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695 · May 2012
Tori Barnes May 2012
You pluck at the strings of my heart,
Almost as well as you pluck at the strings of your guitar.
But honestly, both send chills up my spine;
Make my eyes, like spotlights, shine.

You tap out the rythm of the song,
With each beat comes reasurrance that I belong.
It makes me close my eyes and smile;
Glues me to my chair for a while.

You unintentionally hum out the tune,
Your perfect imperfections send me to the moon.
It makes me wek in the knees,
And all at once, time seems to freeze.

You stroll through the halls,
Just like you roam through my daydreams.
It makes me dumb;
Makes it so hard for me to breathe.

You catch my gaze from across the room,
Just like you caught me off guard
That first February night on my porch,
Back then I didn't know it would be so hard.

You pluck at the strings of my heart,
Almost as well as you pluck at the strings of your guitar...
But not quite.
688 · May 2012
Subtle Shades of Blue
Tori Barnes May 2012
This love is quite like the crashing sea;
Exciting, then calm. Deep and always true.
We're at home here, you and me.
It's simple and surely nothing new.

We swim through the subtle shades of blue.
We've been here for a while, but it never grows old.
We don't need to speak at all, just floating, me and you.
But as time creeps on, our plan begins to fold.

We were warned of this, many times told.
The magic ends with one violent shiver.
For once the heat of summer's gone, the ocean's frigid cold.
We pack up and leave the beach, my lips helplessly quiver.

We know we'll visit in the winter, walking hand-in-hand,
As close to the sea as we can be but never leaving the sand.
667 · May 2012
One by One
Tori Barnes May 2012
Let's count the stars, one by one.
It's nice to waste time every once in a while
Because nothing really matters in the long run.

When it comes to best friends, you can't be outdone.
It's nice to see you truly smile.
Let's count the stars one by one.

Let's lay in the grass and set the sun.
We'll use all our strength to pull it down, mile by mile.
Because nothing really matters in the long run.

We'll relax, just have some fun.
Who cares if it's no longer in style?
Let's count the stars one by one.

Can you hold my hand? It weighs a ton.
Feelings for eachother begin to compile.
Because nothing really matters in the long run.

Let's take a chance, time's a loaded gun.
We can put our feelings on trial.
Let's count the stars, one by one.
Because nothing really matters in the long run.
My attempt at a Villanelle.
631 · May 2012
Caffeinated Heart
Tori Barnes May 2012
In school they tell you that the heart is filled with blood,
I learned today this is truly not the case.
It is quite obvious my heart is filled to the brim with caffiene.

For as soon my heart was broken,
Something quite different from blood
Surged through my viens.

I'm restless, I'm energetic.
     Why did it have to be today?

I'm staring at the ceiling.
          What could I have said or done?

I'm tossing and turnng.
               How can I fix this?

I'm screaming into my pillow.
                    When did we go wrong?




And as much as I love my morning cup of coffee,
I'd much rather fall into a peaceful sleep
To escape this pain and set me free.
576 · May 2012
Tori Barnes May 2012
I want to spend a peaceful spring day
At home in your eyes.

I'll lay in the light green swirls,
As I would lay in the grass;
Running my fingers through the cool blades,
Comforted by their earthy embrace.

I'll stare into those pale blue pools,
As I would stare up into the twilight sky;
Tracing out your name in the air,
Making believe you're here.

I'll spend forever hopelessly sorting through greens and blues,
As I would spend forever chasing the horizon;
Losing myself in a never-ceasing hybrid of blue-green.
The only color I ever want to see.
493 · May 2012
Tori Barnes May 2012
The sun is sleepy;
Slowly, it drowns into the horizon.

The breeze is weary;
Heavily, it sinks down into the sand.

The summer air turns pale;
Silently, it succumbs to blackness.

The ocean exhales;
Falling, down into the reef.

The pavement is aching;
Lazily, it frowns into the earth.

The sand is yawning,
Clumsily, meeting the sea.

But the moon is alive;
Excitedly, it jumps into the sky.

And suddenly, the night arrives.

— The End —