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2.5k · Sep 2013
What I Have To Say
The feeling of your skin on my fingers,
Abandons all of my problems .
As I spell out the only one thing I want to say.

Rolling hills like rolling tides,
Represent time Passing faster than I'd like.
So I spell it once more,
Hoping that your Unconscious notes the seven letters.
1.0k · Aug 2013
Thinking about us in autumn, brings chills to my existence.
Layering up.
Observing nature at every step.
Watching the sunset part knowing what we have is eternal.
Love is everlasting, overpowering, overwhelming.
The glitter among the tides,
Create an eternal song that will forever be locked in our memories
Your head on my chest, only to listen to my natural song.
Sunsets sending us home.
Conversations brew, condensation fogs your glasses.
Your indecisiveness leads me to the choice tonight.
Films don’t last long in our presence.
The craving cannot be controlled.
Candle flames caress your curves.
I love you…
Flames into wicks.
Simply ordinary.
666 · Aug 2013
Waiting To Be Found
The path of life slowly siphons me of my dreams,
like a child ripped of innocents.

Set with false expectations.
lead into the dark with no light.
Guided by stories of those who made it.

Alone in the dark i am.
fearing my surroundings.
following the imprints of the past comers

One institution at time,
I follow.

I follow for the ones who cannot travel this path,
I follow for the ones who have failed on this path,
I follow to leave additional tracks.

As i get closer to the end of this vast darkness,
the path begins to thin until there is nothing but a sliver to guide me.
Fear fills me.

I am lost.
waiting to be found.
585 · Aug 2013
On This Path
On this unclothed path,
Lovers’ palms lock as leaves fall,
All stops, lips caress.
572 · Aug 2013
I Will Love You Forever
When the concluding star burns its last flame,
When the soul that possesses my body ascends,
When your feelings begin to decay,

I will forever love you,

Our promises have survived throughout the seasons,
Proving we are together for the right reasons.

Some say,
We're too young to love,
But for me to not know love is for me to never have met you,

We have had many firsts,
But all I know is that you are my last,

Hold my hand and walk with me on this journey so called life,
You will become my wife.
533 · Aug 2013
Frozen Over
Frozen over lakes
Rosy cheeks ache for the warmth,
Winter has arrived.
464 · Aug 2013
I Would Not Die for Hate
I do hate my life,
But I would not die for hate,
Sometimes you think about the nothingness
Without worry and pain,
But sometimes giving up is not the only disclosure,

Thinking about the future is what keeps me going,
Because that's what I can control,
I want great things in my existence,
So I do not die for hate,

Why lose my life,
Because humanity makes it so ******* hard to live,
I will not be this person forever,
Yet no person will ever be,
So why waste this,
I could end it and descend into the vast darkness of nothingness,
But I keep going for the magnitude of my dream that I dearly crave.

Killing my hate with my dreams,
I fight for another day.

I would not die for hate.
381 · Aug 2013
I Know You
Hot sand as I walk
As I smell the foreign air
The sea thirsts for me.

— The End —