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455 · Nov 2017
Goodbye Dad
She was happy to see daddy doing “better”
She couldn’t see the sunken face and the bags under his lazy eyes
Daddy would fall asleep driving with her in the car
She didn’t know this at the time until daddy almost went off the road
Daddy is the bad guys that you see in cartoons and comics
Daddy went back to the cold steel bars that he seemed to love more than his little girl
She told herself “This time you won’t fall for daddy’s lies”
She told herself “I don’t need him”
She listened to herself this time
Daddy is behind the cold bars
Waiting to be free again
His little girl is grown up
He missed out on his little girl’s life
Just to feel the rush of the high
The rush of being a bad guy
She knows who her daddy is
She’s seen his true colors
And it’s time for his little girl to say goodbye.
GoodBye Dad.
432 · Nov 2017
My Love
My love for you is like a dam
roaring out
with every ounce
My love for you will never die
It may cry
but only because I care
When I stare
I need to catch
A breath of air
You are my everything
When I look at you
I fall in love all over again
You are my forever,
My always.
My boyfriend means everything to me. He's my everything, my best friend, my love, my life. I have no idea what I'd do without him. He's been my rock I love him so much and I know I can't type all my love for him into one single poem but I love him so much.
427 · Nov 2017
This Girl Named Ana
I know this girl named Ana
She whispers sweet things in my ear.
Sweet lies
She tells me to cut ties
That she's the only friend I need
She always gave great advice.
She was there for me.
She helped me look better.
She was my trendsetter.

I love this girl named Ana
She was so meek
She wasn't a geek,
She was tall, skinny, beautiful
but soon later she's changed
If I try to eat something sweet
she yells at me
digs her claws into me
She tells me "NO! Don't eat
that you'll get fat."
I listened to what she told me
She never wronged me before.

It's been awhile
I look different
My clothes no longer fit the same.
Is that bone I see?
What a shame,
I wish this were all just a sick game.
She tells me all the time,
"You're fat don't eat that."
"You are worthless"
"Why did I ever try to make you pretty"
She made me feel ******.
I told her to stop,
I don't want her advice anymore.

This girl named Ana
she hates me
I try to tell her to stop
But now she's on top
I can't eat anymore
I don't have an appetite
Nothing feels right...

I hate this girl named Ana
She'll hurt you too
She'll be stuck with you like glue,
You can't break free.
She will be the demon in your head.

The day Ana left
Is the day I died.
I can no longer hide,
I am now in a grave
because I couldn't be brave.
I know there are a lot of "Ana" poems but this one is one I wrote a while ago and thought I'd share it with all you beautiful writers.
374 · Nov 2017
What are You, My God?
“Blessed by the Almighty…
Blessed be God’s name…”
Blessed be God’s name?
Why, but why would I bless Him?
How could I say Blessed be thou,
Almighty, Master of the Universe,
Who chose us among all nations
To be tortured day and night,
To watch as our fathers, our mothers,
Our brothers end up in furnaces?
Praised be Thy Holy Name
For having chosen us
To be slaughtered on Thine Altar?

You have betrayed,
Allowing them to be tortured,
Slaughtered, gassed, and
Burned, what do they do?
They pray before you!
They praise your name!

My eyes had opened,
Terribly alone in a world
Without God, without a man.
Without love or mercy.
Dead inside me,
I felt a great void opening...
This is my found poem from the book Night by Elie Wiesel.
271 · Nov 2017
Wish Upon
I wish upon a star
that I could be pretty
What a pity
That I have to wish
to be pretty
It's kinda ******
I feel itty bitty
But this is my wish
to be pretty.
256 · Nov 2017
Where I'm From
I’m from a small neighborhood we call “Bucktown”
From where the bleeding hearts sway in the luscious wind
I’m from the tulips in the beds they call home
From the smell of blooming flower buds
From where it smells like freshly mowed grass

I’m from posters that hang still on the wall

From where we have Christmas in the crisp cold air
From camping to swimming in the sizzling sun

From where the tomatoes are big and juicy

From where my mom is always there for me
From where my dad was rarely there for me
I'm from where the winter is freezing
Where the summers are torrid
I'm from where spring is nice and rainy
Where autumn has a cool breeze hitting your neck
Sending a chill through your whole body

I'm from where you would go to parks
From where you would drive around in your car

I’m from where there are feral cats roaming the town

From where the kittens love to play

From where I learned everything I know today.
This is a Where I'm From poem that I wrote my sophomore year. Not my best work but still a sort of important poem to me.
229 · Nov 2017
You are my everything.
You're everything I need.
You are everything I want.
The way your hand caresses my thigh
Makes me feel an ultimate high.
The way your hand slips down
to the warmth of my sweet spot.
With the sticky sweetness laced with your fingers now
it's getting hot.
I need you even more
I want you even more
I crave you
To taste you.
You are what I want.
It's always been

— The End —