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Jun 2017 · 183
What I Miss..
Krishna Jun 2017
As i feel bad about me,
People ask me without knowing why,
What i miss that i am sad, that i cry,
What i miss that i feel that i dont have with life.

I say i miss being me with my friends,
To live in a world where i am myself,
I hate being tagged along with other people,
Where i have to pretend to be somebody else,

I miss the time i had for myself,
To pindown or sketch my inner thoughts,
When i lived for myself than anyone else,
But now i live a life for someone else,

As i feel bad about me,
Saying the things, thoughts and the worries,
People still manage to ask the same,
What i miss that i feel am a mess!

I miss my heart felt laugh,
Which is now replaced with a fake one,
I miss being fearless and move around,
Now i am a puppet under the command,

To be with my peer without fear,
Is it too much to ask for to be threatened??
May be its not the culture, but shouldn't i be happy?
When that someone gets everything and me nothing!

I feel so sad that it hurts bad,
And to be left with no way to escape,
Yet people believe all my thoughts are idiotic,
And ask what i miss that i complain...
:- Krishna
Open to feedbacks
May 2017 · 204
The Sea in me
Krishna May 2017
There is a sea in me,
That nobody can see,
Don’t want anyone to feel,
It’s closed with a seal.

It’s a mix of emotions,
With a mark of caution,
As it’s a sea of nightmare,
It has everything to be scared.

As the waves hit high,
As it makes me cry,
I am torn to piece by piece,
Leaving me with no peace.

As it roars to life,
It ****** worse than knife,
It shouts at me from inside,
Asking me to stay out of sight.

In me its always active,
And it sure sounds destructive,
But to say in present reality,
I enjoy my sea sadly.

It makes me complete,
It  helps me to compete,
It knows me inside out,
One who would never doubt.

It’s the sea inside me,
And I own my sea,
As to say it’s the only one,
Reminds me the things done.
May 2017 · 185
Women's life....
Krishna May 2017
I can't stop to wonder,
Women's life is a blunder,
Its like nature to be slave,
All the way to her grave..
No rights to complain,
so called duties to maintain,
Considered mandatory to adjust,
A solution everyone suggest...
Wanting some space is crime,
Personal clock for others time,
Must give up all her dreams,
work according to others schemes...
Hats off to the ones who fought,
didn't think much of others thought,
Gave wings to there dreams to fly,
Took up the courage to atleast try...
Some are surviving as some are living,
Some spend time just in believing,
Thats things will change for the better,
And ends up being a broken adapter.
:- Krishna. G

— The End —