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Riche' Sep 2014
This love is a drug. How do I take it? With water or orange juice in the morning? I see you. Handsome with your cocoa smooth skin. It’s like I overdosed you a little. I kept coming back for more. I couldn’t leave you for a day, a minute, a second. I whispered in your ear “Do you like drugs to?” Maybe you would see us, heavenly affectionate under dusky skies, holding hands, pearly lights above. The royal violet fragrance in the air. Your love is a drug people should try. When you kissed my blush red lips you tasted of sweet apricot. I saw your attraction sprinting like a race car going for first place. I used to say what I liked about you but since those drugs got to me I expressed what I loved about you. Three, four pills; seven, eight, nine kills. Do I keep going? You make me feel infinite. No pain whatsoever.
Riche' Sep 2014
Drifting through daylight
Counting times you have me laugh, daydreaming
We could be that married couple that fights, and argues but yet we sip champagne in the night.
We love each other eternally yet I hate you at my boiling point. They say to be old and wise you must first be young and stupid.
That was certainly us.
Two years.
People were jealous; said that we weren’t going to make it, we were never meant to be together.
I started to fall for it.
God, he was the one who gave me signs.
We’d both get angry when we didn’t see each other
You’ve always told me that my eyes showed more than my pain
My light brown hazel eyes blocked everyone else from your life
You stared for days, complementing that flower bomb scent
My Valentine
I saw your scarred, crushed heart, as you saw mine
We were like two broken worlds that collided to make a healing world, slowly and unrecognizable.
My beautiful nightmare I’ll think about you in my deepest dreams
Riche' Sep 2014
I tear through your imagination, your fear to reveal you past with me, your flesh in spirit. You talk to me through prayers. I listen. All the pain is gone that was destroying you through life. I miss your smile. It’s like I closed my eyes and opened them and you were no longer there cuddling me. I am no longer running around in pampers, your little lightskinned girl who you loved. The girl you watched sesame street with I dropped to the floor as if there is an abyss. You were there through my needs and my wants. When you needed me the most I failed. I’ve always heard the term what is done in the dark will come to light. When you fleshed away in the dark it affected me in the light. Im sorry of my selfish ways. How could my love be so strong but yet so ignorant? I would give everything for you to be with me. Sometimes I just want to sit at night in the darkest hour and cry for you.
Riche' Sep 2014
What will the future hold for you? Life is unpredictable you will never know which direction it will lead you in. Having to live a life where you dealt with lies and pain. trust is not something that you recieve as a gift and in return you take advantage of it. Love is often times misused especially when your young. You think that you've found the right one you will spend the rest of your life with, but do you really know what love is? Its heartbreaking to feel such affection for another human-being when in return they disregard your trust. It may be hard to figure out the path God has chosen to direct you in because once again life is unpredictable. But once you have realized you have been living in the dark to long you always hope to find light. To love someone else you must first love yourself. If not, then you don't know what love is at all. When that light is found, you know that your life has reached that turning point. Juggling two different paths is not the answer it will only make life harder. At any point life is not easy, but it takes common sense to know which life you want to live. When God has blessed you with a queen you don't lower your standards, you will love and cherish like an abyss. This means when she's down you light her days up, when she's hurt, you comfort her, whens she cries, you make her laugh. Love isn't about money, clubs and cars, but it's simply just being there for one another and trusting that there is loyalty in the relationship. "Trust in the Lord completely, and don't depend on you own knowledge. With every step you take, think about what he wants, and he will help you go the right way." (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Riche' Sep 2014
When someone asks you "How are you doing" and you respond saying "good". What is good really? Good is a defintion that disguises hurt and pain, laughters and smiles all at the sametime.
I can tell just by the way she carries herself. She is "good". She is trying to takeover both sides of the scale, trying to be "just right" at the sametime trying to be sarcastic and attractive.
They're miles apart and she jumbles all her feelings into words but why do she bother when its just going to make her look desparate for love. She's passed hurt and confused. He treated her like an old dusty coin he just happend to find under his bed and living this fairy tale life. She feels as though something was missing like a variable from an equation when she has sacrificed her life for him and in return he has nothing. Instead of saying this was a bad beginning but rather say a lessoned learned ending when she asks him the question he says that he is "good"

— The End —