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topaz oreilly Dec 2012
just clawed back the last grains of sand;
the  mountain having ebbed,
drank light, forgot the passing phases:
noontide October Moon,
heartbroken if I seemed ecstatic.
Dec 2012 · 1.6k
Marching Tunics
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
The dust plate plays havoc
its enough to unsound the light,
around the mountain top again.
Journeying south to balm the disappointment,
asked why and further marching down
the parade sees no end,
just a murmur.
A sigh left unsaid,
again stated it sounds different
as we echo to the Northern valleys,
where icicles lampoon our
uncovered heads.
Dec 2012 · 1.8k
Make it Cicely he said
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
Waschrell with due care
only picked sweet Cicely,
he stood and stooped
with vintage candle luminance
matching each windowsill anew,
she could never flutter brazen like
the Painted Ladies,
a botany student
should have known better.
Dec 2012 · 739
Safe landing mon ami
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
With cushions to embolden practice
his teeth chattered like a monkey
a juddery fall did him remarkably well,
he was like a comet awry
a soft landing edified his standing,
merriment down the chimney
depuis Decembre .
Dec 2012 · 452
Gerald answer me.
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
I used to pass the ammunition and praise the Lord etc.
There's a debate
on the pros and cons
of my newly acquired Hi Power,
Gerald rejects my
high flung stance,
he seeks closure
but Browning rejoices
one step further,
when there's a lull
being respected
by the chasm of a gun,
the morning dew shimmering
Dec 2012 · 3.2k
Christmas wish list
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
@X5 BMW vehicles are truculent
Where have the real blondes gone to?
Bring back Orion Pictures
to remake Doom Watch,
resurrect Analogue tv,
ban militant cyclists from the roads
and yes the Chartists were right annual suffrage too.
Dec 2012 · 889
Disquiet living
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
.32 resounding
on consecrated ground
where the bison roamed
disquiet memories transmorgify,
down on his knee's
the dusky truck he drove
is in desolation mode
define reality?
Dec 2012 · 1.0k
A confused Mote
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
Angelina for the love of the Stars,
wrists feel listless
chilling self belief delusional
your wardrobe has claw marks.
A World apart?
I wonder where you keep your screams boxed in?
surely you are not rewinding
the "Cry of the Banshee" again?
Abba he indelibly forsakes
your funereal  fatigue,
for your score years has
gone to seed.
Dec 2012 · 575
What comes after ivy?
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
We hoped they had cut down the ivy
even dug out the roots,
but we knew already
that one and one made three,
these renegade steps
spun like a roulette wheel,
it was just a thought
December was that month
that resolute questions
were set before the
disbeliving answer.
Dec 2012 · 328
for Jenny and Peter
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
My cats are with me
for this December rain season
what resonant bliss
Dec 2012 · 655
I said Why?
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
Those cruppled  crisp bags
a quick fix saline rush
theres better in pepper.
There been a lack of colour since 1972
Females were more surreal,
a midnight stint was possible then,
more than their hard pressed  
sisters currently conveying
adroit skills text thumbing
for that unfinished message.
Men no longer compliantly gallant,
merely over worked alabaster relief
with no self belief,
yet trying to project
anything other than diminished.
We have lost our confidence
verge on cloisters,
romance too few
believability never the done deal.
Dec 2012 · 424
Stone reaction
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
The train compartment is not unlike a denist's waiting room,
some people you instinctively warm to, like a winning  smile
others you want to yank
like some milk tooth attached to the  door.
but what do I know?
aggression and fatigue
same bed fellows
from the side panel
of subterfuge.
Dec 2012 · 1.2k
Steady Up
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
To quarry a foe is
not unlike a boa constrictor's badge of honour,
even better on guilty birthdays!

Gulp like a Landlord,
his galoshes wears thin carrying
the weight of occasional flooding in cellars!

Bev looks good in her Onesie,
only because she likes her time less  marked ,
but she sleep 24/7 in it anyway!
Dec 2012 · 1.9k
Christmas glubber
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
When we had left the Seamans mission
lugging our suitcases,
Beeston seemed the best place to go
4.6 A.B.V  felt like pushing the boat,
but the fillies were feisty enough
to flog off our descendants
into the zeitgeist.
Dec 2012 · 997
Old Town
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
Ersatz coffee, chicory and dandelion,
a dream of self sufficiency
the town has regained its prominence
reverting to old style timber
chevaux de bois,
a smithy as new
as time unfolding,
the spaces between buildings
allowing the sun to divine down
sentimentality decked on back- stools,
speckled sepia blossoming
a petite fleur coronation crown
becomes renewed strangers.
Dec 2012 · 851
Never holding.
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
Better duck the Stuka dive bombers
if you want to still paint like Rothko.
I can no more steal your last breath
than exhibit prostrate in your sky,
we all have our crosses to bear
but I am confidently on a fool's errant
searching another thoroughbred obligation
with my paraplastic factory vision,
currently stranded in Haifa
night goggles on!
Dec 2012 · 1.2k
Sleeping entitlement .
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
We still see and hear their annoying class,
business Blackberry users amplify their relic, a discourse with the plebs,
plumb clipped tones from deepest
Home counties and southern coast
tired men with families
moved to gentrified London,
at any farmers market you catch them
in their 4x4, dress down best
a pram in tow, Pomfrey  junior
their prodigal Norman sounding offspring
rhetorically the promised land,
a seed bank unending.
Dec 2012 · 536
Jenny's help.
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
Jenny Harris's storytelling secrets
fuels creativity
I feel more productive
more than any other person.
I don't envy Ouccinco
he imagines nothing,
the Sanguine expectations,
staggered late night turns,
he has never heard of desolateness
the deft of hand to write
just like Jenny.
Dec 2012 · 888
The Crisscross song
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
Words and phrases
runs counter as daffodils
defiantly shy from beauty
listening to the vetch's forlorn,
sometimes we face long standing fears,
in time we question
if we really belonged to this ungainly,
the word of fable instinctively  protests,
unfolding its quilt
pledging Crocheted yarns of winding roads,
we then assuredly dream of
open spaces.
Dec 2012 · 883
Litani smoldering
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
The copious shambles of rocks
waylaid the roadside,
by the time we saw the  Beaufort castle walls
it was easy to see it as a mirror
of its surroundings,
a cannonade of angry words
miscued with shots of Peace.
This belated excursion
was like an erstwhile  trumpet
for phosphorus clouds
and driven rain shrapnel
had attempted to ebonize the landscape,
our luggage with best intent was smoking
by the derelict Vichy bolt hole.
Dec 2012 · 583
happy birthday. the big 50
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
what are you conjuring?
a prime so insincere
a load brittled with doubt
that burdens the cast
for eternal avoiding everywhere.
Dec 2012 · 1.8k
Picking the mountains needs
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
She dreamed of the Mountains
beyond the historic oceanic driveway,
between the scorching morning sun and back again,
her illusions were rash and reckless in themselves.
Long Beach from the sea
suspected strangers
as tortured scions,
they will un-bridle your Yin-Yang
your mind is all that is left intact,
hands prosaic with lanolin washing
ablute  your American dreams
Dec 2012 · 877
Upstart Laughing
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
The Neon chatter box
says lets all talk with the same tongue,
he said he was sorry for before,
his moustache quivered under this
sanguine strain.
Most of us are foxes
who glady forage through black sacks,
some of us sit bow legged
quintessence in a darkened room
and siphon others gloom away,
but there's no standard release clause
their eyes rock with the tide
until a printing press is sought
yet their Universal probity ignores
the jammy Neon chatter boxes duplicity
embossed as the stalwart he now wants plangent marching in step
Dec 2012 · 1.4k
Doom Town
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
No more long stares
spent phenol syringes fresh on the streets,
barbiturated ruffians riddled,
denizens lost into this killing machine,
over dosed on Laudanum yesterday's ***** with temerity to spare,
turns tricks down
tomorrow someone laugh and high kick her,
those new Barista Gangsters , their marketing strategy
stretches the mind,
enough to **** a healthy Ox.
Lean close and hear
this requisitioned block is a pleasure dome
suitable for gilded beautification.
Dec 2012 · 1.6k
Southern Assassination
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
Crème brulee, a careless mind,
singeing, burning albeit caramelized
like a politician never normalized,
crawfish should never be apologetic
there's an avaricious  food chain
in there somewhere,
gun shot without hardly knowing
right from wrong
conceal that  powder trail
dig down to Bayou.
Dec 2012 · 499
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
I love the natural evilness of Monkshoods
their dark blue hypnotism,
but if contained and recognised
there unlikely to be of any threat,
unlike people of course
of whom you could say where
not naturally evil
merely acquisitional -
with all those fault lines that runs from that
headstrong and running on empty,
said the poet as  the nuclear laden train
passed by the suicidal rail line.
Dec 2012 · 755
Our wonderland
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
From the croaks of our throats
upturned winter wonderland
whistles incessant Good King Wenceslas,
whose crown is the most deserving here?
but knowest all roads led to ruination,
a frail rain has already
castigated any twinkle dust
and the only braves
are the iridescent petrol  streams glimmering  down
the  forsaken motorway  for January's finale.

Dec 2012 · 732
December unclattered
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
Unable to sleep at night,
the factory's shattering light
transcends time
thoughts of an equivocal  escape plan
emerge, lunar station over and out!
but the awakening cat can only confirm reality.
I am left no wiser
why sleep had not been possible
then I realise,
December the month of fogs,
errant, stop and start
sweet and sour:
a lonelier time
than its invented self
could ever envisage.
Dec 2012 · 595
Autumn gilded thread
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
At the time as the leaves turned colour
a hushed  slither of an acquaintance
brushed by as Autumn rising.
Healing beneath his tongue
He tasted Marchpane again .
Dazed by the impending changes,
temporarily taking stock.
At the time as the wind stood still
he found his trusted keys
for his Autumnal hut
and opening its door
he felt a rush for those
composted stored Tubers and rare cuttings
as they awaited his thoughts
an outpouring
his selection an inspired command.......
Dec 2012 · 744
To get out of this
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
A Mare births in an open field
pristine the new foal
born as free,
that quality  never apply to you.
Emotional attachment seems self serving
Offering a new perspective there's no nourishment
unless its a one way tendril
a deadly nightshade blown awry ,  
the scope of your unfolding feels determined  - latitudal!
Dec 2012 · 1.1k
The predator
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
Pickaxe handles
jitters the species.
But cheek by jowl
there's an always ardour
in teak panelling
Can I follow her down
and love her for now ?
There's perfection
in preserved 1970's,  Formica,
bubble wrap with squeak;
on a wholesome ligne roset  tableaux
the height of sophistication
always the French language magazine
Paris Match,
as I plunge the  Johnny Hallyday
fork deeper
hoping longer.
Dec 2012 · 1.1k
Old "N" Gold.
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
The Riche brothers and sisters
compile the remainders
of Manchester City programmes
from 1958 onwards, rusted staples asides
in a shuttered room,
Moorhens and crab apple bloom outside
keeps their e bay cottage industry bearable,
residual poverty waxes and wanes,
children always inheriting Granddads' stuff.
Dec 2012 · 1.0k
A broad unconsensus
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
abjectness is a form of inroads
toil the Woodlands Trust
all hail no coppiced beeches,
my first sighted R.S.P.B Avocet
the perplexed scale comparable
to competing blank stares,
endorphins withstanding,
clueless  and unconscionable
instinctual pomposity
suffers Nature's either
Dec 2012 · 1.7k
Ars Nova
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
Augur well, on a left ward spirral.
I never meant to ignore
the residential Wren or lazy Cat,
who always knew better
than my list of dreams.
In the alleyway with dahlias,
I wanted to think as my own,
a perchance a symbol!
now there's sacks of pebble stone and sand,
no rub of green
builders mucking in for someone's joy to settle,
side gate entrance
into a little abode no longer possibly mine.
Dec 2012 · 1.1k
What about the Blue?
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
Wassell with cleft mouth
saw beyond you
pale hand in blue light,
cannot stay here.
Dietrich he would not die for you,
he sees Angels elsewhere.
He'll rather unfurl their muslin robes
under dappled silhouette,
swelling the Danube.
Dec 2012 · 865
I am left alone
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
I could write grandeur about Tansy
Orange, Orange like the curtains of my youth
the back yard where my lips sealed onto the Ice Lolly
that capricious Winter.
Until Stones can provide cover
we are urgently bolted to this floor.
Dec 2012 · 375
Golden promised
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
I will coil round the Oak and whisper congruity
faster than you can draw breath,
your cochlear will hear
this fulfilment,
long before it is spoken.
Dec 2012 · 692
The Unfrequented
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
a vicarious piety
plays like a swallow's feather,
emerges cats eyes glare
specifically when its us and them,
an overheard soliloquy
by means of the gaoler's
feigned forgiveness -
plays the darkened corridors
the cobwebbed dust venerates
the curtailment  of hope
Dec 2012 · 535
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
The breath made you glad
the believability of feeling closer
as a stone I could never sink
you would be the ballast, the anchor,
the celestial guide
the giver.
Dec 2012 · 694
Come back again
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
Scheiuw  you'll never know
the beauty of her beads
her gentle Aegean eyes
bluer than azure.
In her tears there's regret for
the alpha bet
for those who swooned
too low,
who came un-courtly after
the legends.
Dec 2012 · 432
Can you be a degree ?
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
A blush of rouge in July
the sway of Lady's fingers
who do you otherwise spurn,
are there any more wishes
you could christen
over and beyond the neck of mountains,
you had your flings -
entertaining gapes
mustering mouths,
shinning with the fields
a touche of July
Dec 2012 · 565
The Night to grow your Hair
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
There's nothing I can hold against you,
there's almost a sternness in your voice
strengthening your steadfastness,
your eyes if they wished could rail
against light travellers.
Your own Mother who you asundered,
to supple perpetual altercation.
Dark, dark your hair will seek accord
The Ocra fields were you played
casts forth a margin of your secrets.
I pray our grave court
blinded by your  wonders,
serpentine and whistles
at the stroke of midnight,
whose union will shed
the growing embers
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
There is nothing more than composing
sonnets  and blank verse,
like Larkin and Heaney never willingly leaving home,
seeing character and landscape grow:
no television, by view of partition
a barbed wire sandwich
a calculated drip feed reaction.
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
There's a fork in the road
by the Magnolia tree
where there"s a pack of complete  Pokeman cards,
buried deep in cellophane
but next to it, are shards of unknown shin bone,
who wants to be alone?
at night with a twenty year old scooter
covered in rancid buck skin ?
I thought not.
Dec 2012 · 567
Found Human
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
Your smile unfurls
steadfast in Northern harmonies,
the merited  determination
patient as a breath.
The Oars swirled past,
their energy awoken
to be wooed by the wistful
under the momentariness Moon.
Dec 2012 · 779
Mariners tantamount
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
Unfathomable as ever
dark ships lampoon
the sin that boughed
Dec 2012 · 894
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
The Moon went down
the fallen crest of a Queen
- beat Lucifer like a snake.
Dec 2012 · 488
Artist abounding
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
As the words became full cycle
tendrils became benthic
an extraordinary Work.
Dec 2012 · 726
Shorn Mask
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
Suddenly the leaves are chancre
and the stillness is cold.
The Sun's emptiness
flickers the last moon flower,
the poet along the populace
runs from the last soft victory.
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
Those remembered doubts
which night trysts dissolve.
Those careful steps ascending
towards bodied joy
Come abide with me.
Silhouette Maple tree
hither my Wile.

Those nagging doubts
dissolves night's gown.
More careful than misplaced steps,
the pressing concern
Come hither with me.
For your silhouetted laughter
flights from loves concourse

Those raging doubts
Have left me
I had to choose
Between you
and the clear blue light.
That night gown you apologetically wore
is abject in happen-stance.

Shrouding the matter further
Loves discourse blighted
Where hearts resolved to meet.
Metaphysical garden,
overwrought thoughts revealingly
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