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Apr 2016 · 323
Tori Jacobs Apr 2016
I had a dream
Earth was finally given eyes
The only thing she did was spending an eon sighing and gazing toward unfound selected skies.
We are the products of it’s birth
Just like the earth
One summers night
Winter somewhere…right?
Either way we stare into the infinite
But our humane disordered perceptions
Rid us of what we can never be
How dare we feel inferior
When every single atom in our body
From the iron in our blood to the calcium in our bones
Came from the heavens themselves
And just like the night skies
We are vessels of endlessly intricate galaxy’s.
Mar 2016 · 334
Tori Jacobs Mar 2016
My grandfather once spoke about a man
This man was smart
Even had a heart
Had one of those…oh what’s it called
…A brain
Connect by a vein
Then lead by a pair of eyes
Carried by a few thighs
Don’t remember his size
But my grandfather was pretty wise
Never spoke any lies
There exist many guys
Yet he never felt the need to wear a disguise
Nobody ever mentioned there was no prize
No need to customize
No matter how hard you try everyone eventually dies
Mar 2016 · 286
Too Quite
Tori Jacobs Mar 2016
Even at the top of my lungs
I can’t scream to the Universe
Asking, “What the hell is going on here?”
I was told sound can’t travel in space
Maybe the Universe did so as a joke
Maybe, once we become smart enough
To decide how the Universe has come to be
We’ll shoot a rocket with questions in hand
“Excuse me” We shrike, “I think this is as important as it is to you even me”
But the Universe can’t hear
She’s sound asleep
Without sound she’s lonely
So where all alone from the lack of reply
It’s up to us to find the truth in the sky.
Mar 2016 · 333
Tori Jacobs Mar 2016
I think people are so infatuated with afterlife,
Convinced it must exist
For sure there must be something better than this
This can’t be all there is
As if we sign a contract before entering the womb
Stating life will be painless and smooth
“Enjoy the ride” it quotes
However, taking the f out of life
Changes meanings completely
But even in the fine print nothing could be found
Like a promise it had to be better than this
We said life is an illusion- death and hate too
We swore time would heal
Paraphrasing “every man is created equal”  
Even when we have villains knocking at our doorstep
However, “Happily ever after’s” only exist in fairytales
Therefore, I say, Pull the trigger
Convinced there exists a place not as grey
But for what do I know
Already dead anyway.

— The End —