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Dusk is the colour of my life
Loneliness, the flag of my strife
Thoughtfulness, my only wife
But happiness
Is that I can't attain
So forever I will refrain
From life in all it's usuallness
Simple and plain
And I'll keep on thinking
Of better ways to reign
These thoughts of life
That have become my name
Hidden withdrawal
Into the chamber of dusk
Into the dwelling of dust
Under lampshades and blinds
Dusky and dull
Lie the soul


In the heart of a man
Without purpose nor life
Lie the words
Screaming to come fourth
But hopelessly sunk
In the abyss of his soul


Are the words he once found
The sentences once bound
To his life
Former to his strife
And to his pain
Now he dwells
Among all forgotten shells
Of past fate


Wandering thoughts
Dulling into dust
He wonders how
He ever came
To be lost
I'd paint you a picture
But my image I may not convert
I'd write you a song
But my words can not be learnt
I'd clasp to your words
But they slide away like sand
I'd fall into your hands
But they move away, just a tad

For you and me
Will never quite see
What it is in each other
What we want to be
We're both in a trap
Like the rest of our friends
We need to break free
But only in the end

It's really not hard to see
Once you look at it simplistically
We're all in a trap
Encaged by this world
A sense of self
The impairment of our sight
Is our real plight
What we call "I"
We should really call "us"
It's the blinder to our lives
The captor of our freedom
The separation of each other
Is what makes society shudder
But fear not, dear
It's not but an outgrown husk
At the end of your life
At the end of our years
When unity reappears
Life is a system of matter
Sustaining your ego and bladder
But what of the consciousness held in your head?
Something of virtue, or something to dread?
A little of both
My mind most certainly thinks
A gift from the heavens
Is something with links

Links to our nature
Links to our mind
Links back in time
Are what make us think
So don't fool yourself
With lies told abroad
Science is of virtue
And surely no fraud
So don't speak so quickly
Be faster to think
Rejection of old thoughts
Beliefs held abroad
Is where one must start
To learn of his God

Forget those religions
You learned in your schools
Of churches
Of fools
All held down beneath
Their skull
They fear
What they know to be near
The lies of their past
Safely guard them to last

So I pray you begin
The longest of journeys within
But take heed, friend
Of the lies you'll find
Instead, think within
Your mind and your heart
Just don't forget to begin
The journey within
The colours of life
Are those filled with strife
All shades of gray
Is what some have to say

But others yet
See only hate
Forget their lies
They are in a fatal state
It is one of frustration
Only curable by fate

But why look so glum?
Look outside, the sky holds the sun
Life is full of love
Of glories untold
Create your own happiness dear
Life is only fool's gold
Beheld in the eyes of a stranger
Before the setting sun meets it's destination
I often ponder life's biggest questions
But what's the point? There's no worth testing
Hopelessness often meets despair
I can't even begin to care
Intellectualism is in my name
Surely I am without a blame

For who lives life
Without a single care
For how
Or where
Or when
Or why
They came about

I once met a man
Who told me son
Life can be lived simply
If you consider it fun
But I responded solely
Only in my head
Life is no fun
Unless checked by reasoning's hand

The life unexamined
Socrates once said,
Is a life not worth living
And he put it to bed
For what man
Who calls himself a man
Can honestly live a day
Without caring where he might lay
On the fated day
He departs upon tomorrow
The halls
Full of life
Full of frenzy
Lonely bodies shuffle books and paper
While hiding among the crowds of foes

I hide myself
From bodies called "friends"
As I hold books I so fearfully dread
I wonder "what keeps us all from being dead?"
But all ponder stops in it's shoes
As a door opens
My dear, it's you

You stroll on in
You ignore my longing pleas
Just a glance is all I need
No one wonders why all stops
When you make entrance
Into this passage of teens

For you, dear, add something more
Than what the halls were before
As you light up the stream
Of hopeless people living in steam
You electrify the world
You calm the sea
Everyone stands still
As you pass through
The halls
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