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PettyMe Oct 2017
Dreams do come true
You left me for him

PettyMe Oct 2017
Loves knows no bounds
But why do I feel like that I've been CHAINED
More than ever
PettyMe Oct 2017
Opposites attract
We're alike
And although the two of us should have repelled
The friction is still there
PettyMe Aug 2017
You are one of the strongest person I know
And I will not stop telling you that, my love
PettyMe Aug 2017
Like a puppet
I have been pulled by my strings without my consent
And I have become hollow
PettyMe Aug 2017
It is saddening
How people would stay ignorant
If they have not been directly involved
PettyMe Aug 2017
How many more lives
Will you sacrifice
To realize
That you were wrong

Wake up.
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