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Ofttimes there're
when one feels forlorn
    and down and out.
      At other times
skies are luminous
       sun shimmers
through every pore,
        life appears
  absolutely sublime.
          Hang on to
        happy moments
     through hard times.
           The memories
          you cleave to
    bring in its entourage
           serenity of mind.
A bittersweet sadness
  surrounds the inner
  sanctum of the soul
      on festive days.
Dormant memories kick
     and become alive
flash on the film of mind
     play hide and seek
  exciting no response.
     They eagerly await
           the advent of
         the next festival.
A bittersweet sadness
  surrounds the inner
  sanctum of the soul
      on festive days.
Dormant memories kick
     and become alive
flash on the film of mind
     play hide and seek
  exciting no response.
     They eagerly await
           the advent of
         the next festival.
A bittersweet sadness
  surrounds the inner
  sanctum of the soul
      on festive days.
Dormant memories kick
     and become alive
flash on the film of mind
     play hide and seek
  exciting no response.
     They eagerly await
           the advent of
         the next festival.
A bittersweet sadness
  surrounds the inner
  sanctum of the soul
      on festive days.
Dormant memories kick
     and become alive
flash on the film of mind
     play hide and seek
  exciting no response.
     They eagerly await
           the advent of
         the next festival.
Live each day
   to its lees,
for the mortgage
on fleeting time
is renewed every day.
    Guiltless of past
capture verity of present
    and celebrate future.
            For tomorrow
        today is yesterday.
Amateur clicked
never to be forgotton
( a moment frozen in time )
affixed in a gilt- edged album
    capture and imprison
    memorable moments :
         to mock and jeer
   silver fish and moth
among sepia -toned hues
    of discoloured faces.

— The End —