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May 2017 · 224
Best friends
Amit Gupta May 2017
Thank you very much for being there.
Now I know how much you really care.
You make me feel new with each passing day.
You make me feel that everything will be okay.
You always put a smile on my face.
A frown is always without a trace.
You helped me to be the person I am.
You helped me to believe I always can.
I am alive today because of you.
For that I am so glad you're part of my crew.
I will always follow you to earth's end,
Because we will always be the BEST FRIENDS!
May 2017 · 495
Not as happy as you...
Amit Gupta May 2017
Sometimes in life
We feel so blue,
But someone, somewhere
is not as happy as U.

Somewhere far
At the border
When a soldier sleeps,
Missing his loved ones
He silently weeps.

Somewhere a mother
Painfully sighs,
Her new born baby
Didnt open her eyes.

Somewhere a poor dad
Silently cries,
When he sees his son
Begging for a bowl of rice.

In an orphanage
A little girl's sad,
When she misses her
mom n dad.

So at times ...
A reason to smile
U may not have any,
Say to urself that ...
U're happier than many.


Life is beautiful and.
Its not always blue
And someone, somewhere
Is not as happy as U...

So Lets love life...!

— The End —