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Tyler Jericho Jan 2013
With merit badge in metallic flame
and while never failing to find a root from which to let blood flow
navigational will serves our only compass.
The woven path through wood
a rocky spillway Rapid

All to quickly dodge the occasional motorist
and fall and bathe in water warm from long summer sun
To bask in stars and feel the hum of night
Living as such revokes fear
for even in the absence of light, sight is made up for
Euphorias rationed prove a friend of adventure
and infinite exploration is chased with each taste.
Tyler Jericho Jan 2013
I am numb to the sickened interjection
of whom from which I've heard nothing but ****
Existential light must first dim
if mental dilation is to take rightful place
Think Exist
Tyler Jericho Jan 2013
That which is scribed is mental music
Originally electric and intangible
Forced into physicality
via a juxtaposed orchestration of muscles
The result of which
you perceive
Tyler Jericho Jan 2013
my view of tomorrow's imminence
is refined with each rising sun
wasted time is worth little to the impatient mind
immortalized is a focused consciousness before dawn
a clock stretch
thoughts are things that fly
carrying one beyond the truth
and lie
in bitter refusal to land
resulting in a dark symbolic lead
illegible to those yet to see as much
Tyler Jericho Jan 2013
organized energy
does much to paint the cerebral pallet
in artificial colors of chaos
rewritten, recycled
for the next realist to suddenly realize
and uneasily come to terms with
and quite possibly never think about again
for the sake of safe and sane disposition
Tyler Jericho Jan 2013
Each anticipation bleeds inevitably into memory
Illusion persists and exists thereafter as corrosion
Scattered stimuli let swim in neuronic soup

Such is the sum of past and ultimate value of future
When of mind, nothing is absolute

As these words fade
The page they are written on serve as example
Tyler Jericho Jan 2013
I am not separate from all those around me
the only difference found is the I
and even that, it is thought, we realistically share
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