
to square one and back for more'

Lu Yu asked me
"Why are you drinking black water?"

The woman came over and whispered in my ear
"L'amore est notre veritable destin"

Just like the first time.
I went to a cafe and watch a young woman with her child.
Andrew Duggan Jun 2017
This morning I talked with a professor about Kant, the 'highest good' and 'moral motivation'.
Last week only the Marxist stood by me as the dogs of Shanxi barked out stories of unrequited love.
They say the  sun  can do strange things to a man. No stranger things than here in Taiyuan.
So I asked the professor if there are limitations to happiness. He said 'happiness is about faith'
So I went and told the Marxist about the sun, Kant and happiness
This was a reflection on a conversation I had this morning with a professor of philosophy I know
Jun 2017 · 192
The Snowmen With The Hat
Andrew Duggan Jun 2017
I met two snowmen in Taiyuan today.
At least they told me they were snowmen.
To be honest I was not sure.

We talked about the snow, the stars and bullet trains to Beijing.
The one with the hat did most of the talking he grew moody and distant  as the snow fell.

I wondered about the depth  of a snowman's life.
The quite one asked me about my life. I was about to answer,
when he told me he had once told his life he wanted space.

The snowman with the hat then asked me
" Do you think consciousness only exists when the snow falls?"
I knew then the rain would come soon.
I was walking one day and came across two snowmen in the city.
Jun 2017 · 173
Changing the Sheets.
Andrew Duggan Jun 2017
Today I changed my sheets in Taiyuan
Nobody asks me how many times I do this?
Nobody asks me how I do it.
Nobody offers to help me change my sheets.

I knew a woman once who listened to Bob Dylan
And said she was ‘wounded in love’
She changed her sheets everyday
I never asked her why.
Just an ordinary moment in my life
Andrew Duggan Jun 2017
How strange to see Kurt Cobain
In a Taiyuan Coffee Bar
War marched through my mind
I wanted to ask him
How he addressed the fog
How to treat the ghosts
Time and space describe
I often visit a coffee bar hidden in the back streets of the city. It has a picture of Kurt Cobain on the wall.
Jun 2017 · 485
AC/DC at Yingze Park
Andrew Duggan Jun 2017
I heard that AC/DC are playing at Yingze Park
For all those about to rock
I went to the park
The sky was grey
The dark smoke from the chimneys was  grey
The river was grey
In the deepening dusk
The whole earth was shrouded in grey
I closed my eyes
Angus in his uniform
The crowd shouting “Angus, Angus, Angus”
Light in the gathering dusk
Brightness of the future world.
I opened my eyes
I was back in black.
Yingze Park is located in downtown Taiyuan, Shanxi, China
Jun 2017 · 189
What are shadows?
Andrew Duggan Jun 2017
The barren soil of Taiyuan
grows rich with silent souls.
A foreign darkness fills the
empty streets.
And only the moon betrays this
unfamiliar scene.
We refused to *****  through the
half-lit mornings by Yingze Park
Or give our voice to the midnight
air. Our shadows are not articulate in
silence. They are infused with life and are
not alone.

— The End —