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Jul 2013 · 589
《Vent Session》
Tracey Anderson Jul 2013
My life *****
I'm tryin to give a fu€|{
About what matters
cuz I'm headed for disaster
I'm sick and tired of this prison
That I live in
Feelin that deep inside there's
somethin that I'm missin
The dream has died
all hope is lost
Gaining the whole world
but at what price n cost
Tryin to get out of
this hell that I reside
Tryin to overcome
n not give up the fight to stay alive
Tryin not to be a product
of my environment
Tryin to rise above the limits
set by the government
To break out the mold they set
a life of poverty
To no longer feel guilty
for bringing forth my seed
To no longer be a slave to the rich
but fight to be set free
To see my hurting brethren
and be able to meet the need
To fight the war in the streets
as we usher in a spirit of peace
Jul 2013 · 465
{Gotta Get Up}
Tracey Anderson Jul 2013
Gotta get up!
to get ready for church...
To show Him thanks
for this week's joys and hurts...
To give Him praise
for all that He's done...
For sacrificing
His one and only Son...
To worship Him
for all that He is...
He's the love of my life
the One who forgives...
So I gotta get up
it's just another way...
To show Him I'm grateful
to see a new day!
Gotta get up...
Jul 2013 · 484
{I Am Nobody}
Tracey Anderson Jul 2013
I am nobody
Who are you?
Would you like to sail the ocean blue?
A pair of nobodies
Only two
Sail to find a land so true
They find that land that is so true
Hoping to be somebody too
That place is where their dreams came true
Because they sailed the ocean blue
Jul 2013 · 387
{Teach Me...}
Tracey Anderson Jul 2013
Teach me what love really means
how a king should really treat his queen
how a queen is supposed to treat her king
a feeling so peaceful and serene

Teach me what you're all about
so I can come to know you
with no fear or doubt
so I can leave this desert, this drought
and let my soul fly high above the clouds

And above all else, teach me thy ways
so I can align with you more day by day
so you can cover me as I stand in your shade
and feel your protection over me in every way

I want to know you teach me.
Jul 2013 · 629
Tracey Anderson Jul 2013
Another year
filled with heartache and tears...
I often wonder
were you really sincere?
About what you said long ago
all those years?
All I had imagined
has been replaced by fear...
Fear of what's to come
and fear of being left here...
Left here to meditate
on past regrets...
To thinks of what ifs?
and how my heart bled...
As I sit here all alone I wonder...
If God really put us together
then why has man put asunder?
Or are we paying for our sins
and facing God's thunder?
An enemy born
from the heart of my lover...
My adversary transformed
from my eternal brother...
I need your help Father
to purge from within me...
These feelings of anger,
bitterness, hurt, and grief...
I want healing and wholeness
purity and love...
Things no man can offer
but are sent from above...
So the light can be
rekindled within me...
To bring others to you
so they can behold your glory...
On this day this is all I ask for
this is my plea...
This is the one gift I desire
on my anniversary.
Jul 2013 · 342
{Shut Me Out}
Tracey Anderson Jul 2013
Shut me out
that's what you do...
Every time I try
this is what I go through...
I don't know why
I try at all...
With each attempt
I slip, trip, and fall...
Don't know if
it will get any better...
Don't know if the sun will shine
through this bleak weather...
Don't know if the storms
will one day sever...
The promise we made
for worse or for better...
So I sit here wondering
what I should do...
Should I stick it out?
Or should I just move?
We would've made it
if God was our glue...
But for now, while I'm waiting
He's who I'll turn to.
Jul 2013 · 688
Tracey Anderson Jul 2013
Frustration, I'm feeling
is welling up inside...
From it where can I run to
where can I hide?
It feels like a storm
is welling up in me...
Like I'm drowning
in a sea of misery...
How long will this storm
rage from within?
How long will I go through this?
When will it end?
My soul desires joy
and peace unspeakable...
But right now it truly seems unreachable...
For now, I'll hold on
to the promise in sight...
Weeping may endure for a night
but joy comes in the morning light.
Jul 2013 · 382
Tracey Anderson Jul 2013
I sit here and think about
how life is so fragile
To see past the here and now
I can only imagine
It's sad that it took something
so beautiful to fade away
For me to see that our lives are here now
and gone the next day
When you left I knew
things would never be the same
My sunshine is gone
there is no more light for the day
In my world there's only night
all I feel Is pain
All I know us grief
and all there is, is rain
When you left you know you took
a part of me with you
Nobody knows the pain
and the agony that I go through
I'm trying with all my might to deal
with the fact that you are gone
The only release that I have right now
is writing you this song...
Jul 2013 · 520
{Soul's River}
Tracey Anderson Jul 2013
There are tears on my pillow
At times when I feel low
It's the only release
From my pain and my sorrow
From where these tears come
God only knows
He's the keeper of every single tear that flows
Jul 2013 · 368
{My Rose}
Tracey Anderson Jul 2013
My heart is a rose...
red with heat, pain, and passion

So delicate
so beautiful
  Once pure, white
   and as bright as the sun

Now stained by the blood of its peers 
Weakened by my fears
  And withered away
   from the salt of my tears

One day a petal fell
The pain it endured
  felt too much like hell
   It's experiences were to much to tell

Alas the last petal has fallen
All that's left is a withered away stem
  That's all I have left to give

I'm sorry...
Tracey Anderson Jul 2013
Words spoken
to paint a picture
Of a life so grand
the perfect mixture
Of love, joy, peace
and happiness
The freedom to pursue
a measure of success

A life with no dissention
but only tranquility
To walk hand in hand
in a spirit of humility
To work together
to reach our goals
No longer two halfs
but finally a whole

Freedom to exercise gifts
through self expression
Never tearing down
or have bad intentions
Building up
in the spirit of love
One that's so pure
and sent from above

The ideal life
portrayed through words
But time will tell
what'll really unfurl
A simple disagreement
turns into WWIII
I got question for you
is the grass really green?

— The End —