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lalalee Aug 2014
Winter is a weather of comfort
The weather to sit and watch a movie
A weather to sleep and be warm
A weather to sit in front of the heater
While drinking hot coffee!!
lalalee Aug 2014
Children are the most beautiful people
They have joy in they hearts but some of them are sad
While some are having fun

I often think about the children
Who have  nothing to eat
But I have been
Looking at the waste some people have in food

As peole we need to think about every child/mom/Dad
Who have nothing to eat and stop wasting food and help others
Who don't have
lalalee Aug 2014
Children are the most beautiful people
They have joy in they hearts but some of them are sad
While some are having fun

I often think about the children
Who have  nothing to eat
But I have been
Looking at the waste some people have in food

As peole we need to think about every child/mom/Dad
Who have nothing to eat and stop wasting food and help others
Who don't have
lalalee Aug 2014
Children are the most beautiful people
They have joy in they hearts but some of them are sad
While some are having fun

I often think about the children
Who have  nothing to eat
But I have been
Looking at the waste some people have in food

As peole we need to think about every child/mom/Dad
Who have nothing to eat and stop wasting food and help others
Who don't have

— The End —