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604 · Jan 2011
Wanting not to want
Tony Santi Jan 2011
I want....."I".....want.......turns into "I need!"

For so long I have been a slave
to my own mind's "wanting".

Obeying all its/mine thoughts,
only from fear of the temptation's haunting.

Within my own mind,
I weld the shackles that blind my wings.

From these thinking thoughts is only emptiness,
and I'm aware but still chasing after empty things.

Why am I a slave to myself?

I thought that God granted free will to all man-kind...... I wonder if I'm man's kind.

But within the power of "Now"
....within the power of my "Being,"
I realized that not wanting to want is still a want,
I have been looking but now I'm seeing.

Be aware..."BE"......awareness!
552 · Jan 2011
Breathing the breath
Tony Santi Jan 2011
Breathe the sweet breath of life,
sink into the serenity of the universal stillness,
the true heaven.

I see the thoughts as emptiness,
and lightly touch them to let go.

Further & further I fell in this spiritual vortex
of the present moment,
and then I see what everyone calls "God."

I begin to weep those subtle tears of peace
because my worries & resentments have finally been released.

Another thought arises like a cloud covering the sun,
but my light is not gone. Again I light blow the cloud away.
Back to the stillness of "Now" where I belong & where I stay.

Oh, take me away sweet breath of mine,
let the stillness of the Now always shine.
If you like this poem, then you will love meditation!
Tony Santi Jan 2011
These dreams are so unforgiving,
and I keep on giving
it all for whats the truth.

As all of my lies
comes from unheard cries,
keeps burning down my own roof.

I've been waiting for too long
to finally feel this strong,
on the days come.

But it's always up to me
to let loose and fly free,
because God & I are ONE.
507 · Jan 2011
God's Secrets I Cry Out
Tony Santi Jan 2011
I cry,
those subtle tears that fall from the sky.

Not from pity,
but from the insanity of all man-kind.

I wish....I wish for a hope that could dry these tears,
a hope that will shed light into the dark minds of my children.

Why do you hide your eyes my love,
though you see me grasping for only a single glance?
You lower you head to leave a dark shadow that veils your face,
but i know you're not only hiding from hide from yourself.

I cry for you to open that stale heart ,
and stretch those crippled legs.
To raise your head to the endless skies and weep for that lost love,
and then you will see me still looking for those hidden eyes.

I reach out a hand of love to wipe away those old resentful tears,
and I will smile.....for you...with you...through you.

That is the true light that rains from our inner heart into the sky above,
for all to bask in its warmth!!!

— The End —