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Olivia Vasquez Aug 2017
So alone she feels as she sits all alone in that dark room ready to do it all alone, jump off that building or down a bottle of pills or slit her small fragile scared wrist. As she sits contemplating the reasons to stay she finds but one, none. She is sad to sad for this life to sad for this world, she can not walk on this earth with the normal people she is to suffocated for that. She is too unlively for this living breathing working world, so at that moment she says goodbye and does all three.
She feels each pill slide down her throat in a candy like manner then she picks up the blade and feels a cool rush go through her hand as she slits one cut at a time1 2 3 4 each one deeper than the last, these bring her so high she felt like she could fly so she tries right off that 3 story building and takes a hard concrete crash landing and there lies that poor little sad girl everyone thought was better.
Olivia Vasquez Jul 2017
Soft, serenity, surreal.
It has its own little world up there a world with nothing but today’s, no yestrday’s no tomorrows no what ifs no maybe’s only right now’s. The sky is the resting place it is safe soft calm. And as  I looked up and kissed the sky I realized that’s my forever home.
Olivia Vasquez Jul 2017
To my abuser,
I was naive to think what you did all those years was legitimate and right. The emotional abuse is the worst. “*******” “*****” “******”. Those words make me sick to my stomach. When I see you have texted me I show physical symptoms of sickness. But I am strong and I have overcome this abuse. I will not be held captive by your lies any longer.
Olivia Vasquez Jun 2017
He old her that he was uncomfortable around me. I know exactly why, because he did to me what he swore to himself he would never do. He became the demon that ruined him that pushed him over the edge, he did to me what drove him to take a whole bottle of pills. That’s why he is uncomfortable around me. He told me that i was his and he was mine and that I was the love of his life. He told her that I was his “backup” girl, or the girl he would run to if he was lonely.
He didn’t really love me.. He saw me as a broken, wounded, naive girl that would love him. That would validate his feelings. An easy target. A girl he could use and abuse then leave. What he did to me was almost as horrid as Ej. Ej used and abused me physically, He did the same thing mentally. Why would he do such a terrible thing? Why would he leave me questioning? Why would he deliberately hurt me? Why would he use me? Why would he do what he did to me with no motive? What did I do to him that made him do this? Why is he just like everyone else? Why didn’t I see it coming? He.. Why..
Olivia Vasquez Jun 2017
The end will be beautiful it will be colorful it will be my last nap. When i take my blade and slowly deeply slide into my wrist and as blood streams out i will not stop I will not back down i will cut over and over and over again until my body grows weak and then i will lay down and for once in my life forget everything… forever. And that is the end the beautiful end, when i cease to exist.
Olivia Vasquez Jun 2017
Everyone thought she was happy, Everyone thought she was strong, until the day she was gone, hung up in her closet by the same rope that was attached to the tire she swung on in the front yard during a happier time. She thought she was overcoming until she saw what she was running from. The thing that was silently haunting her whenever she closed her eyes. She remembered how lost and broke she really was, and how hard it was to continue on. To pretend every day, every moment that she was okay. To hide her hurt. She was sick of pretending so one day she began to write, and her letter read.
Dear whomever
I’m sorry to disappoint, but I can’t pretend that I am okay anymore. I cannot lie to myself anymore. I am not okay. I am truly very sorry it ended like this I know it’s not beautiful or the ideal end to my not so ideal life. But.. Try not to think of me too often I dont want u getting sad.. just live well.. just live, i’ll be walking with you every step of the way.. Goodbye from the friend, the daughter, the sister, the girl. The flower.
Olivia Vasquez Jun 2017
A flower, gorgeous and lovely while it is growing but when it stops it will become fragile, weak and it will wither away until it is nothing, that is just the nature of it. Doesn’t it seem as if the flower dies for longer than it lives? Am I just a flower? Something born to give others joy for a short time then become a nuisance and die at the neglectful hands of man. Maybe that is why I feel the way I feel maybe that is why the end seems so beautiful. The water in the vase is dumped down the sink and never thought about again. But as for the flowers thrown in the trash gone forever never to see the light again, like humans, thrown in the dirt never to see the light once we are dead. Invaluable, lost, gone, only a memory. Is that what will happen when I am gone? And what if I’m already gone?

— The End —