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 May 2013 Trina Beau
 May 2013 Trina Beau
Yes, That's where you
were, across a field against
a window, a bare chest with
an ungodly blue arm stretched
up your right shoulder, laying
untruthful fingers on your chest
and the light fell against your face
in blue shadows that lit when
lightening struck. I backed away
slowly because you were only a

(c) Brooke Otto

I've been having a lot of bad dreams, lately.
 May 2013 Trina Beau
I once wrote something in his
diary for my birthday, but I
actually read a page or two
of his life. A particular story
in which he wrote, all I
want to do is wake up
and make her breakfast,
that is my dream
and at
the time all I could do was
smile. I wish I had written
more, but don't we all?
(c) Brooke Otto
 May 2013 Trina Beau
i am afraid i have wounded
him in a remarkable sort
of way, in a way no person
could fix
(c) Brooke Otto

i don't know how i didn't see this.
The paint on the canvas
never had a chance to fully dry
before you painted on another layer.
You couldn't quite stay between the lines,
and an acrylic became a watercolor
when tears stained our so called masterpiece.
Days spent debating
whether to paint over the wreckage
or crumple the paper,
but I've never been much of an artist.
Just as waves pass through,
My mind races of you
Third eye open
So my deepest dreams came true
Anew are they now
And still just a few
Things I need to keep
And I find them in my sleep
A dark haze is all I can gaze
When blazed the forest seems to end phase
Shifts from a daze to confusion
Or a craze, what happens when fusion
Of two hearts take place
Now I'm back here in this race
Driving on the Interstate, trying to prove
That this new state we created
Is something not to lose
A bruise or two shall surely
Make waves out of ripples
But ******* happens purely
For reasons, none but learning
I'm earning back the empathy
Feeling the telepathy, heart beats in clarity
The charity you gave me was clearly in the way
But you held true, like the pacific being blue
And you held me like a hugger holding trees
Even three blind mice could see your love for me
And they could judge me for churning our to be
To be we still shall, a gal of name Lovely,
And lovely she remains
Even after all the pain
She refrains from judgement or disdain
And the truth be known still
Our journey up this hill
A mountain with a view
So long as I climb it with **you

— The End —