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May 2017 · 265
Richard Collier May 2017
Indeed, but who decided that?

Oh I see;

Would it make sense to say no?

That's what I meant to say

Indeed, I was thinking to blurt no

(It may have been a question of whether

you were a matter for howling or rejoicing)

I will stay alive

Divest! Lose the rest and conquer South by jest

Stand proud and fresh, unfettered from contrive

How else?

That's what I hinted at: I'll stay alive

That's what I meant- I mean to stay alive

Indeed, like staying alone

Staying indirectly; staying indecisive

How but through deeds

Can we move past the needs

Manifesting via words - millions of words -

(As we are leaving, time leaves us

That's what I'm intimating)

Staying somewhere oh yeah

Just fine oh yeah I'll leave

As soon as I do not have direction

As soon as I know it's a problem.

As soon as I am... awful ... Ah

It is a badly smeared foundation

Barely shabby management

Indeed what I was portraying-

(Feeling your potency and feeding equally

Your proportional perversity for skin)

Staying where oh yeah, oh yeah

As long as it is there, ahhh... huh?

Yes, I heard it's a bad habit

(Shall I miss you at the bull's eye

And **** brick-wall instead?)

Building a dynasty of steps

Toward the inevitable clash of flesh-

Yours and mine

Welcome to the Big Shade

******* out of serenade

.... Colours left to fade

(Well it's a bumpy breeze

Maybe what I meant it to be

Indeed to say I will not let you go-

Well at least

That's what I told you so)

Not such a bad, bad thing

You - healing little by little, your adversities for real

It is not like I'll be brittle and

It won't be such a long time

No way- no need to worry

It will not be such a bad thing:

(I. Then no more I.)
May 2017 · 273
The crowd
Richard Collier May 2017

I will draw on you

I am planning to

Pay attention to fantasy

Paint over jealousy

Electricity is hissing (still siren-blue)

Sparking to introduce us

But it's a question of whether it is shame

(Awful, uh huh)

Or a hope to see you again (blah blah blah)

Drawing on you- will it work?

Let's get caught

Planning to make it

Aiming to pronounce it (I'm in baby, I'm in)

I am burning the freeze

Chewed out, pursued, ******* and subdued

I am sinking, and like *******

Feeding the earth with mother-wit

From which blooms blossom (awesome!)

Start shaking before I even feel the breeze

Introductions please, to please

A brief crowd full of crap-infested chivalry

(They are crawling, they are crawling, they are fraught;

A brief wave then it's a crawl to nought.)

Let's get caught baby, let's get caught

Taking a bite

Welcome to the Ball

Share a beer; let's get hot

(Shall we take a picture of our lewdest night?)

Electricity is crawling to the bottom of the end

Why do not you... ha ha ha

I meant

I don't know what it's like to be

Signed in with Love

And golden messages thereof

(The world of plain water- no flavours

No favours por favor for me.)

Planning to image a crispy Fall- leaves

Crashing to the shore

That's where I live

(Between the ocean and the dessert: sweet home

On the exterior- toxic within the core.)

If you can, scoop me up some give

(I already took what I could take.)

Gonna pick up the phone

Planning to call you

Planning to make a moment

I'll draw (if you don't mind)

I will buy into the dream (if you don't hesitate)

I'll pick you up (if you'll be by my side-

Is it not time yet for a ******* ride?)

Let's get started

Baby, I was annoying

Toying... baby I was cloying, destroying

(If you are my mate

I am planning to sketch a moment.

If you are my mate don't worry

Approach me- slow devotion

When every second is another decade

Stretching the link in no discerning hurry;

Approach me- ghost-like

So only I can see you drawing near

And only I can feel you deep, within

And only I can clutch, hold dear

The remnants of the breeze

You leave behind

If you do not mind, I will just let you know

"Hello baby, hello!")

Let's see if there are idiots;

See if it's time to stop hijacking time

(If you would like to make a lapse in rhyme?)

Like, to talk about floating in painted scenes

Hello baby- stop by and lie with me

I will crawl on my side

Please do not wake too soon

Let me draw on you

I will beget it; I will adorn you-

We are engaged in courtship

Most affluent, loquacious

Sweet source of information

Free from harshness; freed of scraps,

Scarce lone sharks, a shiny coin

A sharp-edged mannequin watching


We are a bulls-eye accident

Awesomely lonesome... aye, aye.
May 2017 · 267
On the house
Richard Collier May 2017
One more instance of "Ha!"

Her silence graced in magnitude-

(Later morphing to gratitude.)

How else can she get into me

Without the getting out

Risking messes

Appearing crass

Commonplace cranky consequence-

(Arms-at-length-race mollases

We’re speaking

My tweaking- my leaking to the harem

How the here and now is full

Of legitimate - and within them

Pleasurable - "food-**** droooooool!")

“If you cannot bypass the mind and tell

Of matters of the dark

Then you cannot truly feast in me,”- says she

(Hammering another nail to the coffin

She'll later pry her way out of

With bleeding finger-pincers.)

And she knows well

- Within the bleakness of her blinkers -

I pay heed to the last line first

(Like the best wine)

Like the rest are but companions

Empty canyons of thirst

To pass through - read, though invisibly -

Drunk in the abyss of her eyes

To the point the crux- the joint

Hanging off her lips (Methinks though

She anoints too much

My common face my everyman disguise)

There’s a particular

Bi-polar / bi-lingual / by the book

Instance of crazy- where

There’s no emoticon for her to say

"Look!  Look how you pained me - comic hero -

By hook or crook, my balance again zero!"

(... To date / Too late?)

To state- quite unequivocally

“You ****** me over

Through your unpalatable impatience

To glee your table- lover.”

She stays in silence mode

(This being her distraction / extraction

Direction away from the pangs:

Her skinny *** seeking my validation.)

She made the reservation

(I said I like to eat there often...)

She paid for my libation

(Her offering a generous concession!)

She bade happy expression

(Happily, I touted I’d partake there

This day.)


(No matter how ill-gotten

How rotten the buffet affirmation-

Just mind the cliches eh?)

Eat! Drink! "Be

(In the moment-

Joyful in the scenes she paints

Breathing in eucalypts and ferns

And the blue haze of malcontent.)


Days she provides the means:

“Go, do, say, live-

Big as the State you're in!”

And I so go

And I do things we both know

And I am living at a table

Where she does not partake /gestate

The joy; (Too late - huh - to prostate my love.)

When she can only pay the bill

Before the meal

Then skulk away-

She no third wheel

Conjugate; I no Achille's heel

To virtually ***** and slay and say-

"What if we-"

('We' at an impasse.)

But then I sway

I summon her via ether- choking

Gasping for breath, evoking croaking

"I need you to appear. My dear let's play!"

Her magic wand, her bearer bond

Her transfer again spawned

(My avarice umpteenth reborn

My hunger for the Big Pond

Horn of Plenty "Hey!" day

‘Tween we- still.)
May 2017 · 295
Richard Collier May 2017
It is amazing; awesome

Is not it a-maze-zing?

Awe in a moment sublime

Something never wrong in time

How divine the new prose- the pose!

I want us to work great

Gathered flotsam secreted in swathes-

I want to know how mussy we stick

I wonder often- awesome as it plays:

Do you have wonder-full ideas

With you in them- in the nick?

I am looking forward to seeing you soon

There are emotions owing on our faces-

About wandering / stupendous views / tight spaces

Yeah. It's a maze carved up with zing

Ever going right

In the wrong places
May 2017 · 296
Richard Collier May 2017
Might be... feverish

Must be quiet (shhh!)

Must be able to steal it;

Make sure that you are hard

No matter how hard it is- to be in

Make sure that you are the one who does it

Or the one who says it plain: "Abstain."

It can be said it's true that love has guard

And soars above the blue beyond

And stares below at scattered debris simmering

in veins- in unseen constellations:

Wet eyes in waiting for Southern Skies.

No matter how sad it is I am grateful

No matter how sweet it is

It's true that I cannot (not bite back)

It can't be helped if the way you lose matures

The thorny bush endures and

No matter how lucky you are

You get thorned when you give a ****

Just as well

Maybe a moment ago, maybe just

Might be a nice thing / might be fine

I wish, I wonder

Might be sandy, warm, but oh well

I wonder if it's mine

Maybe no problem, would you mind?

(Would you be nice?)

Might be a fool to be the best / reckless

To not be afraid

Whether the morning sun is up

Whether or not mistakes are made

Whether it is a morning sun

Whether your mind is tingling or afraid

Love shan't be in a hurry

Love may be the best I own

Love may be the best I do

Maybe in a state of mind but- maybe

Not in a hurry but it's okay

Would you mind?

Would you be kind

(And be you

Velvety in disarray?)
May 2017 · 248
Richard Collier May 2017
No way, no way

It doesn't sound like that

It doesn't matter much

What the cat says to the bat

No no I can't say *** for tat

No way / No way, it's awful but ohhhhhhhhhh!

It's awesome, it's awesome, it is a shy-

That's it. (That's it!) It's a sly weapon ahhhhhhhhhh...

An awesome-shabby thought, is it not?

Throbbing, the fantasy gone mad.

Do you really think

Formless kisses go unseen?

It's not easy to admit I miss-

(What I have not laid hands upon)

Or it's such a bad bad thing- okay

It may not be easy to delay it

No way / I cannot do it

(He who guides forbids me to it)

... What the cat says to the bat



Cursed be fate, not ever that!
May 2017 · 247
Richard Collier May 2017
Alright- as it is

Abrasive I see; I am sorry

I seek / I am afraid / I am worry

Indeed it is somewhat-

It is somewhat sharp

As long as it is far

A fleshy bubble; trouble in a cup

Stubble on a cheek

Chin somewhat roughed up

And two-dimensional

Creases in a dress


The unquotable mess

I see; alright I'll freeze it

As it is / alright

It is somewhat light

And porous as the breeze

Very easy to grasp

Whether or not it is night

Fantastical; somewhat acute

Tongues tied in symmetry and tune


(As long as it is / we are far)

Over the rainbow on the ocean

Away from shores to walk alone

In unison / alone. Far

From The Great Divide.
May 2017 · 217
Richard Collier May 2017
Yeah yeah yeah

I will hear from you and / or / and / / / / / / with you

Jackets flung on your branches; hair awry, mussed up

I will comment about it

(I'm gonna drink spiked yackety yack)

Giggles. Jackets gone,  jealousy comes

Cookie journey here and there

You are the jar-full never known half-empty

Juggling jerky perky jingles- lines ever single

(Funny Big Gag Bag of lol)

Brimming with oddities and chocolate chips

(I will kick you to where the words are satin ah huh!)

Let's comment / hey / why not.

Strike not the lizard my wizard-

Strike this book- but don't cool it from hot

For I will drink and I will dry it

I do not want it left (de)composing

Shut- obsolete and unimposing

I'm going to write with flesh and silken ties-

(And a lucky-horned side-brew

I do not like to spill on you)

So I will spoon it, sip, sip, swipe the eyes;

I will comment / I will drink it / I will try it / Will I not?

I'm going to speak like I'm an autumn leaf shrilly falling

Yelling calling to the tree of thought- of nought

Swaying in circumstance- until my voice is stalling till

"I will write it I will spill it I will shine I will I will I will!"

You are the ground I fall upon with

Each new leaf crashing each coffee still.
May 2017 · 241
Richard Collier May 2017
You are awesome

You are awfully up or down

Shall we clutch?

Then it's a shy frown

And it's a shabby shame

I will wake the birds

They are barely screeching

It will be a screech indeed

Just a crazy race around the floor

Around the corner

Around the map I walk

Around the crowds

The only people those in rags

The screeching friends

A scintillation of the flesh

Yet they are rough

It's a crazy ******* picture:

The flying birds around the razor shimmer

A frisky fleece now shorn


The floating plumage of the sister

Everyone is rough

Altered by everybody else

Rocks and a crazy breeze around us

It's been sweet

Squabbled frowns off the floor

Singing around us

The screeching scintillating people

Singing apart

Then the false raising of a floating voice

The funny fools singing about the trash

The screech scattered around

It's faulty; it's obsolete.

It's gotten stupid

Got a burn but the gut's rubbed raw

Got stuffy but got strewn about

I got stuck but I got struck too late;

The scarlet satin about to be scattered

Got struck; got a bad character; got a bad grip

It's been strewn around us

Now the scenery is rough

Bins stinky with dismantled hearts

Swaggering in vain

Everything rubbed to a high shine

Everything to hide behind

But a stray smile but a hahaha

A bad story but a hahaha

A struggle but a stray cat

Sweet as usual

But a struggle / but stinky / but a hahaha

Array of ******* bins

Waiting collection

As birds swoop screeching

And pick at debris

And nibble on us.

— The End —