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463 · Apr 2017
Peony Lips
Amnah Alamir Apr 2017
All that is me and
you and I,
and us,
is semblance to
an amarena sky,
dripping dusk
sticking sickly syntax
'I' stuck
wryly wires
pink hairs of little girls
that I chomp on slowly
with peony lips,
as the
frills of your fingers feather my
tantalising tufts fall from
my mouth
'you' pick prickling petals
out of my eyes
and smile knowingly,
413 · May 2017
Amnah Alamir May 2017
You have been missed,
like the spring kissed meadows---
sprung from a daffodil's lips
Hiding behind the blushing cheeks  
of coral reefs, a giggling hum--
does brush against my eardrum 
And so, the echo of your playful steps 
return mine thoughts in songful breeze, 
soft sway like the mosses that planted 
our heads in day--- 
Softer yet, than the whispered words lay 
peeking above air--- I swear to where the 
shadows fall beneath us 
By light, there was stars---
gifted in no dark that eyes can see 
Were it to be a soul's reverie,  
I followed the birds--  
they move with shivers 
why snowflakes in May?
363 · May 2017
Them Vegans
Amnah Alamir May 2017
Orange peel ******* 
tapering across a sunset view 

Luminous swirls hit glass 
and behind a window, we sit blue 

Frisky neighbours forgotten 
in our eyes, another sunday gone blind 

Should have gone to church 
sat at the back, with wine, and unwind.
338 · Apr 2017
Amnah Alamir Apr 2017
Just between us,
you whisper
sounds of regret,
the same way my tongue
marinates in vowels,
and 'my sorry'
lies as heavy and hollow
in my Chevy trunk
among the thousands
that I have kept.
245 · Apr 2017
A Conversation I've Had
Amnah Alamir Apr 2017
You ask me why there is so much
misery in the world
why can't people just accept their pain
and be happy,
I pause
and look at the pain in myself;
the years of neglect 
coiled like snakes
between the layers of my skin,
the doubt, 
and ugliness
****** through my tissues
(that I can't wring out like a sponge, 
though I have tried),
the lonliness 
fed to me by my blood
so that I am always full,
the devil that wraps himself 
around my backbone,
so tightly
that when I cough
he breathes
when I choke
he heaves
'with pleasure, 
sadness always weaves'
and when I spoke,
my voice fell
my teeth followed
clattering to the ground.

— The End —