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527 · Nov 2017
Teyha Nov 2017
From the age 1, I have not been alone, maybe not alone but still empty. Us far away but hearts still connected. I miss you so & wish you could come back. We could be together eating a snack. Seeing my mom’s beautiful face & my dad’s handsome smile but this will take longer than just a mile, seeing them together will bring me joy.

All I ever wanted was you guys to be together but maybe it’s not meant to be? but I wish that my parents can be here with me. Seeing you love each other would be the most beautiful
sight & it would feel the room with delight.

I love you mom & and hope you know you have never left my heart even though we may be apart. I love you mom but please come back, not having you is a lack. I love you dad but please don’t go, I want you here with me so please don’t say no.

My love for you is unique & it’s a warm feeling almost very neat. Mom and Dad please come along, we can be together and hope it lasts long. We can be happy, we could feel love & we would be rising up above.

Not seeing you guys for over ten years, is such a pain & not having my parents make me feel lame. Do you know how it feels to not to be alone yet empty? Or not having my own mom massage my cheek gently. Not having my own parents here, makes my eyes full with tears.

Crying every night for you & I know you feel the pain too.  Separated from you guys is horrible & I can’t think of anything more terrible. Being without you is like being a doughnut, I have a big hole in the middle , & it kind of hurts but only a little. I could be talking to you on the phone but that won’t change the fact that I still feel alone.
The very first poem I ever wrote hehe ;)
388 · Dec 2017
A better world
Teyha Dec 2017
I look up & walk on but something inside me is still wrong, I can't help but cry & I lie, cause I know if I tell the truth, I would be laughed at, but I know it wouldn't really matter cause all they care about is that Snapchat.

If I express the beauty within it wouldn't matter cause I'm not thin, all they care about is that make-up but they are missing from the things they need to make-up.

If only numbers didn't define us & if only we would build more trust, the world would be much better like thus.

Emotions are lost, love is tossed but that's OK, we're all mossed up either way.

If only we could have a world, a world where humanity doesn't fade, where we all could be saved.

If only there were happiness in this black and white world.

Teachers shouldn't just teach, they should give, give what they got, even though it is not a lot.

Let's build world where sadness is not forever but instead be happy together. Let's build a world where your appearance wouldn't matter because beauty is within not on the skin. Instead of doing make-up, let's make-up the time we have lost on judging others.

We could do better, we need to make them proud, our mothers. Let's build a world where freedom actually happens, where being you is not a crime & let the beauty you have inside shine.

Let's build a world where numbers wouldn't describe you, number of likes on Instagram don't matter & it's not like they are going to take you somewhere important.

What matters is you, nothing else & this is not new, you just got to be you. Change your point of view & change the way you say the term "I love you".

Let's build a world where socializing didn't happen through social media, let's not worry about snapping that Snapchat or even stress about what filter you should use, don't let technology take over & abuse.

Our beautiful minds don't need to be destroyed, they need more joy.

In this case, we don't need a beautiful face to match our beautiful mind, we need to be kind & accept what's on the inside.

Let's build a world where your mental health is more important, try to focus on what comes first which is you, your health, you.

Education is important but it would be useless if you died of a mental disease, this will keep on going and never seize.

Let's build a world where families are not broken, where talking to your father is normal & where your mother is by your side all the time, let's make this world shine, let's make it beautiful again. All I mean is...

Make our world a better place.

The end
303 · Dec 2017
°Light and Monsters°
Teyha Dec 2017
I have  to write before i explode, so much emotions running thru my veins, and you’re the cause of it, my world is a big dark room and you are my light, you were supposed to be my guide until you decided to turn off, forgetting your purpose, forgetting to shine. You forget to serve just because of your own selfishness, you become the monster because you’ve spent your life being scared by one, don't become the monster you've been trying to avoid, brighten up and be kind. Stop being so dull and let your light shine. Your life *****, it's true but what did your love ones do? Don't take your pain out by releasing anger. Yes, your life ***** but not only yours, look at the whole picture, not just your point of view. Don't become that monster, face it. The first step of solving a problem is accepting that you have one and we all have problems, we all go through life with tears but few choose to laugh, life is a road full of wonders and choices, I wonder what it feels like to be happy, so I choose to be happy. I choose to face that monster. I choose to light up. What do you choose?
142 · Sep 2019
It’s been 2 years
Teyha Sep 2019
Been uninspired
I had lost my spark
But I’m constantly hit with emotions
So hopefully this will be a start
It’s been 2 years
I have a grown a lot
I had new life experience
So it’s now time to show you what I got
I just came up with that so :) I was off of this website for 2 years but I’ve decided to come and to hopefully connect with my roots

— The End —