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Toree Eneboe Nov 2010
What I thought was a dream, Just became reality
Toree Eneboe Nov 2010
If only you could see how special you are to me;
If only you understand what your putting me through;
If only you didn't ruin me life;
Toree Eneboe Nov 2010
I go to school just to see you, Yet you act as if I don't exist. I take an extra hour on my hair and make up just to make you notice, Yet you don't. I pick out the best outfit I possibly can just to make you see me beyond all others, Yet I'm invisible to you. And yet I wish I was the only that existed to you, I wish I was the only one you noticed, I wish I was the only one you couldn't wait to see!
Toree Eneboe Nov 2010
I wanna be the girl he calls his hero, The girl he can tell anything to, The girl he says "I Love You" to and actually means it, But most importantly I wanna be the girl he calls his...(:
Toree Eneboe Nov 2010
You threw me away like I was garbage, yet I came back a shiny new toy. You treated me like I was nothing, Yet I showed you I was everything I have ever wanted to be. You told me no one ever loved me, Yet I have friends and family to prove you wrong. You told me you loved me with all your heart... Did you think I would believe you after all you had just said? Well, unfortantly I did... Yet I wish I hadn't. I fell for you hoping you were willing to catch me. But you weren't... I was just to stupid to see that. Out of everything I regret, I think saying Yes to you is the one thing I wish I could take back...:(

— The End —