The Day God Forgot
I was sad, I know not why.
Said I to GOD, just let me die.
And so it was I told Him much.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
I told him wicked things I'd done,
If only in the name of fun.
I told him things most leave unsaid.
Of sorrow, and of woeful dread.
Of love and joy and all my dreams,
Of precious life, and what it means.
I shed tears full of sad sorrow.
I didn't want to see tomorrow.
The sun had ceased it's brilliant shining.
The clouds had lost their Silver lining.
So from God's hand, a gold quill I took.
And wrote my name in his big book.
I signed in ink made from my blood,
Spilled from my veins a crimson flood.
I walked away, God heaved a sigh,
And followed me with his wise eyes.
A subtle smile crossed his face,
For he knew my heart, and he knew my fate.
Then many days flew quickly past,
My melancholy didn't last.
No longer did I feel life's sting.
Songs of joy were mine to sing.
What magic had the good Lord wrought?
Nothing but his wisdom taught.
And what happened to that day I sought?
Well, that's the day that God forgot.