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Aug 2013 · 647
Trevor Comeau Aug 2013
It wasn't my first time
I was nervous all but still
Once is enough to turn her off
and she was not one to lose.

I prepped the house!
My feet could not stop moving!
My ears became tuned to the sound of my phone
shes coming

The night was calm
her touch inviting
nervous energy connecting us
beating hearts with trembling hands

Then your music played
and the game was played
soft, gentle, intimate  
Hot, rough, passionate

The night calmed once again
we smiled and laughed, talked and slept
Many more nights such followed, three months passed
of passions play....has now thus been ended.

I stole you, then you stole me
Now you have let me go
for another I know as only he.
The game is up. Cold, Sad, loss
Jan 2012 · 543
Song Of He
Trevor Comeau Jan 2012
There he stood
Listening to his friends
the voices of the trees
singing of their song

Hearing their cries
as they fall
to be chopped to bits
unable to sing again

He sings back
His most sweetest song
To sooth those who have fallen
To bring home their spirits

The standing friends
Join in his song
rocking the fallen down
into their eternal sleep
Jan 2012 · 577
The Water Is Mine
Trevor Comeau Jan 2012
He stood in the water
Hearing its creatures cry
as the sludge filled
them on every side

Coming to him ti say
goodbye, turning back to die
He touches each as they pass
with hands smooth as glass

He turns his head to land
knowing this is the work of man
all the sludge upon the sand
the abused power of man

He kneels down
close to shore
his voice becomes a roar
making all the birds soar

The sky darkened
the trees went silent
He could not believe
Man had gone so wrong
Jan 2012 · 606
i'm there
Trevor Comeau Jan 2012
I’m there
By trevor comeau

I’m there
Whenever you may call
Waiting to give, all I can
To help in your desperate hour

Blow on the horn
Call out my name
Send forth into the land
I’ll be waiting there

I’m there always
Watching, stepping in
When your need is here
Simply call on me

I’m the voice in winter
I’m the voice you need
You may not want to hear
But my words can steer

I was there
Now your time has come
Repay thy debt
Then we both may be free
Jan 2012 · 1.3k
The Terribly Unspoken
Trevor Comeau Jan 2012
Its hard enough to think
yet even harder still to say
so much to say
the terribly unspoken

Phrases, truths, realities
all away inside
behind the unmanned wall
being terribly unspoken

Power, Passion, and even hate
linger on those words
bearing on the wall
left terribly unspoken

Behind a wall they lay
knowing they will not be uttered
The terribly unspoken
Jan 2012 · 756
Changing Of The Guard
Trevor Comeau Jan 2012
The Wind is whispering
Shhh, please listen
you'll hear it whisper
'Change has surely come"

The men of the wall clear
it stands alone
a guard enough for itself
shhh you might hear it whisper

"Change has come, it has come"

Jan 2012 · 3.5k
The Voting
Trevor Comeau Jan 2012
A decision had to be made
it was sent away
debated by the members
a decision needed to made

Putting all in the open
each option open
which would do its job
to serve the falling apart

They debated and debated
till a truth hidden away
became clear and an earlier
decision came back into play

The debate is finally closing
The members voting
A storm is coming
unleashed by a lie

The decision is made
is it right? Only one will ever know
Change has surely come
Change has surely come.


almost a direct follow up to Hidden Truth
Jan 2012 · 534
Hidden Away
Trevor Comeau Jan 2012
Hidden Away

Why hide a truth?
Whats the point in the hiding?
The truth is reality
to hide truth is to live a fake reality

One hides many a truth
For fear of what truth may bring
Fearing reality itself
Fearing realities consequences

Forgetting that reality goes first
Forgetting the drawing out of lies
brings strength to consequences already given
Reality will triumph over the hidden truths

Reality is in human nature
As is to lie
The ongoing war, a battle has been lost
The truth unfolding, reality victorious
Jan 2012 · 546
The Dream
Trevor Comeau Jan 2012
The Dream

He stood over the mountain
looking at the valley below
the trees and the streams
The flowers all in bloom

Seeing his dream
the animals all about
the rivers running
the wind blowing

The dreaming coming true
So beautiful so undisturbed
Yet unfinished in his heart
Something was amiss

A power he brought forth
A creature unlike any other
The power to oversee his wonders
A power they abused

He stood over the mountain
Looking down far below
The buildings upon the streets
A single tear begins to grow.

(I like it i like i like it)
Jan 2012 · 700
The Dragon Inside
Trevor Comeau Jan 2012
We all hold on
to feelings we lock inside
they build up a creature
that we lock away inside

The creature varies by person
but always is the fiercest of creatures
which creature is yours?
Are you a Dragon, or perhaps a Lion

What have you locked inside
is it so fierce you fear it
Afraid to let it loose
Do you fear the Dragon?

As you pile emotions
the Dragon grows
larger and larger
hoping and waiting

Enveloping your whole body
waiting till it hits that final place
waiting to go where it can be unleashed
waiting to get to the eyes

The Dragon is here
Having grown for years
It is unleashed
I think its gunna like it here
Jan 2012 · 573
Trevor Comeau Jan 2012

Don't just don't
Don't lie to protect
Don't jump around to lie
Don't hide

I see the lies
They are so clear in those eyes
What! Did you think me blind
I see behind that wall of lies

Don't think all is okay
the ice you stand upon is thin
Try hard not to fall in
Don't ruin it now, Don't

Don't hide behind
Thinking I do not see
Don't you dare tread on me
I will not fall

Don't you dare stop me
When I rise up!
And as I watch what was fall
Watch it all.....fall

(I think this is one of my new favorites)
Jan 2012 · 864
The Roller Coaster
Trevor Comeau Jan 2012
The Roller Coaster

We all ride a roller coaster
a roller coaster of life
so long, so twisty
we never know what'll happen

Thrown this way
thrown that way
upside down you go
round and round

We scream!
"When does it end"
the conductor says
"Only once may you get off"

Ride the ride
watch it change
feel yourself change
**** this ride

Turns and loops
varying speeds
but only stopping once
please only stops once
Dec 2011 · 556
Trevor Comeau Dec 2011
I hate it
That feeling
That feeling you can't shake
I fell so.......heavy

Theres a reason
that can't be shaken
from the chest it tugs
that wicked weight

Looking around
trying to find answers
some way of distraction
But it pulls and pulls

One day I know
This weight will go
But for now I must fight
not knowing whats right
Dec 2011 · 547
endlessly wandering
Trevor Comeau Dec 2011
There I am
Do you see me
Yes, thats me
Endlessly Wandering

Can you hear me
I speak so load
but whisper in my head
**** this road

read me, can you
is the wall to high
im behind it, yes right there
endless wandering on stairs

Up Down Side left right back turn
which way is right
I cannot stop this wandering
until I set it right

Nov 2011 · 646
Trevor Comeau Nov 2011
Rise to the occasion
See the empire thrive
Fight the wars
conquer all the world

Let the Emperor rule
Let his sons follow him
let peace reign but freedom sleep
An Empire dreaming

Fire,Smoke, Ashes
Armies clashing upon the walls
an empire about to fall
Now the ashes begin to fall

Smoke clears
All have gone
Sounds.....No.....No sounds
Empire lost in the ground

Centuries pass
new leaders rise and march
they cross a path
were once a mighty city did thrive.

written 11-23-11 edited 11-27-11
Nov 2011 · 397
Really Alive
Trevor Comeau Nov 2011
Do I live?
I breathe yes
But do I live?
Do we ever really live?

Right and Wrong
Judgments of ourselves
judgments of our world
cloud the "living" mind.

So I ask you now?
Are we really alive?

written 11-23-11 edited 11-27-11
Mar 2011 · 1.3k
Shimmering Waves Of Gold
Trevor Comeau Mar 2011
Is it the sun?
or Poseidon's gold
I see?
Shimmering upon the open sea.

Or could it be
your golden hair
casting this glare
upon Poseidon's stare.

What is it I see?
Is it all I could
ever be?
Shimmering waves of gold.

For you and me.
Mar 2011 · 755
Reams of Light
Trevor Comeau Mar 2011
Reams of sunlight
Gleam off crystal clear
water of desires
now its just you and me.

Theres a calmness
within the air
a stillness
beyond all compare

Sun rises
sun sets
with us watching
upon these stone steps

we stopped to
ponder all the
worlds a wonder.

Now together
you and I,
partake in all of gods wonders.
Feb 2011 · 561
Glorious Return
Trevor Comeau Feb 2011
He was counting
down the days
Till he would
Finally return home.

Two long years away
returning with a plan
for a long stay
counting down the  days.

His clothes have been fitted.
His movements long now decided.
The programs are finally printed.
Counting down One Day More.

Forty-five minutes he now must wait.
To make his most glorious return.
The lights come up upon him.
His song has finally been sung.

The audience roared rising to their feet.
A glorious return has finally been achieved.
At long last returned to the stage.
Thunderous applause to "master of the house".
Feb 2011 · 668
In Honor Of Today
Trevor Comeau Feb 2011
Its the day of passion.
The day of red.
A day of roses.
The day the world moans.

I awoke you early
with a melody
my first gift to you
A song 'Together one forever".

You gave me my first gift
Passion we had yet to
share, as the sun
was arising

The night fell upon us.
Dinner by the River.
With foods of passion
chocolates filled with red.

Together we arrived
In a quite empty room
sounds of passion soon
filled up the quite air.

We laid there sleeping
the day passing on
your still sleeping
This nights got me writing.
Feb 2011 · 1.1k
Dream to Fly!
Trevor Comeau Feb 2011
This is the story
of a boy called Mason
who grew up in
the city of Boston.

Mason could crawl.
Mason could walk.
Mason could swim.
Mason cannot fly.

Mason and his best friend Stan
have a dream to be Peter Pan
Mason and Stan know
they can never be the Pan.

Mason and Stan grew.
Still wishing they
could say they flew
Like their hero the Pan.

A dream continued to grow.
Technology was to slow.
The wright brothers flight spread
But Mason was only hours dead.

He dreamed a dream
many dream
To fly high
Like Peter Pan across the sky.
Jan 2011 · 921
When Death Consumes Me
Trevor Comeau Jan 2011
When I die.
When death consumes
my body and
I'm transcended to the
world beyond I ask
that you remember.

Not how I was.
Not what I did.
Remember what I
asked be done for me.

I wish not to be buried.
Not to be in  a box to rot.
Till the earth faces
its final judgment.

I wish to be put
over the flame.
Not in a stove.
Place me upon a pyre
on some distant beach.

Put the coins over my
eyes so I may pay.
My fare to see those
who've gone before.

As the wind sweeps me away.
Watch as the world spreads
me across the sea.
So I may land on distant
beaches so far away.

Please remember my last
request, please remember
me for all of who I be.
Play my song, only then
can you set me free.
Jan 2011 · 979
Waterfront Desires
Trevor Comeau Jan 2011
Sounds of crashing waves
against the pearl
white sand.
Memories of you and I
under the blue lit moon.

Water running across
our sun drenched bodies.
Our bodies entangled
amongst you and I.

Waves run at our feet
as we walk hand and hand
with the world
gleaming in the moonlight.

We stop and starred
eyes locked upon each other
saying those three words.
Speaking only with our eyes.

Sun rises on our final day.
The pearl sand was gleaming.
We walked the sand, felt
the rushing sea.
Sid goodbye to the perfect dream.
Jan 2011 · 458
Ending to an Opening
Trevor Comeau Jan 2011
I saw this coming
so long ago.
Your eyes
told me so.

If only you knew
How I truly feel
If only you saw
through my facade

I hide out of fear
of what you might think
of what you might say
reading you is so hard.

We lie to each other
so very much
shocking to know
I know.

I'm terrified to
open up my feelings
for you.
To you.
Afraid, so afraid.

I know my heart
and it is true
It knows I have
Always loved you.
I did not write a date on this poem I can assume however it happened sometime before the week of Oct 29th 2010
Jan 2011 · 899
Stoned Silence
Trevor Comeau Jan 2011
I hear nothing
no heart beating.
Are you dead?

I cant feel you
never truly have.
You aren't even
real, just
a hunk of wood.

Theres nothing
inside, only
more wood.
So hard, so tough
most stubborn substances
on this earth.

Will you not speak?
You are gone
and nothing hurts more
than having to stop
listening forevermore.
October 12th, 2010
Jan 2011 · 364
A Question from one
Trevor Comeau Jan 2011
Why do I write?
Why about you?
Do we fake?
Can you not feel me shake?

Heart races
whenever your name
is mentioned.
At the sight of
your face.

So strong
So powerful
So unique.

Different for everyone.
Different for all.
even you and for I
love it still is.

For this I must ask
a question that
could never be said
but better off read.

Can it truly be
as bad as you make
it seem
to love you for only you.

That is how I love
love only you
not for what your body offers
only what your heart hides.

I am your hearts light
in its darkest places
Your smile when nobody
is near.

For you its not enough?
Go ahead, go
leave the question unanswered.
october 12, 2010.
i wrote with this poem a quote from a german musical
"Ich liebe dich, und liebe sagt mal kann alle wunden heilen"
"I love you and love in time heals all wounds"
Trevor Comeau Jan 2011
Sitting here writing
im reminded about
how much I truly

No, not to you
or anyone in particular
but to myself, my mind
my mind and soul

To my mind I say
"we can fight it,
we will prevail"
The war was lost.

To my body I pray
"Get me through this day,
we will make them pay!"
War lost it likes to say.

To my soul I say
"We will live another day,
one day we will fly away"
We flew to the end.

Sitting here as I
write, I reminded
war is fought everyday.
Time to stop ******* lying.
Jan 2011 · 416
Images of life
Trevor Comeau Jan 2011
We capture life
with a flash
with hope it wont be
forgotten past.

We post for all the
world to see
making our lives
no longer a mystery

We leave them up
for years and years
forgetting they even
still exist

How can we want
to save a moment,
but  forget about it
the next?
its really just a poem about how we always want to take pictures of things but they end up in a box somewhere or at the end of our facebook pictures long forgotten till we discover them and remember how we felt that moment
Jan 2011 · 873
A plunging dagger
Trevor Comeau Jan 2011
You plunged it in.
Deeper and deeper it goes
with those looks
of evil intention.

A dagger so sharp
cuts so very deep.
The angle at which you plunged
was so very steep.

You watch as I pass
waiting for me to slip up
so you may yet
again attack.

I have my own
dagger now, a dagger
of words, the most powerful
weapon against the human soul.
Jan 2011 · 2.0k
Breaking Point
Trevor Comeau Jan 2011
Its reached the brim
a breaking point
no where around
Cant break bonds.

Fires inside burning
inside higher until
they break the
protective sky.

Boiling point
the unbreakable
is now broken
torn apart in pieces

Irritation burning
from my heart
I sent it flying back
now your breaking!
Jan 2011 · 574
A Calling Voice
Trevor Comeau Jan 2011
Whats that I hear?
Hear it year after year.
A voice keeps calling.
Who are you stranger?

Don't know who
or where from.
Why don't you come?
Out of fear I may succumb.

My name you call
my heart you pull
show you face
it must be beautiful.

Repeat, Repeat, Repeat
you sit in silence seat
you could make me complete
O' Calling voice.

Years have past
you are hear stranger
your voice is clear
mine at last
Jan 2011 · 647
Look and Listen
Trevor Comeau Jan 2011
When I Look
I see hate
raging from
the inner core.

When I listen
I hear evil
flying out
from hells gate.

When you look
you see fear
radiating through
a dark mind.

When you listen
you hear misery
falling off
every ******* word.

Its all perception.
To look and listen.
You must interpret
to truly look and listen.
Jan 2011 · 556
Fading Away
Trevor Comeau Jan 2011
Lights flicker.
Flames dim.
Memories haze.
Legend into history.

Sunset ends.
Darkness falls.
moonlight begins.
World into night.

Clocks stop.
Music ceases.
Rivers dry.
World into danger.

Colors fade.
Animals weaken.
Society fails.
Life into ruin.
Jan 2011 · 445
Past Alive In The Present
Trevor Comeau Jan 2011
What haunts us most
Is what haunts us all.
The past alive in the present
events relived in the newest ways

Memories so reluctant
to fade, staying alive
day, by day, by day
in the heads of those
who lived when the past
lived in the present

Books, films, and songs
written and made so that
nothing shall ever fade
the past alive in the present.

Then one day
death came
and a movie was played
birthing the past alive in the present
Jan 2011 · 754
Life "Carpe Diem"
Trevor Comeau Jan 2011
Seize the day!
But what do seize?
Inform me if you please.
Carpe Diem,
is to seize life!

Life as it falls
at your feet.
Never let life
take the backseat.

What lays behind
cannot be seized
what life brings
you may be pleased.

Carpe Diem!
Seize the day!
Seize life.
and life may seize you back.
1-3-11 first poem of the new year :)
Dec 2010 · 5.9k
Colorful Sky
Trevor Comeau Dec 2010
Shimmering colors of
gold, pink, and blue
fill up the sky
to welcome the
empty moon.

Colors so clear
to the human
eye. Colors so pure
to fill our sky.

The last glimpse
of beauty before
the darkness unfolds.
Beauty so tremendous
to behold.

Keep it long.
Keep it bright.
Do not forget the sight
before the darkest night
happy holidays everybody
Dec 2010 · 481
The UN-helped 5
Trevor Comeau Dec 2010
I know 5
Helpless victims
to sick minds.
I alone could do nothing.

Different Stories
Different Ages
Different Levels
of UN-ending torment
Still can do nothing.

Love you all,
as much as I can
Want to help you get away
Yet, I can do nothing

Hurt, Pain, Fear
Haunts you everyday
Fear of all who come
to close
I wish, But can do nothing

12-15-10 a poem to anyone who knows people who have been through the worst thing a person can go through, I personally know 5 the first initials of each person make up the final words of the poem.
Dec 2010 · 585
Love It Still Is
Trevor Comeau Dec 2010
Love is a bounty
All on earth do share
Various Forms
Various Cares
Love it still is

All the World’s Children
Define it different ways
Different customs
Different days
Love it still is

Love is an Emotion
Felt by all
Diverse Religions
Diverse calls
Love it still is

Love is not forgotten
Love is all around
Within us
Within sound
Love it still is
august 12th 2010 (the second oldest poem I have ever written that I still have)
Dec 2010 · 407
Gone To Silence
Trevor Comeau Dec 2010
Are you there?
Can you hear me?
Why are you silent?
Do you sleep?

Awake please!
End this silent
torment please!
You can't your gone

Plunged into
eternal silence
never to hear
or see again.

Why have you
left without so
much as a word
why god why?

Will I wake
to your face,
your warm embrace?
I will not

You are gone
and I refuse
to allow myself
to break to silence
Dec 2010 · 570
Our World
Trevor Comeau Dec 2010
Look at our world
Darkened by fear,
and hate.
A never ending war

Glares and yells
follow everywhere
every person
every religion

No one is
safe from our
worlds judgmental

So we fight
and will continue
to fight until
Day turns into
eternal night.
A poem for those fighting for any cause. I am Trevor Comeau a straight man supporter of Gay rights.
Dec 2010 · 728
A Brand New Sight
Trevor Comeau Dec 2010
I Remember clearly
that cold winter night
the night
I opened up my eyes

A warm took control
of me, a laughter
a feeling escapable

No worry, no fear
just the thin smell
all about the air
a smell my coat
now shares

I opened my eyes
to a brand new
sight, took part
in that amazing plight

A brilliant new
sight, full of
laughter and,
12-5-10, wanting to keep my audience guessing :)
Dec 2010 · 496
Trevor Comeau Dec 2010

Your eyes sparkle like the evening stars
Our love is now ours to bear
Your hearts voice whispers in my ear
I gaze upon you with loves eyes
You are my heart
And you heart am I
You are like the sun
Continuously shining upon me
To compare your beauty to that of a rose would be an insult
For your beauty is far greater
originally written in May 2008 for an English class, I call it the poem that started it all. Its gone on to mean more to me than just a poem

— The End —