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Jul 2013 · 519
Side table
Tori Parsloe Jul 2013
Oh side table next to me
why do you look so down
tell me what lays on top of you
looks like quite a nice crew

two twisted popsicle wrappers
you look so lone and sad
divorced from the stained sticks
your old life was so rad

brand new black lamp so new
you stand above the rest
stop acting so shrew
obviously you are not the best

leave that to the paper pirate hat
you lay there so flat
oh how i wish we could chat
but you are no more than a wasted mat

cannot forget my trusty old friend
my tweezers pluck all the worst
he will not allow the caterpillar to mend
which grows since the first

Oh side table next to me
why do you look so down
tell me what lays on top of you
looks like quite a nice crew
Jul 2013 · 535
Cold Mouth
Tori Parsloe Jul 2013
A coldness in my mouth subsides
Bringing out the best of tasty tides
Cherry orange grape
Kinda eating like an ape
Warm mouth is no good to own
Makes my thoughts run and roam
I am not too sure what it is
A pop sizzle fizz
Summer is not the only time
When my mouth craves this cold rhyme

— The End —