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Jun 2017 · 282
Jeremy Lim Jun 2017
You'll find there's a family of friends living here,
a small group of minds, and hearts;
With some of us clever and some of us not,
At times you can't tell us apart.

There's one who is cranky, and one who is shy,
And one who is really uncouth;
And just when you think you have discovered who's who,
You'll really uncover the truth.

The truth that we're all just a little of each,
A group of imperfects are we
And sometimes I might criticize them to you,
But don't ever knock them to me.

'Cause the one thing that ties us together for life-
no matter how far we're apart,
Is love for each other, a family of friends
A small group of minds, and of hearts.
Jun 2017 · 211
Jeremy Lim Jun 2017
"Give everyone the benefit of the doubt."
That's what I always teach.
But even my own words of wisdom
are now somewhat out of reach.

I cannot begin to explain my disappointment and distress
caused by a friend who has yet to acknowledge my unhappiness.
Unbelievably thoughtless, inexplicably rude;
my anger is boiling over at such undeserved attitude.

My time, my energy, my support and my constant concern
are apparently shrunk down to nothing when asked for just once in return.
Selfish? Unthinking? Or simply careless remarks?
Origins don't really matter to me once they have entered into my heart.

Wait it out, do not respond at all
is what I am sincerely trying to do.
But I may eventually lose that battle
and the friendship could become a wound.
May 2017 · 1.9k
Jeremy Lim May 2017
Your strength, it lies hidden, deep within your heart
You’re beginning to crumble, starting to shake
And I’ve been able to see your weakness right from the start
When will you see you for what you are, when will you finally be awake?

Is it considered brute strength, your heart, or is it a weakness?
Can you merely toss it away, only to bring it back again?
I looked at you and thought I became breathless
When really I was choking so badly, I forgot the pain

Tell me, when will you awaken?
When will your stale heart’s shell be shaken?
Tell me, am I simply mistaken,
Or for a fool, am I forsaken?

I see it as both, strength and weakness
The splinter in your heart
Pierced by the suppressed air, can you hear my distress?
Between strength and weakness, I am torn apart

I cannot see, but what you mean to me,
You’re more than the whole world, and that burden of your heart
It lies deep within the both of us, its fine if you let it be
But when you see through the wounds and pain

I will come to you when you call my name
And I’ll know the difference between strength and weakness
It’s not all that different at all, but only the same
It doesn’t matter, as long as you listen and hear me well
May 2017 · 277
One Life We Lead
Jeremy Lim May 2017
The biggest risk a heart can take,
A second chance, it's there to make.
Turned into three, there can't be four,
Gone from your life, if it turns more.

I can't rule your life for you,
The choice is yours, with what to do.
Though if it comes, please spare me this,
Your love for me cannot exist.

Inside I have, but nothing left,
In times of love, it feels like death.
It's taken more than I first knew,
I had to give, my strength it's through.

I'm only human, man and boy,
Don't treat me like I'm just a toy.
I hope from now, you'll think of me,
Through distance, love, brutality.

One life we lead, to walk this land,
At times it's hard, at times it's grand.
Mistakes we'll make, through them we grow,
It's far too hard to see you go.

If you do care, then I believe,
We'll make it through, this time to grieve.
And out the other side we'll go,
Through, thick, through thin, through rain through snow.

The future comes, the past, forgot,
Dishonesty, it starts to rot.
No lies be told, we start as new,
From you to me, from me to you.

One year, it's down, though not through ease,
Two more, we can, we must, I plead.
Please keep these thoughts so you can see,
How much in life, you mean to me.

I love you.
I forgive you.
But don't take advantage of that.
May 2017 · 379
Not Worth The Fight!!
Jeremy Lim May 2017
How could you hurt me,
The way that you did,
I'm here for you always,
Isn't that what you had said?
Now that you've lied,
Our friendship is dead,
It is now gone,
Left in the past,
Ours was a friendship,
I thought would last,
Why did you lie?
Why'd you pretend?
To actually care,
To be my good friend,
It pains me to know,
It's come to an end,
Somehow I guess it just wasn't right,
Our friendship's now cold,
And dark as the night,
I've come to the fact,

— The End —