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Apr 2018 · 391
Selman Akıl Apr 2018
always more than one color.
dispersion of eye in the infinity.
extension of a trace, if you want.
- and the cold faith of a killed man
for being part of the pure nature-
you know, there is no hors texte
like broken chest of a galaxy.
NO, don't think it is not funny.
it was funny for me to write
this mess-ity.
Apr 2018 · 603
Selman Akıl Apr 2018
Tavus kuşu çok uzakta şimdi
postmodern bir ışık bile
            \\ değil ////

- halbuki hiç bir zaman hiç bir ^şeytan
bu kadar güzel olmamıştı -

/Sosyoloji acımasız:
mitlerin yankı düzlemi
kinestesikle dudaklara uzak bir duruma kilitlendi./

(ve hem)

/Siyaset bilimi net:
Çokkültürlülük <Sıra ona gelmeden tüketildi.>
Kimlik politikaları <Ciddi mevzularda asılı kaldı.>/

- vucuduma
bir zaman
tavus kuşu dövmesi
yapmak isterdim // yapmadım.
Yine de zamanla ama
güneşin ne büyük
bir {düşünce} olduğunu kavradım. -
belki bitmedi ama şimdilik bu kadar.
Jan 2018 · 331
abiogenetic fire
Selman Akıl Jan 2018
carbon based life form
yes           --------- life form
-------life form // carbon

for that life form-----------
-----------------the trick was
the long ******* patience
of the first bacteria -------
------------------to be able to
           at least to die
       quicker than hell
               more still
      according to second
    law of thermodynamics
       everything *******  
        and life dies faster
        a carbon based life
           it is all math
           at that level
       a simple equation

           more carbon
          more vibration
               more life  
              more fire.
Nov 2017 · 449
Selman Akıl Nov 2017
Once upon a time
When the time wasn't a line
I met a who/man named Godot
In a bar, all alone, calm but fine
It was raining outside
And we both were drunk

S/he had a star in h/is/er left eye
And in the other one the sun
S/he had a face from golden sand
Not only one but thousands ones
S/he was drinking from an iron cup
In front of bar's haunted mirror
His gun was shining on the table
S/he was drinking
And it was raining outside

I asked h/er/im to light my cigarette
Complately indifferent
And with strange reflex I asked:
"Whom s/he will **** tonight?"
We met right there that night
It was raining outside
And we were both drunk

With an unnecessary smile "you"
S/he said, unnecessary though
I sat down beside
It was raining outside
We started to drink till late night
It was raining outside
Then without any hesitation
l killed h/er/im at end of that night.

Without knowing
If in the universe
If is there anyone
Who wait for h/im/er to come.

Selman Akıl

Nov 2017 · 576
Selman Akıl Nov 2017
her yere sızdığından
                              - gündüzleri
güneşin diktatör olduğu fikri
gündüzün diktatörlük
          ve gecenin tüm güneşler
yeterince uzak olduğundan
            demokrasi olduğu fikri

     saçma elbette
     teoriye uymadığı için değil
ya da iktidarın doğasını
            ele vermediği için değil
     foucault adını veririm değil

bildiğimiz güneş olduğundan

ve güneş
ve güneşi düşünürken
-ışığın olmadığı bir anda-
ışığın olmadığı bir anda
politika düşünme adetinden
(bilirsin ontolojik refleks)
güneşi - - bir kez de olsa
                               - - güneşi
politik terimlerle düşünme
düşünmüş olma sefaletinden

ortadoğu da olsa
ortadoğu'da da olsa

güneşin umrunda olmaz
                  ortadoğu siyaseti
güneşlerin umrunda olmaz
                  ortadoğu siyaseti
Oct 2017 · 435
I don't remember
Selman Akıl Oct 2017
Here I am
Like a failed poetry
Like a direct meaning
Like an apparent melancoly

I don't remember
                    when exactly
I forgot
what was written
                       on my palms
and who wrote it
                   for what purpose

and why now it worths
                  to be said to the world!

Was it the true poetry?
Was it the life's secret meaning?
Was it a smile to the melancoly?

I don't remember
                        I don't remember
Where it comes the power of my palms.
Oct 2017 · 450
Selman Akıl Oct 2017
Write a poem

1- Ask yourself "Can you feel?".
a) Yes
b) No

2- İf 'a' Write:
"I feel you
This is a poem
And this poem is for you."

İf 'b' Write:
"I don't feel you
This is not a poem
And this is an algorithm for you."

3- Display the result

4- Stop
Jun 2017 · 461
Sexy intellectual
Selman Akıl Jun 2017
Your intellectual perspective,
my dear, is like an endless smile.
Your intellectual perspective,
my dear, l hate it.
Your concepts, your notions and the candies in your mind-
l inevitably hate.  

My dear,
They are not alive!

11.07.2017   07:30
Selman Akıl Jun 2017

Hatırladı mı acaba Constantine
İlk bakışında Boğaz'a
Gözlerini atası Narkisos'un
Ve ölümcül gücünü
Suyun Narkisos'un gözlerinde
Kendine bakmasının?

06.06.2017        06:10
May 2017 · 722
Selman Akıl May 2017
J'ai mal compris sa beauté
Sa voix tremblante
Sa bouche timide
Ses lèvres émues
Ses yeux noirs
La peau bronzée brillante
Les mouvements de son corps
Et tout ça, et tout ça
Mais surtout
Sa voix tremblante
Et ses yeux noirs
J'ai mal compris tout ça.

Tout ça j'ai mal compris
Parce que
L'amour n'est qu'un écho dans lumière
Mais qu'en vérité
L'écho de la lumière n'existe pas.
Selman Akıl May 2017
"L'image qui a choqué le monde"
Un enfant encore
Un enfant cette fois-ci encore vivant
On a l'habitude
Des images des enfants
Veut dire l'innocence
Veut dire le futur
Mais c'est un enfant
Indifférent à son présence
Indifférent à ses blessures
Il regarde son sang
Comme si ceci n'est pas son sang
Mais comme l'image du sang.

"L'image qui a choqué le monde"
Mais c'est un mensonge
Une image verbale du mensonge
Aucune image ne peut plus choquer le monde
Les jeux de cadrage
Au service de propagande ont tuées
Déjà impitoyablement tout innocence
Et que comme beaucoup plus gravement
L'homme est tout perdu
Dans ses images de monde
Et le monde des images.

Tout qui nous reste à réaliser que
Les enfants ne sont pas des images
Qu'ils ne font pas du spectacle pour nos écrans.

08.2016 İstanbul
May 2017 · 694
Poetry for AfterHumans
Selman Akıl May 2017
The poetry will not die!
But it will change its form.
İt will be endless at first
Then it will be soundless,
To be invisible will be its sign.
İt will not be so easy to have emotions.
To feel will be something like Not to be.
Not to be
İn the endless poetry.

Selman Akıl
May 2017 · 407
Selman Akıl May 2017
I was dreaming that
I was inside of a black hole
All alive
And all naked
With a sunflower
With a little water
And with endless verses
Inside the black hole
The aim was to touch to multiverses
All alive
And all naked

While l was sleeping under my silky old blanket.

08.2016 - İstanbul
May 2017 · 1.3k
Selman Akıl May 2017
To Mari

I can close my eyes
and like anyone else
in the universe, I can hear
the whispers of materials,
matter and masses.

Like anyone else
in the universe, I can hold
from the inside,
from their center
with my hands
any solid object.
A solid rock for example.
A solid water, a solid cloud.
Certainly, like anyone else
In the universe.
I can play football
in the storms, under the rivers
and on the rainbows.

I can create art works,
The masterpieces I mean
Just with a simple glance
Like anyone else
In the universe, I am
The energy of the universe,
And when I close my eyes
I am the universe itself.

I am the stone and
The shape of the wine
At the same time
I am the hands of
Everyone, the eyes of ground
I am the life in the blood
Of an unborn poet, I am
The magic of a poem.

I am the spirit of naked night,

I am made up
Of the heat, speed and light -

09.03.2017, İstanbul

— The End —