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Trayc Plaja Oct 2013
No more talking, no more begging.
No more wondering.
No more hoping.
It is gone now.
The talking, the begging, the wondering, the hoping.
Its over now.
A distant memory.
Never mattered anyway.
All that mattered was you.
It is insanity, the feelings one can have. Empty feelings that were just me.
All in my mind.
My mind.
My mind playing tricks on me?
Tricks playing mind games?
Just me humiliating myself
Humiliation or Manipulation?
Trayc Plaja Sep 2013
So many things unsaid
Pretending its just fine.
Wonderful you are.
At least to me.
Anger boils throughout time wondering if it was all just a game.
Silly game we played called friendship.
Where did it go?
Where do we go from here?
Nowhere. That time has passed, I have begun to accept it.
No longer agonizingly painful.
Almost completely forgotten, what we once were.
Never going to let it happen to me again.
This thing called love.
Trayc Plaja Sep 2013
You ever feel that?
Stomach turning for what you have done, felt like doing or following through?
The next day you ask yourself why?
What made me this way?
A person I do not recognize anymore.
Someone who reacts and just flows with the go.
Or is is it goes with the flow?
Just a shell of a person I once knew.
Will I find her again?
Wish she would come back to me.
Perfect mother, perfect friend, perfect wife.
Maybe that is it.
No one can be perfect.
I tried too hard.
Someday this person I was will will appear to me.
Come back and make me feel whole again.
One day I will not make decisions based on anyone else and their desires or what I think will make them happy.
Now I can think clear, what about me, the shell is hard, it is empty can not be reborn.
Just a empty shell.
Trayc Plaja Sep 2013
We were close tonight.
Perhaps unhealthy.
My love for you undying wish I KNEW why
Somehow okay
My love is undying for you.
Never will end
Even if we do.

_Thank you everyone for reading if you ever loved someone that it hurt you get it.
Trayc Plaja Sep 2013
If you only knew
My heart aches
The sadness unbearable
The lies
We never did this invisible to you
What happened can not talk to you
Only anger between us
My heart aches how I miss us
You will never understand the love I have for you
Unhealthy but necessary.
I know you realize
I can tell by your walk
You know my pain, egnore it.
Nobody knows the ache I have for you
My best friend
I love you. Forever.
Trayc Plaja Sep 2013
Will it ever happen?
Will I ever be forgiven for the things I have done, for the changes I have put you through.
If you knew my heart aches every moment for what I have done to you,
How I have hurt you
Dismissing you.
I do not mean it
Never meant to hurt you
Never meant to change
I used to be perfect, only in your eyes.

— The End —