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Dec 2017 · 184
My Rant
Tcpusher Dec 2017
You know at the end of the day it’s not about what or how you feel for someone because sadly but true love and happiness are a thing of the past if not never a true factual thing so many people are in the what do you do or hey I like but I don’t like you or I just need time sorry if you feel ****!!!! can people just be real and just feel love and not worry about the future and just live because ******* ******* I’m done with love and relationships and just giving a **** anymore I’m 41 and I never want a relationship again I’m giving up throwing in the towel ******* LOVE.... till we meet again
Jun 2017 · 218
Tcpusher Jun 2017
I see you as you dance so gracefully as you work and tend to your fans. I notice your eyes tell a story of how you grave a love and understanding, you want security and affection, something and someone to truly love...
Jun 2017 · 190
Endless Thoughts
Tcpusher Jun 2017
Why do I have to miss you so much
I still remember your smile I hear your laugh I can still see the little glare, sparkle in your eyes when I would look at you when you would look back
Why do I have to miss you so much....
May 2017 · 217
A girl I met
Tcpusher May 2017
I met a girl we hit it off
I met a girl we went for tacos
I met a girl went to a *******
I met a girl we had drinks
I met a girl she's amazing
I met a girl she's taken
I met a girl she's worth the risk...
Apr 2017 · 262
The Dream
Tcpusher Apr 2017
At night I think about you I Imagine your beautiful eyes, lips, body you're perfect I imagine your long blonde hair as it drapes over your shoulders making contact with your ******* rubbing them gently as they get harder and harder your lips begin to cringe and crave for mine the thirst is building my desire I want nothing more I want to take you kiss your body everywhere as my hands are caressing every inch every corner you guide my hands to your secret garden so precious yet so delicate she begins to blossom for me I can hear you gasping for air as I begin kissing and touching her she's amazing and wants more you reach down and grab my **** he's pulsing and ready I enter your garden as you release sounds of pleasure I turn you around I grab your hips and begin thrusting as we enter ecstasy we begin to dance our bodies feel each other and know the next step flawlessly changing positions Like a conductor to my orchestra we both reach that level of pleasure and excitement our juices begin to flow we explode with sounds like 4th of July  lighting up the world
Apr 2017 · 199
Tcpusher Apr 2017
I made you
Your mom grew you
You're born
You love me
You hate me
You love me
I'm gone
You hurt
I hurt
You hate me
You love me
You live life

— The End —