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Apr 2020 · 79
My "I Love You" pt. 2
Trenton Lyons Apr 2020
Can I ask you a question?
Do you love me?
Because I think
I love you.
I know we often treat love
Like a habit,
Make "I love you" a routine,
But I dream of you night and day.
I see your face in everything.
Perhaps, that's not love.
Who really knows what love is anyway?
I know romance wins the day
But at best,
I only know what love isn't.
I know it's not entering your temple
To worship you for ten minutes.
Because you deserve devotion,
A sermon,
And thirty one psalms.
Even if I had more than one tongue,
My jaws would lock before I gave you
The praise you are deserving of.
At your best,
You are love.
I'm at my worst without you,
Left to bend my hate
Until I create a twist of fate.
This is a weight that can't be lifted
Without the strength I've found in you.
Maybe this be more dependency than love.
But I'd rather be willfully ignorant
Residing in the purgatory
Between the sunshine of your golden eyes
And the heavens above.
I think I love you,
Heaven knows there is no certainty in that.
My Afrodite,
If the answer to my question isn't plain,
You can always ask it back.
Feb 2020 · 76
I Wanted to Kiss You.
Trenton Lyons Feb 2020
I wanted to kiss you, but I didn't know how you'd react.
'Cause most girls would say that would be a move made too fast.
But, the timing just felt right with you.
I mean, time just flies by with you.
Sorry, I tend to be a little bit shy at first.
And I've never kissed a girl before,
I was kinda hoping you'd be the first.
I mean if that's too forward for you,
We can always reverse.
I wanted to kiss you so bad.
But, then I thought about what would happen if the feeling wasn't mutual
And you told your dad.
So I didn't.
Mainly because I didn't want your big brother punching me hard enough to make my hair uncurl.
But, maybe if he knocked me into next year,
By then you'd be my girl.
You would be Princess Jasmine
When I'm with you I feel like Aladdin,
In you I see a whole new world
That I can't resist the urge to explore.
You've given me a new feeling that my heart can't ignore.
As we count down the days to high school,
I wish to break the awkward silence.
Hopefully the occasional "Hi" is cool,
'Cause not seeing your face just might
Lead me to video game violence.
Hours of Skype, Kik, and Facetime still won't get my message across.
So, I'm facing the music while your silhouette does pirouettes in my thoughts.
Now I'm dreading high school's fresh men that may leave your interest in me lost.
When fall comes, my heart will beat for you like my snare in the drumline,
Yet, I'd rather beat myself for potentially losing a chance that was divine.
I am no Knight in shining armor,
Nor am I a Mr. Grey,
But your silent indecision
Left me seeing Fifty Shades.
You have shown me something new,
Like violets that are red and roses that are blue.
I just wish I knew
If you wanted to kiss me when
I wanted to kiss you.

— The End —