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516 · May 2017
the forensics of downsizing
jafarina May 2017
it takes awhile
but the carpet depressions
in your room, eventually fade
even gravity cannot hold forever
your markings
they reside in curtain folds
behind loose baseboards
evidence exists in photographs,
our shadows,
locked, in silvered paper
exhibits to what was
and what we were .
271 · May 2017
jafarina May 2017
he has become a gray man in a graying world

eyes fixed forward purposefully
codified rules, missal
clutched tightly in hand

betrayed by trust
refuted in insipid halls
were learning no longer matters

unable to discern
wisdom bleeds out to folly
applauded by the mob

their gray eyes and atrophied souls satisfied
210 · May 2017
Car Wash Rules
jafarina May 2017
the boys at the car wash know
the importance of what you drive
machines that make you
engines that define
it matters how you get there
all the boys agree
sleek is sensual
horsepower everything
hybrids are for fools
muscled and expensive
german jets
italian rockets
no one gets laid driving green
206 · May 2017
degrees of separation
jafarina May 2017
run to my voice beloved
i am still he, who shared your arms
in promenades about the city's avenues
we were like children then
each moment new
our laughter heartfelt
without reserve or agenda
only time and distance has grown
you are still the one that drives my hunger
for words to capture you
forever in a moment, whenever read
relived again...listen...beloved
it is my voice that sings your song.
204 · May 2017
jafarina May 2017
silent in penance
we await your serene expiation
of our savage hearts and
ravished inclinations
let your compassion
envelope us as we surrender
to your dominion
again among the celebrants
restless, tired and asleep
182 · May 2017
jafarina May 2017
I have disclosed all my secrets
confessed my fears and sins
suffered your silence and my defeat
our tripping steps, -
both  out of synch

come dance again with me.
hold me once more
i'll lead with my laid away heart
and follow with new inpiration

come dance again with me
177 · May 2017
dune dance
jafarina May 2017
we never danced on the beach
only walked leaving moonlit footprints
eyes open for cherry topped cruisers
hunting curfew criminals from
weekend teen aged assignations
cruising the shadows of canatara
silent among the others
hearts and breath trip-beating
as we spoke words
"that had just the right amount of letters.
just the right sound"
stolen from the top ten charts
to prove that ours was forever

we never danced on that beach
but i did with you at home in my room
writing in journals that you would never see
danced barefoot whispering in your ear
words that were mine and just for you.

from Cherish by the Association.

— The End —