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2.1k · Aug 2013
Ty Aug 2013
One day you'll realize
You should have told me you appreciate me
But when you realize I will be gone
1.6k · Oct 2013
Cemetery (10w)
Ty Oct 2013
Can you bury me alive,
beside I'm already dead inside?
feeling like shiittttt
1.5k · Aug 2013
Adore Me
Ty Aug 2013
Do you want to take me back?
All I want is to be yours,
to be held by you,
and to be the one you adore.

Do you think that I'm a joke?
All I do is wish I could be yours,
to be perfect,
and to be the girl everyone adores.
1.4k · Jan 2014
zoloft zombie
Ty Jan 2014
you're not in control,
by your mind doesn't wander.
for a few hours everything is frozen,
all emotions disappear,
like a soul in a corpse.
concentration is impossible.

but it ends with relief.
you're no longer a zombie,
but they return.
the fear, and the thoughts,
and they're angry.

you tried to suppress them,
but it made them stronger.
you yearn for the high,
from the drugs meant to help.

it's desperation against control.
allow a pill to control your mind,
not a disorder

the end is beckoning
recently (finally) diagnosed with anxiety and depression and was put on sertraline (zoloft). I wrote this while in a "zombie" state people experience when beginning the medication. so far it just makes me numb then more depressed and more anxious. sorry this poem is dark and all over the place
1.2k · Aug 2013
Ty Aug 2013
When you relapse
You feel nothing but shame
Shame makes you want to hurt yourself
And nobody even knows when you feel this shame
You want someone to take you into their arms and hug you
You want to pour out all your feelings of hatred and disgust for yourself
But the thoughts in your mind mean absolutely nothing to them
And they won't hug you and listen to your words
You're just dealing with an addiction
Alone and full of self hate
And nobody knows
But you
****** day to say the least
1.1k · Aug 2013
Ty Aug 2013
as beautiful as a canary
she flies to the treetops
as happy as can be
she has no reason
but that she can soar
away from her reality

but this is not true
as she is falling
from the clouds
past the trees
what she wanted
she was not a canary

and the shaded sky glares
down at her breathless body
fallen from her  perfect dream
she thinks her last thought
she is not a soaring canary
this is her reality
1.0k · Oct 2013
Ty Oct 2013
speak to me
I need that much
there has to be more than this
this world
this sadness
this razor

it's not like I enjoy this
I hate it
I hate them
I hate you
I hate me

maybe one day I'll fly
with the ravens
with the clouds
with the sun

but first I must stay here
in hell
my hell
everywhere is ******* hell
and the flames hurt
they burn as they slice me open

they do it
not me
I can't be blamed for these scars
they're everyone's fault
in sick of it
of the stares
of the exclusion
of the pressure

the pressure to fit in
to be perfect
is what presses on that razor
it's not me
it's them
18 days clean and I want throw it all away. I am back on the edge.
975 · Aug 2013
When will this end?
Ty Aug 2013
he dresses me up in beautiful words
but what he doesn't know is that
the admiration is what breaks me down
until I'm nothing at all
but he doesn't realize and continues
as I begin begging for the end

of his words that hurt my soul

of the empty feeling inside

of me
827 · Nov 2013
Ty Nov 2013
when I think of you I am manic
with joy
but then I think of how you think of me
and I become anxious and can no longer breathe
so please be kind
824 · Aug 2013
Cliffhanger (10w)
Ty Aug 2013
why hasn't anyone even noticed
I'm standing on the edge
816 · Aug 2013
Good Morning (10w)
Ty Aug 2013
Good morning
I can't take anymore of this.
Good mourning
641 · Nov 2013
Is this even a poem?
Ty Nov 2013
I hate speaking of my razors
and my scars
but it would be nice if someone would
distract me from the thoughts
of reusing them
and making new permanent lines
that will stay with me forever

I cannot think of anything else lately
(tm) I'm sorry if you don't want to hear stuff like this
639 · Aug 2013
Ty Aug 2013
I feel as though I am drowning
Sinking into an abyss
But am I truly fading
Or is the void coming for me
To swallow me whole
And to bring me to my dreams

Escort me to wonderland
Mr Reaper
Let me fall into the rabbit hole
To obtain my fantasies
624 · Aug 2013
Ty Aug 2013
she has nobody to talk to
she has only music as a friend
she has scars on her thighs
and she has fresh cuts on her ankles

she is sad and alone
she is standing at the edge of the cliff
she is beginning to see nothing but death
and she is creeping closer to the end
560 · Oct 2013
Ty Oct 2013
Three weeks ago
I could think straight
I hated the metal
I could distract myself from the sadness

I'm more insane than before
I crave the metal more than air
I am more depressed than ever
I don't think i can make it another day.
541 · Aug 2013
Close to Home
Ty Aug 2013
she waited for her prince charming
to swoop in and take her away
from the cruel world
from the voices in her head
that battered her body
and shattered her mind

she waited for her dreams to come true
to show her the good in the world
and to show her that not all was wrong
that his touch would be right
but the only thing that would touch her
was the metal and flame
from her mind
537 · Oct 2013
Forest Fire (10w)
Ty Oct 2013
burn me with your touch
     I can feel your soul
I'm really trying hard to not relapse
487 · Sep 2013
Sandpaper (10w)
Ty Sep 2013
like a cat's tongue, the cold touch scraps her skin
460 · Sep 2013
Fuck Friends
Ty Sep 2013
Her bestfriend spoke of another girl
That she is now closer with
She has thrown her to the side of the road
And left her to die


**** friends. They mean nothing anymore
457 · Aug 2013
Ty Aug 2013
is it wrong to miss someone you never loved
someone who didn't mean anything to you
until they had left you
for you were never good enough
to make them happy
or to give them
and this is the reason they mean so much now
you can no longer prove yourself to them
and show them that you did
really love them
and they gave you
439 · Oct 2013
Untitled (10w)
Ty Oct 2013
Twenty-two days without it
and I just ******* relapsed
I'm a failure
427 · Oct 2013
Ill (10w)
Ty Oct 2013
I'm sick
with a twisted mind and a sore throat
16 days clean
417 · Oct 2013
Ty Oct 2013
go away
you've done enough
and I'm tired
                    of smiling
of *lying
to myself

I'm fine
                    *with being alone

I never should have gotten my hopes up
because you were enough
but I am not
                    I will never be enough

I'm sorry for trying

this is a poem I am proud of
406 · Oct 2013
grey confusion
Ty Oct 2013
this life is a
grey confusion
I can't live
in this black and white world
because all I ever see
is the blur of everything
in between

*help me
someone else wrote this for me
392 · Sep 2013
Ty Sep 2013
she's having a good day
and doesn't know why.
because her world is
falling apart.

what will happen when
her happiness dissolves
into dust?
379 · Aug 2013
Ty Aug 2013
you really start to feel
when you reach out for
and nobody notices

you become afraid of what you're going to do next
353 · Aug 2013
Taken (10w)
Ty Aug 2013
Come for me Reaper
Take me to hell
Save me
345 · Oct 2013
1 week
Ty Oct 2013
Its been a week since I hurt myself
And I am proud
Of me
its been a good week
344 · Oct 2013
Before He Sleeps
Ty Oct 2013
She's waiting for him to answer her
                                                           He is out having fun
She's wondering what she did wrong
                                                           He's talking to other girls
She sheds tear for a boy who never loved her
                                                           He has never thought about her before he sleeps
She tells herself she's not good enough for him or anyone
                                                           He doesn't even remember her name

But I thought what we had was special
                                                         You are nothing to me
It happened again
310 · Sep 2013
1 am (10w)
Ty Sep 2013
it's one in the morning
and I want to die
296 · Sep 2013
Ty Sep 2013
One day she won't believe your

                                  kind words

                                  because nothing can save her

                                                                     from the

                                                                     terrible words in her head

I think I'm going crazy.
275 · Sep 2013
Treading Water
Ty Sep 2013
I can't swim much longer.
I'm alone in this
And there hasn't been an island
for months.

Do I hope for a ship,
or do I let myself drown?

— The End —