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1.2k · Feb 2013
Winding Road
Tripp Feb 2013
Oh winding road, how you twist and turn
me nauseous and absurd.
Make me question, make me think
Make me believe something I don't want to be true.

I know the game, and how it is
usually played:
you test my soul,
I test yours,
then see who will win out,
who first will fold.

Will not race
down this windy road,
will not make haste
lest life itself be debased,
for even in this nausea and absurdity
The turns are awfully exhilarating.
823 · Feb 2013
Swimming Soul
Tripp Feb 2013
Omnipotent sun, glaring and oppressive—fields of corn forced to endure this awe-inspiring entity, always to be overpowered by its intensity.
Running horses, galloping freely towards a heavenly construct: a striking castle, towering and immemorial.
Multitudes of magnanimous people devilishly deceived into slavish certainty! Dejected by doubt, they find comfort in their artificial answers!
Drugs, death and disease–awards, families, and pictures smiling. Good, and Bad, both as necessary, both as despicable.
Reflections of tiny-selves in mirrors, ego confined to skin-tight borders, painful limitations eminent and inevitable. Eternity is near, approaching without hesitation.
So I want to fly up, high enough to be swallowed up by the sun and ****** into time infinite...
726 · Feb 2013
Hope in Chaos.
Tripp Feb 2013
We are going to move soon. Mom says we are going to California.
Fear and discontent; ghosts of old memories coming back to haunt us.
Sun-baked cigars lose their precious scent like once-joyful families
lose their only redeeming qualities in times of hardship and abandonment.
Swallowed tears hurt my throat and my sisters are lost,
lost even more than I am, and that hurts my soul.
Moving without knowing where, tossing our lives up into the air to see where it takes them. Tumbleweed flying through towns abandoned,
irrespective of its previous path, Where will it come to a halt?
Blood-leaking hearts screaming giant black bold words at eachother
to see who will leak out first. Tumultuous times a rhythmic pattern
in life’s depressing story, which at best is witty—never happy.
Love and crushes demoted to mere memories glazed-over
by more pressing ones.
Piercing judging eyes spot the handcuffs of my arresting shame
and seize them; from there they can take me anywhere.
Stories of death, doom, destruction on the news, but to them I am
cold and indifferent. Heart calloused by self-punishment I see no good,
no evil.
Oppressive overcast sky mingling with rambunctious sea forming
holy alliance, beautiful horizon infinite and superb. Perhaps there is
hope in constant chaos.
688 · Feb 2013
The Present
Tripp Feb 2013
Drones strike down on innocent Arabs
Capitalist exploiters enslave poor Asians
Never before has there been so much international unity
Against a common enemy:

Humanity desperate and starved
Rights and legalities ignored by power-hungry Israelis
funded by Americans
who know not of what is really happening.

Trillions in circulation, a global economy
Rich getting unbelievably richer, without a doubt
but the poor stay poor
and in their misery they dare to demand more

Global warming, eminent catastrophe
Foundation of capitalism cracking and crumbling
Where, now, will humanity turn?
Towards the new, and away from the old.
551 · Apr 2013
Drug Abuse
Tripp Apr 2013
Go away from the darkness, child
It will serve you no good;
will only increase your pain,
tho' it may, temporarily,
go away
Will return, with such haste as physics can bear,
Will stalk you eternally
in your grave's deep despair
A dark shadow dinting your mood
Following you every where
Until your nice long sleep, child
Stay out of that ominous jail.
483 · Feb 2013
Story Over
Tripp Feb 2013
And comets fall like fire rain across the sky/
With each heavenly falling
Into the new night

I can see the planet smashing/
Violently into our perfect world
People crying
Don’t take it in

Fathers running/
Home from work
To wake their children
It is the end

Rivers flowing once so beautifully/
Now they cease to be
Mountains tall and prosperous/
Are no more

Waking thoughts and superb dreams/
Float into
The Abyss
We are no more.
481 · Feb 2013
Stay Away From the Darkness
Tripp Feb 2013
Go away from the darkness, child
It will serve you no good;
will only increase your pain,
tho' it may, temporarily,
go away
Will return, with such haste as physics can bear,
Will stalk you eternally
in your grave's deep despair
A dark shadow dinting your mood
Following you every where
Until your nice long sleep, child
Stay out of that ominous jail.

— The End —