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Jul 2021 · 112
Twilight's beckoning.
Chris Peers Jul 2021
Kiss my lips for the last time,
and let the clock end its chime,
remember, life with me was not a dream,
don't be sad at little sparrows flight,
when the wise owl sees into the final night,
a wry smile for the years that did creep,
paying no heed to patient twilight sleep,
when those grains of sand have fallen from my hands,
let me sat sail for unknown lands,
for once I did play in a womb,
now I rest in eternal tomb.
Chris Peers May 2017
In conversation with El Diablo.
The guy with the horns from below
came up to see me and said hello,
he said you seem a little sad
perhaps I can show you a little bad,
I said I wasn't interested in temptation
I'm still working on my redemption.
He smiled wryly and said he could offer me more
I do better deals than your local discount store,
let me show you what I can offer
then surely you will no longer suffer,
I am blue not green I know you want my soul
tormented in your fiery abode as you turn me into charcoal.
But surely that guy upstairs knows what you desire
he only wants songs of praise from his heavenly choir,
I can satiate all of your secret fantasy's with a wave of my hand
and you will be a King of an empire in somewhereland.
What you offer Beelzebub only inflates the ego,
what I aspire to is something you wouldn't know.
Please entertain me with your proclivity and I'll see what I can do
in exchange for your soul I'll guarantee your earthly time will no longer be blue,
can you free me from the guilt of causing pain to those that I love
can you take away the remorse I have for those that I've been neglectful of,
can you show me how to be a better father and husband
can you teach me how to listen better so I don't misunderstand.
I can see the confusion and despair in your eyes Mephistopheles
there are many more human frailties that you cannot appease,
what you offer only serves arrogance, contempt and conceit
go back to your own screaming purgatory you miserable deadbeat,
I don't want the things money can buy I want the things you can feel
I want love, self respect, compassion, dignity, patience and humility, all that is truly real.
May 2017 · 165
Who am I.
Chris Peers May 2017
I am the tears from my mothers eyes,
I am the sweat of my fathers toil,
I am the laughter of my children,
I am the gaze of love from my wife,
I am the kindness from strangers,
I am the wonder from adventure,
I am the shock of the lightning,
I am the first raindrop of the storm,
I am the lost verse of a song,
I am the muse of a poetess,
I am the shadow of the Grim Reapers scythe,
I am the first vibration of an earthquake,
I am the last ripple on the pond,
I am the echo you no longer hear,
I am the gentle lilt of a lullaby,
I am the breeze of a butterfly's wing,
I am the imagination of a forgotten god,
I am the first bloom of a black rose,
I am the morning song of a hungry bird,
I am the brush stroke of an artist,
I am nothing and I am everything,
I am the culmination of all that is.
May 2017 · 358
Men with guns.
Chris Peers May 2017
Men with guns have always come from some poor mothers womb,
they were innocent kids who once played happily in their yards,
with no aspirations and yet to be tarnished by the world,
learning an obfuscated version of truth in the classroom.

Leaders of men are born out of society's frustration,
innocent boys can become greedy and power crazed men,
fulfilling the naive and unthinking of their desire to be governed,
carrying on with their heedless lives with a strange infatuation.

Killers in our streets and in countries they've never heard of,
innocence becomes tainted and men become idealists,
radicalized and propagandized by political media and religious authority,
killers killing men, women and children, they know nothing of universal love.

Men putting on costumes and killing people who are different,
blindly following orders and fighting for freedom and democracy,
massive bombs in the desert, people blown apart at a million dollars a head,
soldiers on the ground who can barely pay the rent.

Democracy and freedom mere buzzwords of selfish and ignorant patriots,
with many being intolerant, xenophobic and racist proudly waving a national flag,
and two faced Christians preaching love on Sunday and glorifying in death on Monday,
agent provocateurs infiltrate peaceful demonstrations, turning them into law breaking riots.  

Suits in congress and the White House determining lives and futures,
safe in their ivory towers and positions of imagined power,
we should put these policy makers on the front line and watch them cower,
and there's cowards in uniform who ****** and slaughter from behind computers.

The men behind the curtain orchestrate their agenda thru their chosen leader,
puppet masters and policy makers free from liability and accountability,
narcissists and psychotics giving a voice from the unelected and unseen,
the hoi polloi are regarded as expendable and merely unnecessary breeders.

Every ten years or so, a new boogeyman comes out to scare,
leaders of the governed make promises to keep them safe,
slowly eroding rights and tightening up national borders,
spending trillions on warfare and hardly a dime on welfare.

True terror is understanding what this world is all about,
innocent eyes only see the superficial beauty of this world,
while experienced eyes see the ugliness that is within,
all around the world people are screaming to be let out.

Self serving leaders look to expand their temporary empires of artificial riches,
utilizing its armed to the teeth military to ****** unarmed innocents abroad,
destroying histories and cultures and replacing them with expanding organisations,
replacing middle eastern infrastructures with emphasis on profit using slave *******.

The people police themselves and have become willing citizens of self induced manipulation,
there's a kind of mass Stockholm Syndrome of the patriotic citizens of so called free countries,
defending their leaders selfish decisions while wanting a share of the spoils of war,
the founding fathers must be turning in their graves as selfish greed has withered a once great nation.

Children made orphans and mothers made widows by far off decisions,
the enlightened ones break it down and see it as people killing people,
a general or a warlord has got to be king of his small patch of grass,
while the apathetic watch the carnage safely in front of their televisions.

We now live in a society that openly assails the critical and free minded intellectual,
people hiding behind their comforting lies and crying like a baby over inconvenient truths,
political correctness and the nanny state providing a *** to suckle saying you're safe with us,
while the millennials despise being labeled or judged and to be recognized as asexual.

The world is divided by nefarious political parties promoting freedom and choice,
setting up media outlets to emphasize their disapproval of the opposing parties stance,
while behind closed doors of power and influence, they are prostituted bedfellows,
slowly suffocating the rights of the people who still believe they have a voice.

Political and religious words echo in the minds of the patriotic and faithful,
empty promises made with a smile that satiate and calm the masses,
the wise and the skeptical see thru disingenuous rhetoric with clarity,
watching them on soap boxes and pulpits, they should be shameful.
May 2017 · 344

— The End —