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Dec 2011 · 578
Travis Prange Dec 2011
I wonder what age we reach
When we determine that life can offer more
From children to adolescents
I cannot pinpoint when my thirst took over
As toys never fully satisfied
And games only worked for a brief time
Initially I thought it would pass
But through time, I’ve realized it never will
As my hunger for things continually engulfs
The very desire they aim to destroy
The caveat comes when teenage years peak
And the ability to drive machines is privileged
We get so enamored with these things
That it’s simply hard to tell
When it all went wrong

As we are stuck in material Hell.
Written July 8, 2009 in exploration of the topic of desire for my 2nd book (or at least 2nd collaboration with my designer). I still hope to publish something consisting of these poems from July 2009.
Dec 2011 · 439
Travis Prange Dec 2011
When my thoughts wander,
They often scrape the past
And how things used to be
A longing for old things to return
Or at least for a chance when things seemed simpler
But other times, thoughts dwell on the future
As I concern myself with making sure
That all is set and prepared for the next step
And sometimes, I wonder what I’m doing
Wasting all of this time, here and there
When it is only beneficial to live right now
Because it is the only thing that is in between
Yesterday and tomorrow
The common bridge is all that we need
To get from one side to the other
Written July 9, 2009 while exploring topics for a 2nd book. I felt the topic of relationships was over-done for me, and have had trouble consistently writing since that first book was published in 2009.
Dec 2011 · 556
Travis Prange Dec 2011
The ground trembles and shakes
As headstones break in half and crypts fall into crevices
Stone barriers crumble at the sound
Detected over many acres,
Within the fences one live person cannot be found
The gate scrapes on the asphalt, turning it to dust
While the rabbits run for cover
Trying their very best
Souls slip out of the coffins and consume
The air they cannot breathe
Since there’s nothing to exhume
Grasping for life, they slip into the sky
Without any traces
Of where they came to die

But as the ground sits still, once more
The souls sit on the lawn
Yearning for another chance, just one
To do it over again
As they look back and know
That they wasted their time
And praying it wasn’t in vain
They only wanted more.
Written July 6, 2009 in exploring topics for my next book. The first one ("I") is mostly an exploration of relationships of all types.
May 2010 · 628
Travis Prange May 2010
Our collective thirsts continue
But what if that's not the problem?
Desire is led by hope
That some things can be changed

Our condition is a ripple through eternity
That every person felt since Adam
But without our thirst, how can we possibly know
That better things lie beyond our world?

The answers don't lie in the things we want
But rather are in the motivation we use to find
Some of us never get to the point of harmony
But it is a flaw that no human can deny.
August 1, 2009
May 2010 · 739
Travis Prange May 2010
Our souls are reflective
Of that which they are made
The Matter which makes us broken
Only to know that we will never be complete

As long as we exist with these hardened shells
We will never fully comprehend
What true beauty is
Or how incomplete we truly are
August 5, 2009
May 2010 · 466
Travis Prange May 2010
Sometimes we don't get to say goodbye
For whatever reason there is
Things are often better off where they lie
Even if it means never saying goodbye
January 21, 2010

— The End —