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362 · Aug 2017
PettyMe Aug 2017
There is no saving me
A lost cause is just that
218 · Aug 2017
PettyMe Aug 2017
You are one of the strongest person I know
And I will not stop telling you that, my love
178 · Aug 2017
Four Word Regret I
PettyMe Aug 2017
I never loved you
168 · Oct 2017
PettyMe Oct 2017
Loves knows no bounds
But why do I feel like that I've been CHAINED
More than ever
166 · Oct 2017
PettyMe Oct 2017
Dreams do come true
You left me for him

163 · Aug 2017
Four Word Regret II
161 · Aug 2017
PettyMe Aug 2017
If I can move time forward and not live a moment in my life what would it be:

"Falling in love with you"
159 · Aug 2017
PettyMe Aug 2017
Like a puppet
I have been pulled by my strings without my consent
And I have become hollow
157 · Aug 2017
PettyMe Aug 2017
Fixing an Unfixable Relationship
for Dummies

*I'd buy that
153 · Aug 2017
Your World
PettyMe Aug 2017
I do not know where to begin
And yet I know how to end it
You started this off
With showing me this wonderful world filled with so much raw emotion
A place where you can be you
A place where everyone understands you
And here I come thinking, maybe just maybe, I might belong
It has been great actually
But then I became too involved
When I saw your place
I ached
When I saw his place
I ached
Little did I know that his place and your place was one and the same
My heart ached
I began to trudge to unknown territory
I kept on pushing and pushing
And I already knew there was a limit
But I still went with it, like I was possessed
Now I am facing the consequences
I have shattered your place from my ransacking
You have become terrified of your own home
You can never be you again
And it was all my fault
So I decided to stop this
This try-hard thought
That maybe I can be a part of this world
That maybe I can be a part of your world
But that was already asking too much

I can only hope you find yourself, a world that I can never be a part of again
152 · Oct 2017
PettyMe Oct 2017
Opposites attract
We're alike
And although the two of us should have repelled
The friction is still there
142 · Aug 2017
PettyMe Aug 2017
I'm still debating whether meeting you was for the best
142 · Aug 2017
PettyMe Aug 2017
I guess friendship is as fragile as they say
And I have successfully destroyed one today
Broken down to fine dust and gone in a moment's notice
Or everything with you was just a dream
And I woke up
136 · Aug 2017
PettyMe Aug 2017
Your silence is deafening.
132 · Aug 2017
PettyMe Aug 2017
It is saddening
How people would stay ignorant
If they have not been directly involved
128 · Aug 2017
PettyMe Aug 2017
If I can turn back time and erase one thing in your life what would it be:

"Falling in love with you"
125 · Aug 2017
PettyMe Aug 2017
Rebuilding what once was
Is harder than tearing it down in the first place
121 · Aug 2017
PettyMe Aug 2017
Ever thought about stepping on a woman's personal space

"Well, hell hath no fury than a woman scorned"
116 · Aug 2017
PettyMe Aug 2017
How many more lives
Will you sacrifice
To realize
That you were wrong

Wake up.
111 · Aug 2017
PettyMe Aug 2017
I ******* up
******* up big time
That when I thought I wanted you to become my home
That I would destroy yours in the process

— The End —