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319 · Oct 2014
People use to throw me behind their shadows but I know i can't win this battle. People judge how i look but some people don't know that you can read them like a book, page by page, cover by cover always tells a different story.  But there is one that you still haven't heard and that story is mine. I  know that i am not boring so here is my story, When i was born i felt like there was a storm. The smoke of all the drugs fill the air as i feel it hit my bare skin. i was abused and brused and i can't handle it no more and now from telling this story supposly i am a skinny ***** but i tht is not true. As my page by page covers in blood i no that i still haven't won i think my pain is going away but it getd worst the next day. It feel that if sucide is calling my name but i can't end this day think my loved ones will never get to no my real life and it may scare some people may say that i am insane but this is me and my story no one have the right to judge me for who i am i am me and no one is going to change that.

— The End —